Neveda wouldnt have 1 mmj patient lmfao.
If both pass then drop ur medical an just grow legally for personal. That would e a funny confli t if both passed.
Many good suggestions about loopholes, not sure if any of them will be "acceptable" though. Any lawyers here that care to speculate? I'd love to know if the suggested loopholes would work?
But in the meantime, as this nonsense has not been made a law yet, I say we have to fight and let them know that there is a strong opposition and that we are not happy with their self-serving methods. I would even go as far as rallying to attract media attention.
But at this point, the fastest and the easiest thing to do is email them. I already said I have their emails i can provide if it will make it easier. Also looking them up is pretty easy as well. The note doesn't have to be long. In fact they don't read the whole thing anyway, they just count how many people are writing about a certain subject. Just that you are against this amendment and why (in few short sentences) and that you will protest by not using their overpriced dispensary services which are not even sure to guarantee you an acceptable quality medication.
I understand that it may sound naive to petition the bill creators, but this is a proven way to get the needle moving as every elected official is interested in getting reelected, so their offices do pay somewhat of an attention to the public comments.
Think about it, it is much easier to change the law while it is still in works, once it has been enacted - tough luck!
That's exactly what it means.
We won't be able to grow, But they can.
Bastards and on the take politicians.
Damn fhurrhealz, wtf. Can citys enact no dispo laws, hense reating grow safe havens?The legalization bill died in committee. Just the dispensary bill is up for a vote now.
Have emailed and left calls for my reps. Little worried about that tho. Last time I did I got raided by swat. > Don't ask cause I'm not getting into it!
I sure hope no raids will occur, but so, in my case I only grow what is allowed by law, thus they will only waste their time.
Hydrosun-wasn't it the usage of MMJ only passed by the people as a constitutional amendment. I thought the legislature had the task of coming up with the rule/law to implement the amendment which, as is the current case, allowed by the legislature..
Resinryder, that's terrible. I don't feel completely safe, to tell you the truth, but all the attourneys I have everspoke with said that even if you are arrested that no charges will stick if you following the law or if you are using an "affirmative defense". I have a friend that was "checked up" on by the cops and even had a bit over on usable and they just told him to get rid of it and didn't even take anything, and never came back.
I doubt every case will be that lucky, but if I am not violating the law the maximum they can do it arrest me just to later on let me out. Yes it will in extremely inconvenient, but I that is it.
Have you see anyone actually be charged and put away if they had the "allowed" amount and nothing over?
(e) Authorization of appropriate methods for supply of the plant to patients authorized to use it.