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Seedlings are sprouting in coco - what now? First grow!



Thanks gaius.

Here's the totals so far. Still kinda working on the Aurora Indica. Found some bud rot in the main cola and one of the side colas. Really tight buds and 90 plus days in flower, ya figure somethings gotta go wrong, huh? No worries, plenty left for me, lmfao. Looks like I'm going to have close to a kilo of weed off these two. I was hoping for a lot less and would have been happy with anything smokable but I'm ecstatic about this yield!

Used 1000w of light so we'll see what ?/w I get when all is said and done.

Weights so far (wet and trimmed):

White Widow:
83.3 ounces
5.2 pounds

2362.26 grams
2.362 kg

Aurora Indica (so far, still trimming):
42.3 ounces
2.64 pounds

1199.2 grams
1.2 kg

Estimated dry weight (at 25% of initial wet weight totals):

White Widow:
20.8 ounces
1.3 lb

590 grams
0.6 kg

Aurora Indica:
10.6 ounces
299.8 grams

Found the dreaded bud rot in the main cola and one of the large side colas of the Aurora Indica. I ended up destroying about 6 ounces of bud (the whole top 1/3 of the main cola!).

I'll post some more pictures if I get any more I think may be of interest.

The longer row is the Widow and the bottom, the Indica.

Top growth on the Aurora Indica:

Weighing and recording platform - fancy name for a rubbermaid trash can with the lid to a rubbermaid storage bin on top, lmfao.



shit you got bud rot? didn't you see it coming? bummer man...

ah well as long as you cut it all away you will be fine. that shit spreads so fast, it is nasty.

anyway, normally speaking you end up with about 5% dry weight from the total fresh plant weight.

it will be interesting to see how much you manage to yield. looks like it will be decent for sure, even with a bit of bud rot.



yeah man, didn't see it at all and you wouldn't have know just to look at the outside of the bud. I noticed the the fan leaves coming out of one spot on the bud looked really burned and out of synch with the other fan leaves so I looked on the inside of the cola and there it was.

Only 5%, huh? Ooops, little over on the 25% there then. I thought I'd read 25% somewhere.

Well, when people talk about yield in ?/w of light, are they using the "ready to smoke" weight or the freshly cut weight? Been wondering about that for a while.

Peace bro


ready to smoke weight is what matters, fresh weight is only used by leo, no one else hehe. it's very difficult to get a gram per watt with single trees. when it works it looks some thing like yours lol. so i can't wait to hear how much you end up with dry.

you know i'm sure i mentioned that mold is never visible on the outside till it's already much too late. the first signs are the abnormal looking leaves sticking out of the buds, dead leaf is a give away. if you see any out of sinc looking leaves sticking out of a main cola, chances are if you pull it out, you'll find mold on the inside. believe it or not this was my worry when i noticed how brown the aurora was. still that's how one learns about these kind of things. you avoided many other potential pitfalls so the mold is really nothing much, all things considered.

very sneaky stuff that bud rot eh?
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Great Job Mojo ... Love these coco Grows more and more..... What an great learning Thread...


Thanks for the comps, vhG. I'm glad someone can go through it and pick out the important stuff. I've been diligent in my posts for these last 4 months and I've learned a ton during the grow.

Gaius, I hear ya on the ready to smoke weight being the only one that matters. I've been reading in other threads where guys are selling the bud right after about a 3-4 day dry. As far as I'm concerned, that's theft. Customer is paying for premo bud, give him premo bud, imho.

