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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
did you see the interview he did on face the nation on sunday?

it was pretty good, but i cant believe the last thing he was asked was about mitt romneys chances against obama.

who gives a shit about mitt romney?! ron paul 2012!


This looks to be 1964 all over again.

Goldwater only had a majority of the primary votes 3X (and then got his ass handed to him by LBJ).
Monday, February 13

Michigan Republican Presidential Primary PPP (D)
Romney 24, Santorum 39, Gingrich 11, Paul 12 Santorum +15

Romney is a joke, his father was the fucking Gov of Mi. I guess all the 'let Detroit go bankrupt' shit doesnt sound to well to voters.... go figure (you fucking moron).


Active member
rp having fun with the crowd


83' congressional baseball game w/ commentation from barney frank lol they should have more of these.


petition to count maine caucus votes


mitts promise to raid MMJ patients state licence or not


and then theres this little video that came out today this could be espeacially usefull for overthrowing a theocracy ,and possibley the source of the "arab spring"

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weed fiend
... Romney is a joke, his father was the fucking Gov of Mi. I guess all the 'let Detroit go bankrupt' shit doesnt sound to well to voters.... go figure (you fucking moron).

IMO, George wasn't a bad guy. Mitt claims he's self-made. George only willed him a million after Mitt was already a multimillionaire. But obviously Mitt was a benefactor of growing up privileged.

George might have been president if he hadn't told the world he'd been brainwashed by US Military personnel in Vietnam.

Funny thing, Stanley McCrystal was exposed in Afghanistan for doing the same thing to US senators, exposing them to psy-ops with the intentions of supporting further efforts in the war.


George was a totally different type of guy.

Mitt is an example of an out of touch second generation ruler Machiavelli talked about.

Something tells me if George actually did know how to swing a hammer, he would think his son singing to FL seniors makes him a pandering fool. (3 verses of America the Beautiful, days after Obama does a few lines of an Al Green song to a 'closed' dinner.)

Mitt has done one exactly one thing he can be 'proud of', He bought his way into the frontrunner-ship of the 2012 Repub Presidential Primary. He failed in 2008, and couldnt buy his way into Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in the 90's (although he boasts he made Ted take out a second mortgage on his house).

What a joke of man.

Would papa be happy about having a weasel for a son?


weed fiend
Yep. Something tells me that George wouldn't have seen mortgaging one's house (as evidence they might not be bought and paid for) as weakness. Even if he felt that way, he probably wasn't dumb enough to publicly express.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki Results_of_the_2008 Republican_presidential primaries
Romney 39% McCain 30%

Romney 52%

Romney 41% Huckabee 20% McCain 23%

Romney is still going to win the $$nomination$$, but he is weaker now than when McCain overtook him.

Actually.... If anyone fails to win a majority of the delegate votes, ANYTHING can happen at the convention. ANYTHING. They are only pledged to a delegate on the first vote, and with a failure to win a majority, there is a guaranteed second vote. Four candidates going to Super Tuesday only increases the likelihood of a failure to reach a majority.

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If Santorm says gods laws trump federal law, why is he against Marijuana?

Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
If Santorm says gods laws trump federal law, why is he against Marijuana?

Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

don't forget Genesis 1:29

Genesis 1:29
Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
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yeah... i dont know the bible...

i know Jebus said it is easier for a camel to pass though the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven.
I wonder what Mittens thinks of that one...

Jebus doesnt want him for a sunbeam either...



yeah... i dont know the bible...

i know Jebus said it is easier for a camel to pass though the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven.
I wonder what Mittens thinks of that one...

Jebus doesnt want him for a sunbeam either...


mittens don't care what jebus says!

joseph smith is da man! .......... but i am not sure the mormons would claim mitt as one of their own at this point


HHHhhhhmmmm..... was it 4.5 million he donated last year? Oh, yeah.... don't know any church besides Jebesus and disciples that would turn that down and not make him a deacon.

No disrespect to anyones beliefs. I'm not into organized religion but would go to war for other's rights to be a part of any of their choice. Talking money not philosophy.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
Romney probably cheated and also buys votes.


Romney wins Maine caucuses by slim margin

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) – Mitt Romney narrowly won Maine's Republican caucuses, state party officials announced Saturday, providing his campaign with a much-needed boost after three straight losses earlier this week. But the former Massachusetts governor won just a plurality of the Maine vote, suggesting he still has work to do to unite GOP voters behind his candidacy.

