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SB 374 Will prevent Nevadans from growing their own!


Active member
Can someone clarify section 18.5, it seems to say that you can ven to dispensaries for free then it says you can sell "one time". Wtf does this actually say


I think it means that before you will have to stop growing, you (for some odd reason) can give away your stuff or sell it off to dispensaries.. once.


Active member
It's Nevada Good 'Ole Boy Speak for:

"Whatever we want it to say at the time we're prosecuting you!"

Seriously though? No idea 'cause I didn't read that part. Hopefully someone else will be able to answer.

I MOVED away from Nevada for many reasons. LOL

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


The bill states that if you can't go to your local dispensary you can continue to grow. guess the first day the one in my small town opens, I'll go in, raise a little hell, and get 86'd from it. Problem solved, lol

hehe, thats a good plan, get them to ban your ass from the premises in writing, lol.


Rubbing my glands together
Can someone clarify section 18.5, it seems to say that you can ven to dispensaries for free then it says you can sell "one time". Wtf does this actually say

You can give them cuts, buds, hash, oil, etc for free anytime. But you can do a 1 time sale, at what they are willing to pay no doubt. I seriously hope that any mmj patient that grows their own drops dead if they give them cuts or product. That's like saying, thank you Mr dispensary owner, will you dry fuck me raw some more please!!

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Here in Michigan we're waiting for this to come to pass.

MMP is trying their best. "Caregivers are dangerous and patients shouldn't have to resort to back alley deals".

Can't tell you how many times I've heard that shit spewed.


Rubbing my glands together
Still nothing anywhere about them slipping the no grow clause into the bill. Nothing!!


Registered User
Here in Michigan we're waiting for this to come to pass.

MMP is trying their best. "Caregivers are dangerous and patients shouldn't have to resort to back alley deals".

Can't tell you how many times I've heard that shit spewed.

They are dangerous...to the profit margins of the dips.

One guy behind that bill (npra) does about 50/50 between his own and cgs... And only because demand requires it. If he could do 100% in house...? But he is the one that is spending the money... Lobby lawyer, buying banquet dinners, getting in front of politicians making contributions, getting on the phones, working with the other groups/people trying to get a lock on the revenue stream. When it gets through, it will favor his interests, simple as that. Same deal in co, in wa, in az, and mi, and nv. So, if u r invested heavily and have the opportunity to secure your future...what do u do? The best thing for the other guy? Fuck i wish that were our reality.

Anyway, its coming whether any one of us would like it to or not. And if i cant afford to buy in and ensure my piece of the pie, then i hope to be in position to get the left overs (all the rest of us can hope for really). But those working the dip bills are hetting better and better at writing in exclusions to protect the pie, as should be expected. They look at ca with disdain as a big ole cg clusterfuck, where getting rid of the competition hasnt worked out. Next roumd of medistates will likely skip the cg model and go straight to dips with limited licensing, and no pat grows of course.

Its coming, wait to c the federal level of game playing that is already in the works. Its just a matter of timing, and at the exclusion of as many people as possible. When that comes to pass, best we will be able to hope for is a salaried position with zero ownership, where a very limited number of govt sanctioned companies will essentially operate the entirety of production & distribution.

The nv and mi models, as bad as they are, still reek of amateur hack jobs. Reason i say that is although exclusions exist, there is still opportunity for entrance. Wont be the case shortly.

Any amount of protest wont change the siuation nor the bill itself... One has to be able to buy that. Seeing that the bill still has openings in it, jump on it...or u wont be playing any longer. But id still vote to be on the sidelines vs jailing people over the weed. Its far from ideal...


Game Bred
Here in Michigan we're waiting for this to come to pass.

MMP is trying their best. "Caregivers are dangerous and patients shouldn't have to resort to back alley deals".

Can't tell you how many times I've heard that shit spewed.
Except they are closing dispos throughout the state..
Hard to pull of a no growing near a disp law when there are none ;)

Id be more worried about the proposed changes in congressional committees now!
Like SEPARATE locked areas for a gcs patients.
Or the recently passed felon provisions.
Or the 0.02 blood thc level for ouid

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Except they are closing dispos throughout the state..
Hard to pull of a no growing near a disp law when there are none ;)

Id be more worried about the proposed changes in congressional committees now!
Like SEPARATE locked areas for a gcs patients.
Or the recently passed felon provisions.
Or the 0.02 blood thc level for ouid

Yes but that is exactly what 4271 is for. Give the power to local gov to license dips and ban any like entity(home grows)if they so choose.

Luckily as of now it's going nowhere but npra is not going to quit.

But I suppose that is for another thread and we should not muck up OP's thread.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
I'll keep growing don't matter F them

open one close to me I know just how to close it :biggrin:


I love my life
Well this is the bleeding edge of some more political bull shit. Who proposed the amendment to the bill which disqualified a patient from growing their own (a 13 year constitutionally protected action)?

WHO slipped this into the bill?????????


Active member
Amendment proposed by senate judiciary comity. No word on a specific individual.


Rubbing my glands together
There will 1 final chance for public comment on the bill. Right now it is in the Senate Finance Committee. From there it can either go straight to a vote or back to the Judicial Committee. But there will be notice of a public comment but will be very brief time period.
If you choose to write a letter, email, make a call against this, testify against this bill, you've decided to sit idly by and allow the profiteers and the state to fuck you and your right to grow.