good to see ya back A!!!! ya had us worried
Didn't mean to worry you. Just didn't want to waste everybody's time while moms were reverting.* I had these lush, beautiful, uniformly-green mama bushes just itching to make some clones... and then I switched their lighting schedule... and didn't notice it for about 2 and a half weeks..... So I hacked off all flowering growth (which was whack) and then I put them under 24 hour for a few weeks and then backed it off to 18. As soon as the harvest came out of the chamber, I put the moms in under the CMHs and pulled the table out of there in order to do the upgrades.
That was at least 6 weeks ago. Reverting* works, but it ain't quick!
Soon the table will be back within its' custom-made chamber full of a new batch of the same lonely AK47 seed I've been holding onto for the last 3 years.
I'm hoping to crack some new genetics in my micro cab once I get this stuff sorted so that I can look for other keeper mamas to add to my stable.
(*I prefer the term reverting to revegging.)
Disco Ball is fine and now that I've moved the carbon filter/exhaust fan and shortened the table, it should be able to shine that much brighter in the is the disco ball o.k.?