Got the girls in recovery from labor and delivery, lmfao. Both are looking a little weak in the knees. I'm going to wait till they recover a little before I trim the roots and re-pot into 1 gallon pots.



be a bit careful with drying time mojo, a lot depends on the season. i've seen nets of topped buds get dry in anything from 4 days to 10 days, they then still have moisture inside, so to get that out you do a sweat and air process. if you leave them to get bone dry before you pack them, you will end up with too dry buds, that will crumble up when they touch in a bag or jar, it also opens up a lot less when it's bone dry. what you are looking for is a slight springyness to the buds, while the stems should give off a crack when you brake them. i find the bud keeps it's flavor and potency much better when it's not left to get too dry. i can always leave a bud or two sitting out for 10 minutes before i roll it.


gdude, I hear ya. I'm putting them in jars in stages. As I determine the readiness of a stem of bud to be trimmed and stored for curing, I cut the buds off and into a jar. It's taking longer to get it done and over with this way, but all the bud in jars should be at the approximate same level of dryness. Of course, I'm going to go through the whole daily burping of the jars, lol. Not having much luck though. I mean I put them up to my shoulder and beat the shit out of them and still can't get them to burp, lmfao.



One more thing. To keep the humidity level where it needs to be during the curing stage, I'm putting a six inch piece of stem into each jar along the outside of the bud. I slit the stem open on one side along its length and place it into the jar. The remaining moisture in the stem leaches out into jar and lets the humidity fall at a slower rate. This also helps rehydrate any bud that's a little too dry. Outer portions of the bud tend to be a little drier than further in on the nug. With the stem in the jar, no worries. Everything rehydrates and then starts drying/curing in the jars at the same rate. A person could use a little piece of apple or even a piece of orange peel to do it. Anything with a little moisture in it will work. Make absolutely sure though that anything you use is not damp to the touch. You're trying to get a small amount of moisture back into some of the bud, not trying to make the bud visibly moist.

TOO MUCH HUMIDITY in the jars and mold and rot will destroy your whole grow!!!!!! A piece of the stem that the bud was cut off of seems to me the best way to supply the moisture seeing as how this was the moisture the bud was going to use anyway had I left it attached to that same stem. Just makes sense to me and it doesn't change the taste of the bud like apple or orange peel would.

I'm sure this isn't an original idea but I'm calling it mine and ignorance is bliss, lmfao. For any of you that sell weed, if the customer complains about paying for the 6 inch piece of stem in the bottle, tell the customer that it's part of your quality assurance program and you're giving to him for free. Tell the customer why you do it and that it's to keep the bud premo and you'll have a customer for life. Cause nobody else will be doing it and he won't want to buy from anybody else that doesn't do it, lol.

Think marketing, lol.

Just something I decided to try. Don't know if anybody else does it, but it works!!!!!! Just in case anybody else needs the info. I intend to do this every harvest. Just consider the stem in the bottle, my version of "worm in the bottle" tequila, lmfao.


I'm sorry, just had to put this in here cause it's something that crosses a person's mind when you discover you let your bud dry too long. If you mist water into the jar, the bud at the tops of the jars will get too damp and before this dampness can spread throughout the jar, that bud that got too damp from the misting will begin to rot.


BTW, for those interested in final yield figures, by packing the jars slowly as the bud on each stem feels ready it's taking me a while to get the totals together. So far though, I've only been packing the White Widow as I harvested that plant a day before the Aurora Indica.

Right now I've got 5 jars packed with WW bud. They're quart mason jars and an ounce of dried bud fits nicely into each one without flattening the bud. Each jar with the exception of one holds the aforementioned 1 ounce. The fifth jar has the top half of the top cola in it and weighs 1.25 ounces. So I've got 5.25 ounces of bud dried and curing in jars. And I'm only about half way finished with the WW. I'm anticipating about 10-12 ounces of smokable bud from the WW at this rate. The Aurora Indica's yield is going to be a lot less than the WW. I'm thinking at this point it'll be about 6-7 ounces of smokable bud from the AI.
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Final weights for the White Widow are:

16.65 ounces = 472g

The following pictures were taken today. The moms are coming along nicely, recovering from the harvest and gearing up to switch from flower to re-veg.

Mason jars in the pictures:
Quart jars have an ounce each in them with the exception of the jar containing the top 1/3 of the top cola and it weighs 1.125 ounces. The pint jars each have 0.5 ounces in them and one has 0.65 ounces in it. One of the pint jars was left in the grow room and didn't make it into the picture.






