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San Diego's Finest Cuts


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
this is what i love about(well, one of the things) canna bio! the ph buffers are in the soil. mix nutes (RO water only anyway) and serve.


Active member
sub: ^^wait whaaaatt ? you use canna with canna bio nutes ? or just canna nutes ? an you dont need to ph ? duuuuudde.. please explain.. your nugs look to dank for it to be THAT easy..

gt- didnt mean to bitch slap ya..haha, but good call g.:) best of luck.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
praise- yep, thats exactly what im tellin ya. i get RO water, mix the canna bio nutes, right into the canna bio soil. no balancing needed. i was a bit skeptical when they were runnin this by me at igs, but me and a bro been goin on a couple years now, may tweak some feeding strengths here and there, strain dependant, but it is that easy. the plants take it from there. there are a few things we have not completely dialed in yet, but we are getting there. if one were to go strictly off the feeding directions, its good enough. highly recomended.:joint:

---i just got my farkin arse kicked at the poker tables. that doesnt happen often. better go get low....


Active member
supposedly AN formulated their nutes so no ph adjustment needed either....but i hate AN IMO its waaay overpriced and they want you to piece shit together, and its hardly organic ;)


StonyJoe... Those pictures dont do youre PurpleJoy justice. She really is amazing looking in person, Smells almost exactly like subrobs GDP, but maybe with a more perfumey fragrance to it.

Cant wait to see that Larry in full swing Jeff!
Ya i really can't wait to see how this larry produces. Gave her a light dose of Bushmaster to try and limit the stretch on her. Just finished 1 week flowering, just starting to get pistils forming, and i think she might be just about done stretching... without a doubt seems like the bushmaster did its job.



Active member
jeff---looks like larry will be very bountiful and good to you,,,,shes a good girl....but like u said gotta get er phat....hehe, plump that girl....hansel and gretel type shit...


Resident pissy old man
Jeff, do you use Bushmaster as a foliar or water it in? I tried it as a light foliar in hydro and didn't notice any difference. My plants stretched way to damned much. I have heard that BM cuts down on trichs. My plants were the frostiest I have ever seen, but the buds were a bit too fluffy and smaller than they had been in soil.


I water with it. Very very light dosage... If you go to heavy on the bushmaster you will end up with super furry/hairy buds. Beasters like.

My friend has been using bushmaster for over 3 years on his og cut, and when he has a good dialed in batch, its the best og i have smoked.... Definitely havent notice any cut down on the trichs, but i could see that being possible if you gave a heavy feeding of it


Resident pissy old man
Has anyone grown the Sour bubble BX3? I tried a few small plants in hydro and got frosty buds, but they molded when I tried to dry them. Don't tell me I have too much humidity. I live in the desert where it is so dry that the coyotes lick the sweat off gophers to get a drink. Had some black mold at the base of the bud and some pink mold in the bud.


Active member
sub- holy moly !! thats crazy man ! you definetly got me interested in canna... gonna have to make a canna "section" in my room :) thanks.

pops- i grew out the sourbub an shiskaberry (same breeder) an they did the same SHIT ! my shiska came out good but got that black mold on some stocks and the sourbub was just f**ed ! only time its ever happened.. best of luck man. i say try a new cut.. thats what i did..
I'm totally enjoying this thread.... it makes me drool and happy that I'm so close to so many awesome grows!! Can hardly wait till I can share pics of my girls with all of you too!!

I've always grown from seed in the past, just recently picked up my first prescription of clones and am looking forward to the "easy grow" method.




Heres some crackberry moments after the chop and some trimming.
Probably flowered for 9 weeks or so, hard to say as it naturally sprouted in december.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
wow bro! i cannot wait to smell that! i know you mentioned its dab dominant, but i hope some of the gc comes through too! ----im still trippin on my 180 turn on the albert walker last night!! that smell is insaaaaaane. hit some more of that p after you guys left, woke up on the floor this morning using my workshirt as a blanket and one of my tennis shoes as a pillow! i would say it has some indica properties huh?!


Resident pissy old man
Sub, when you wake up in the back yard with your pants around your knees and the neighbors cat is licking Mr. Johnson on his bald,wrinkled head, it is time to cut back on the smoking!


Active member
sub---save me some of that albert walker when i come down :) - - -

jefff-cant wait to see some of those pix that crackberry looks phenom...reminds me of some ol skunk in the form and some ol school humboldt blue...looks great!!!

here is an update of sour hogs day 31


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