Whats up with the modern microbe. I have seen them around. They look like just another flashy packaged microbe product. Anything special about it?
they are a "local" company to me, so I like supporting them.... according to antonio (basically a one man modern microbes show, knowledgeable and helpful guy) modern microbes are sourced from a biotech firm in india who use all organic & non gmo propagation materials for the microbes.... he gets smallish shipments from his supplier, tests them for viability and then mixes and sells that batch to stores and on to the public.
seems to me more likely to get actual living micro-critters that way than from a big ass company (like down to earth) that packages huge quantities then puts them out on the market, some pallets/packages sit on shelves or in warehouses for months before being purchased.
that timing might make no difference (i'm not sure), i just like the idea of getting them "fresh", and supporting local small biz, like i said before
thanks for that link ganoderma, certainly is a fast growing method & i might try that out sometime... currently my cloner is full (of Glue, panama red ogkb2.0, flo, gluebreath, khalisi x sour bubble, lime cookies bubba, trapper creek, and "grand junction haze") my tendency is to get plants into soil as quick as possible, get those roots all innoculated with greasy goodness as early as i can. hence popping seeds directly peat pellets innoculated with VAM & MM and topped with lightweight vermiculite.
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