At a gathering in Portland, state Republican Chairman Charlie Webster announced Romney had won with 2,190 votes, or 39%, compared to 1,996 — about 36% — for Paul, the only other candidate to aggressively compete in the state. Rick Santorum received 989 votes and Newt Gingrich won 349, but neither actively campaigned there. Other candidates drew 61 votes.
The totals reflected about 84% of the state's precincts. Webster insisted that any caucus results that come in after Saturday wouldn't be counted no matter how close the vote.
PHOTOS: GOP candidates on the campaign trail
STORY: Romney wins conservatives' straw poll
INTERACTIVE: Presidential Poll Tracker
"Some caucuses decided not to participate in this poll and will caucus after this announcement," Webster said. "Their results will not be factored in. The absent votes will not be factored into this announcement after the fact."
Romney's win, combined with his victory in the presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference in Washington hours earlier, helped slow an embarrassing skid that began Tuesday when he lost contests in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado to Santorum. The twin triumphs dampened the perception — for now — that conservatives were unwilling to support Romney.
Romney's campaign has demonstrated skill and flexibility in winning a big state like Florida and eking out a victory in a low-turnout contest like Maine, where organization and voter contact are essential. Out of Maine's 258,000 registered Republicans, nearly 5,600 cast ballots in the weeklong contest.

But questions about Romney's durability as the party's presumed front-runner persist. Fully 61% of Maine voters selected another candidate than Romney in a state practically in his back yard. And Romney's showing was down considerably from 2008, when he won 51% of the vote.
Maine's caucuses began Feb. 4 and continued throughout the week. Several communities elected to hold their caucuses at a later date.
Caucuses in Washington County that had been scheduled for Saturday were postponed until Feb. 18 because of a major snowstorm that blanketed the region. Earlier, party Executive Director Michael Quatrano said county officials had been told the results of that caucus would not count toward the total.
But in an interview, Washington County Republican Chairman Chris Gardner said that when the decision was made to postpone the caucuses, he didn't realize his county's votes wouldn't count toward the total.
"I don't know that it would have changed the decision, but at least they would have known the consequence," Gardner, a Romney supporter, said.

Webster told reporters there were less than 200 votes in Washington County and he doubted that including them would have changed the outcome.
Speaking to supporters in Portland, Paul expressed disappointment that only a portion of the state's caucuses had counted toward the total.
"I wish all the caucuses had met today," Paul said, adding, "It's almost like we could call it a tie."
Romney was attending a fundraiser in California late Saturday, after visiting caucus sites in Maine earlier in the day, where he pressed voters for their backing.
"I thank the voters of Maine for their support," Romney said in a statement late Saturday. "I'm committed to turning around America. And I'm heartened to have the support of so many good people in this great state."
Romney visited two caucus sites Saturday after abandoning plans to take the day off. The change made clear that his campaign could ill-afford another loss.
Romney also held a town hall-style meeting in Maine on Friday night. It was the first time he'd taken voter questions since campaigning in South Carolina last month.
Maine's nonbinding presidential straw poll had drawn virtually none of the hype surrounding recent contests in Florida and Nevada, where candidates poured millions of dollars into television and radio advertising.
Romney's campaign had placed only a small cable television ad buy airing Friday and Saturday, at a cost of several thousand dollars. But he sent surrogates to the state in recent days and hosted a telephone town hall in addition to Friday's campaign stop.
Romney consistently declined to criticize Paul, however.
Instead, he lobbed indirect criticism at Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, and Gingrich, a former House speaker, by repeating intensifying rhetoric of recent days that paints them as tainted Washington insiders.
"I have never spent a day in Washington working," Romney said. "I expect to go there, get it fixed and then go home."
He added, "In my home with my mom and dad I learned conservative values. In my faith I learned conservative values. And in my business."
Romney won 11 delegates in Maine and Texas Rep. Ron Paul won 10, according to an analysis by The Associated Press. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich were shut out.


How Do You Rig a Straw Poll?
Buy all the seats in the house.

After finishing second to Mitt Romney in a straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., presidential candidate Rick Santorum insinuated on Sunday that Romney had gamed the vote. “I don’t try to rig straw polls,” Santorum sniped. How, exactly, does a candidate rig a straw poll?
By paying for his supporters to attend. Straw polls, by definition, are nonbinding, so they have fewer rules than do real elections. And unlike opinion polls conducted by national organizations such as Gallup and Pew Research, a straw poll isn’t supposed to be a random sample of the population. Instead, those polled at events such as CPAC and the Ames Straw Poll are simply the people who happen to show up. That means the candidate who turns out the largest number of backers will win. One easy way to get out the straw vote is to buy up a bunch of tickets, then hand them out for free to your supporters. Paying for their transportation to the event can’t hurt. And wining and dining them once they’re there is always a nice touch. Since the CPAC straw poll typically involves about 3,500 people, you might only need to pay for a few hundred voters to tilt the poll in your favor.
Rigging, however, is in the eye of the beholder—usually the loser. “Buying” might be a better word. Straw poll rules vary, but in the case of CPAC and other major events, there’s nothing to prevent a candidate from shelling out cash to gin up support. In fact, that often works to the advantage of the organization running the poll, since it means more people attend the event.