I'm definitely glad I decided to keep the Widow as a mom. Really happy with what she did in both quality and qauntity.



I'd like to apologize for not keeping at this as closely as I'd like to. I'm in health care and lately business has really picked up, sorry to say. My time's all used up, hehe. Here are the totals for the grow.

White Widow
16.65 ounces = 472g

Aurora Indica
10.25 ounces = 290.6g

Total of two plants:
26.9 ounces = 762.6g

Gonna be really tied up for the next couple of months (maybe a little longer) and will post as I can. Plan to crank up another grow here in the next couple of weeks. I'd like to grow some sour diesel IBL next. Another small grow, 4 seeds. May run some White Widow I got, I think from Gypsy, along side the diesel. Will be interesting to find out how other genetics in these White Widow will compare to the "who the fuck knows what kind" of gentics I had in this one I just grew. Have to say I'm really impressed with what the old girl did. Gotta set up the drip system and then my schedule will be easier to keep as I won't have to tend the plants every watering.

If anybody's interested, I'll do a thread on the grow. Maybe not as in depth as this one, but who knows. Probably will be an in depth thread as I don't seem capable of doing just a little bit of anything, hehe.



Mojo old chap, you have nothing to apologize for, this thread is totally fantastic. you have done a great job documenting every step of the way. i'm sure a lot of future growers will be inspired by it.

i love the way you put every thing the grow teaches you out there for others to profit from. the piece of stem in the jar is a great little innovation. like you said a piece of apple or potato can also be used if the buds got too dry. but like you said one has to be very careful not to cause too much moisture. this is why i prefer to box up the buds slightly early and let the burp every day, rather than waiting too long and having to try risky stuff to get the moisture back in to those buds lol.

i'm so glad that the whole project worked out so well for you. that you got a keeper WW mum out of it is another nice bonus. although you are gone love the SD. i have been enjoying my SD for he last months and it's truly a wonderful keeper. the taste alone is adictive and very distinct, always a great sign when your buds stink up the room your in just by being unpacked lol.

did i ever send you my smoke report ten plate? it makes a smoke report a snap to do, i'll pm you it, that would be the ultimate way to conclude the thread. specially now that the buds have had some time to cure and should be reaching their full taste potential. let me know, in fact don't bother i'll pm it now, lol. get your ass busy, hehe...:wave:

peace out bro


Thanks gaius, glad to have you back friend. I'll post the smoke report ASAP. Not sure how discriminating my buds (taste buds, hehe) are but I'll do my best. Got the White Widow seeds during my "totally ignorant" stage of growing so I'll post where I got them also. I got lucky on the pheno, what can I say.

Peace bro


Wow, great thread. I'm getting ready for my first attempt at coco and this thread taught me a lot, I will be using it for reference info, its THAT good. Enjoy your harvest man, gotta be by far the best first attempt I've ever seen.


Gangsta Lean, re-veg happened at about two weeks. New growth popping out all over the place.

British_Hempire, glad you're finding the thread a help, dude. I tried my best to log everything I did, even if it was embarrassing. which a lot of it was, lmfao. I guess I was lucky enough to know that I didn't know anything, hehe. Got some excellent help though and wanted everybody to have access to the info.

Edited: Talkin about the pup? Thanks for the condolences, BH. This little girl helps. A LOT!

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thats good to know duke ;-)
when i get some canna nutes i'll re read this thread again
but im kinda torn between canna of the GH three part i would follow greathead's formula as a base line if i went with GH. since he's having fantastic results with that

flora nova is running low n i wanna try something new, ya smell me


Gangsta, HESI has a line of nutes that is supposed to be excellent. They have a coco specific line and the growers that buy from the hydro shop I buy from swear by it according to the owner of the hydro shop. Think I'll give it a shot next time I need nutes. Sometimes you can find Canna on sale on the internet. Freight eats me up though. B'cuzz is the coco I bought last time I was over there and that's what I'll use for my diesel grow.
