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San Diego's Finest Cuts


Blue Dot

at least its not so hot today! well if your like me and dont pay to cool your veg room things can get pretty hot in their... got it up to 90 in their on sunday...

lol, greenhouse was 107 (and that's more coastal) on Mon, fuck


Active member
stonyjoe thos sours look great, i hope thats what i have coming to me! :)


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Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
anyone made any p91 crosses

I have a Banana Kush way late into flower outside and it threw some male flowers. I did a rough and tumble pollen chuck to both my P-91 & my Ortega. I have no idea if it's viable pollen ...we'll see. I'm going to keep the Banana Kush going as long as I can to see if it'll yield some selfed beans. Hopefully it wont mold or something and make me take her down before it has a chance to get ripe.

Shan Diego

I am starting to really like the straight Hog's Breath. I recently flowered out a small one for the first time, and she immediately won me over. Rich, dank Bubba-esque sort of smell and flavor. Deep, rich stoney high. Lotsa trichs. What's not to love? I do have to say, though...usually, I am a top/train kind of guy, but this one is so particularly stout and branchy that I found a good thinning out to be in order. There was such abundant overgrowth in the lower foliage that there were a lot of budsites that had no direct light. The quality of buds from them was pitiful compared to the tops, and this girl has no stretch whatsoever.

So, check out this veg gone wild of her...crazy wide (2 quarters) dark green leaves, rich purple leaf stems and an odd growth pattern at the top that seems eager to bud...including massive single-leaves almost like a re-veg plant.



Active member
it looks like u are reveggin bro....weird funky pre-flowers stretchin out coming out, the single blade leaves,....keep er under 24 hrs ....and just work with her, i mean i never tried straight hogs only SDxHGS but....that looks like reveg to me...

Shan Diego

Yeah, it looks like a re-veg to me too...but...I've had her under constant light for 12 weeks...I simply cannot explain why she is this way.


Active member
hahaha i kno rite!!! i almost figured that cuz my hogs sourd looked the same way but it WAS comin outta reveg...sooo mmm j1 hahaha
Hey guys, I'm new around this place and am a newly 215 compliant med user and am very happy to see what's growing around in our area. Read back 20 pages or so and am seeing some real fine buds, nice work.

It's been a few years since we've grown and have been having a hard time germing old seed. We had some local SD delivered and enjoyed it a lot more than the last time we had this strain, that's for sure. Have grown mostly from seed in the past, looks like we'll be learning a bit about clone growing now.



lookin nice T.Baggins! That purple looks nice, any info on her?
I LOVE the SSSDH, very awesome smoke, and a great all around plant.

Here are some pics of my CrackBerry (Green Crack x Dabney Blueberry).
The Dabney pollen was thrown at all kinds of ladies... This was the first test grow of any of the crosses

Definitely Dabney Dom. very very "blue" smelling.. I honestly find this to be some of the yummiest/ best smelling pot there is.


Then here is a Larry OG that i just switched to flower


hey dude what size pot is she in/how long you been vegging that girl?
and how tall... just curious, as my OG skills are non existant and if I am to ever grow an OG cut again I would like them to look like that before I flip em....

thanks bro.

hope all is well..



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
they got the kid from maryland. i will do what i do every year with al, i will reserve judgement until the kid fails. he will either be a game changing reciever or he will be out of the nfl in two years. i do have a small bit of hope-take the strongest arm in the league and pair it with the fastest runner in the league, you may have a dynamite combo...or maybe just dynamite.
----g goddess-welcome back to growing!
--tbaggins-very nice! that sssdh is tha sheeit!
--spicoli-as impressive as the larry is looking-i cannot wait to see how that f'ng gorgeous crackberry comes out! the second she is dry enough to smoke you gotta come over! i dont mean cured, i just need it dry enough for it to burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


thanks spicoli!
the purple plant in the pic is suposto be master kush, my buddy picked up a few cuting from a club in la la land and gave me one. iv never grown mk b4 and i really wasn't expecting it to be so colorful, the mk im use to smoking is green, so who even really knows what it is...anyways, i think its lookin pretty good so far..... im pretty interested in trying that sssdh, the cross seems to have turned a few heads ....that crackberry looks dank! crackberry, kinda fun to say:smile: im definitely gunna have to start making some beans here pretty soon... :monkeyeat


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
jb-welcome to ic. and props for being the first dago in awhile to not make us nervous with your first post!:joint: this sight is a great place to learn, and enjoy, growing of cannabis. good luck
----shit, i started typing before i posted pics. again. ......:wallbash:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
this is my gdp x htc skunk-27 days. no real selection with this cut-she was the first female. thats the whole selection process. haha. but she is lookin like she will be every bit as good as her parents, hopefully better! hey- i think i know how to do links now: if this works, this is the thread in the htc forums:


