We can pretty much make sure no dispensary opens. Let's just fuck it up over, and over, and over again until they just cant be open. Just like how the Hawaiian locals deal with haoles opening up businesses in Maui. They just fuck their shit up till they cant afford to stay open. No dispensary open, no law against growing your own medicine problem solved. sucks to be that way, but what other choice are we left with? Not to mention there is already like ten dispensaries in Vegas. Are they getting shut down because they dont have the new bull shit? This whole thing is stupid anyways.
I lived in Nevada for ten years. The police were predators and don't help people with medical pot recs. Perhaps it is different in other parts than where I lived, but getting a medical in Nevada is self destructive and you were a fool to do it under the existing non functional legal conditions. Nevada has the most corrupt politicians and morally bankrupt law makers which is why their economy is going to hell. (and they get what they deserve). Their med laws now are entrapment. You are allowed to have three plants in flower but I was told that you will get busted for having more than an OZ, even with a medical. I was also told that if you grow more than an OZ, you need to get rid of it! How fucking stupid is that?
So now they will still come after you if you grow it? That is not a helpful medical law. It is giving the wealth to certian people and screws those of us who are sick Nevada is run by dipshits. Pot dispensaries are overpriced in California, but at least I can grow it here without too much hassle. Fuck you, Nevada