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Scattered Sermons & Seed Stockade


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gg4 x moontang




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Sea...You see the odd balls in the mix?
3rd pic N.Cal Cpiss x MTang & 1st gg4 x mtang. Still have the runt gg4xmtang going. Still a itty-bitty one.


Pagan Extremist
I have a catpiss x moontang with a single cotyledon...
another has come up and seems to be missing a head entirely...
its turning brown and dying though...
maybe that one couldnt tell up from down....



Active member
What's the haps Cap's?

Yard work what what! Turning that soil. Planting the garlic. Chickens on the loose tearing it up. HAHAHA. Beans and brassicas coming in full force. Waiting on tomatoes and chile peppers to ripen, and get their beds turned over.


Active member
six chickens total.
2 wyandottes: silver and blue laced. the fluffiest and biggest of the group.
2 easter eggers: one lays blue eggs, one lays olive-blueish eggs
1 Buckeye: little runt, but she is a curious girl with beautiful plumage.
1 Plymouth Barred Rock. The nicest and first to lay.

They share the coop and yard with two rabbits.

Six chickens is plenty of eggs. Lil girl and I eat em every day. then make fresh pasta & 2 loaves of brioche a week. My august & september total was little over a hundred eggs each month. Not full potential but plenty. Full production would be 120+ for the six ladies. But I probably lose some in the yard when they are free ranging. They are also in their first year, so should be full stride after this winter.


Active member
I like all the chickens. But the easter eggers always go back into the coop without much "asking". Open the door in they go. The rest of em got to lead there or catch them. Both super easy, but the EE take it another step further and put themselves in.


Pagan Extremist

I loves me some chicken.....

decided to drop another 10 catpiss x moontangs...
I'm only lookin at males this round and I'm lookin for the stinky leaf trait...
I'll be tossin or gifting away all the females....
I expect I'll have to look through a lot of beans to find him...

local joint replaced rapid rooters with root riots... they suck ass...
first, they're like 20% shorter which isnt the best for cloning... not as much surface area...
second, the hole is so small that upside down seeds are shooting their root into the air and dying because they cant turn themselves around.
my success rate was near 100% before these things.
I will not buy root riots again. I rate them a 0/5



Bug Scissor Hand
i had ordered some rapid rooters just to try. WTF they sent me root riots & C4 your righ they sux ass.
first run with them i did seeds about 50% had isues.
secont run with them i did clones same thing about 50% had problems.
so i lery about trying the real rapid rooters now.


Pagan Extremist
rapid rooters are better than root riots... seem less dense as well.
I been usin rapid rooters for years... 100%.... get some root riots and although all I actually lost were the upside down seeds... clones still root in the riots, but slower for sure... which could cause the stems to rot before they root...

either way, if noobs are usin those I can begin to understand issues that I never could before...


Active member
Someone got hungry and had a little leaf bite? Looks like a couple of mine right now. Chicken might of snipped at one. They're fenced in now, safe from the dasterdly chicken gang ;)

Whatcha up-potting into?

Just ask b/c switched up my approach this round. Started in a seedling tray rather than 3" circle pots. Then after 2 weeks, into 1g nursery pots. Then hopefully sex them in these pots, and final tx into 10G pots.

Or depending on when and what's going on---I'll put one of the smart pot big beds (13.5 sqft area/100 G soil) under a light and just fill & flip that.