Perhaps the most famous straw poll in American politics is the one held by the Iowa Republican Party in Ames, Iowa, in advance of GOP presidential primaries. That one doubles as a fundraiser for the state party, since anyone who wants to vote must buy a $35 ticket, and the number of tickets is not capped. Campaigns have long recognized that their best chance of winning is to buy up a pile of tickets, give them away to likely backers, and then pay for their transportation to Ames. In 1995, reports that candidates were shuttling people in from other states led organizers to restrict the poll to Iowa residents. Still, spending surged four years later, when Steve Forbes and George W. Bush splashed out $2 million each, chartering luxury buses and hosting musical acts such as Ronnie Milsap and Crystal Gayle. Bush won the poll, and Forbes came in second.
As for CPAC, registration is $75 and up for adults. (It’s cheaper for students—just $35 each—so campaigns might be inclined to target the college crowd.) There are no limits on attendance, so if Romney was trying to stack the vote (as Ron Paul had done in past years), there would have been nothing to stop Santorum from doing the same.
In any case, it’s debatable whether paying supporters to turn out for straw polls is money well-spent, since they have no concrete impact on the election. Rick Perry skipped this year’s Ames vote and vaulted to the top of the polls soon after. Michele Bachmann won and was scarcely heard from again. It’s a violation of federal law to buy votes in a national election with direct cash payments. Still, presidential candidates—especially Democrats—routinely give volunteers “street money” or “walking-around money” to cover expenses during get-out-the-vote efforts.


Mitt Romney bought Conservative Political Action Conference caucus win, Rick Santorum says
Romney wins CPAC and Maine votes, but Santorum says Mitt got tix for backers and carted them in

Mitt Romney had a key conservative caucus win over the weekend — but rival Rick Santorum says he bought the victory.

Romney beat his fellow GOP presidential contenders in Saturday’s Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll in Washington, surprising some pundits who expected a surging Santorum to come in first.

Santorum, who won three primaries last Tuesday with the support of evangelical Christians and Tea Party followers, griped on Sunday that Romney took the caucus by filling its seats with his supporters.

“You have to talk to the Romney campaign on how many tickets they bought,” Santorum said on CNN’s “State of the Nation.” “We’ve heard all sorts of things.”

Santorum said it was within the rules for candidates to buy tickets for supporters and cart them in specifically to vote for their chosen candidate.

“We didn’t do that. We don’t do that. I don’t try to rig straw polls,” he said.

Santorum said his primary wins in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado last week were the true tests of who the GOP electorate wants.

“Our people turned out. We didn’t have to pay them to turn out. . . . They are enthusiastic about our campaign,” Santorum said on CNN.

Team Romney said their candidate won three separate contests on Saturday, besting Santorum 38 to 31 in the conservative CPAC straw poll; placing first in Maine’s caucuses with 39% to Ron Paul’s second-place finish of 36%, and topping CPAC’s national survey of conservative voters.

“Rick Santorum has a history of making statements that aren’t grounded in the truth,” Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in a statement to the Daily News.

“Conservative voters recognize that in order to change Washington, we need someone who isn’t a creature of Washington,” she said.

Her comment were a zing at Santorum, Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, each of whose résumés were built on their time in D.C.

Gingrich, who has failed to capitalize on his South Carolina win, ran a distant third in the CPAC straw poll with 15%.


Active member
No disrespect to anyones beliefs. I'm not into organized religion but would go to war for other's rights to be a part of any of their choice.
That is one of the best lines in the entire thread although I feel most that hate religion had if forced on them and that is much like exporting freedom with bombs, and curing the drug war with jail cells.

I agree feel the Constitution and Declaration of Independence is what America was founded and help protect our GOD given rights. We need Ron Paul for president and nobody on the R ticket comes close to RP's views. They ALL including NObama have no plans to cut anything as far as Gov't waste, they all want to continue the Drug War, and even worse the Wars overseas...While they fire all the teachers, bailout the bankers, Illuminati steals 16.5 trillion, they build and man FEMA camps in every state, and spray us across America with CHEMTRAILS that we have no clue about INSANITY DEFINED!
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