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Diary Romulan Jakes Grow Diary

one Q

Hi Jake,
Do you get your bud tested? If so, do you have any numbers to show us? I dont believe that numbers matter, but I work with custos that are ALL about numbers.


Active member
Hi Jake,
Do you get your bud tested? If so, do you have any numbers to show us? I dont believe that numbers matter, but I work with custos that are ALL about numbers.

No I do not.. I really honestly am sick with disgust at how the testing facilities do things.

Several have offered me "best results, for more money".. meaning I can get higher THC readings, etc.. if I just pay them more, so that the testing is "far more accurate". Sure sounds to me like pay to play.

I refuse to be part of shit like that. I wish I could offer people numbers, which I dont take to mean really anything to me personally, but I get that people are all caught up in testing numbers.. Ive tried to find a reputable test facility, but everyone of them Ive tried is corrupt as fuck.:tiphat:


Active member
RJ is being refreshingly honest about the sad situation around testing and should be applauded for his response. I have witnessed the same thing. Seen commercial grows that were infested with spider mites, mold simply cut out, pass those tests. Everything always above 20%. It’s dirty business. One could possibly argue its more ethical to come up with your own rating percentages than rely on “official” test results.

one Q

I understand. I always thought the numbers were bs. When I talk to custos about them I show them better products and they are always satisfied as long as they dont pay attention the numbers... but these damn dispensaries are so much about numbers that I am led to believe that they never really smoke weed themselves

Im still going to try to get my guys to grab some Rom.


Well-known member
Hey Jake. I'm wondering if your romulan cut is the one I'm looking for. I had a cut a few years ago that produced long spear shaped buds. Basically the entire branch turned into a bud. All the nodes connect when it flowers so it yields well. I can't tell from the pictures because your plant was grown inside.
What can be expected from most of the s1s


Active member
Hey Jake. I'm wondering if your romulan cut is the one I'm looking for. I had a cut a few years ago that produced long spear shaped buds. Basically the entire branch turned into a bud. All the nodes connect when it flowers so it yields well. I can't tell from the pictures because your plant was grown inside.
What can be expected from most of the s1s

Give it a try outdoors and let me know. :tiphat:


Well-known member
I'm going to. I'm going to pick up a few later this week while they aren't too hard to get. Once people start buying clones for outdoor, it's difficult to get darkheart stuff.
I think i may try too get a couple packs of seed. What would you recommend? The s1 or regs?


Active member
I'm going to. I'm going to pick up a few later this week while they aren't too hard to get. Once people start buying clones for outdoor, it's difficult to get darkheart stuff.
I think i may try too get a couple packs of seed. What would you recommend? The s1 or regs?

Either are great.. just personal preference of fems or regs really.


fabulous strain, one I only did once and still remember the sensational smoke.

rep when i can, be following



Well-known member
I'm surprised you deleted my and your comments when I questioned your statement of your bud going up against extracts. Why censor your feed, better to offer rebuttal and level headed discussion.

Deleting my comment makes it seem like you dont want people to question your claims. Silly.



Active member
I'm surprised you deleted my and your comments when I questioned your statement of your bud going up against extracts. Why censor your feed, better to offer rebuttal and level headed discussion.

Deleting my comment makes it seem like you dont want people to question your claims. Silly.

View attachment 519251

I deleted it because someone sent me a dm, acting the fool over that comment.. and I did not want to deal with BS.

But thanks for stopping by!

My offer still stands.. send me your adress, Ill send you some flower, than you can make up your own mind.. since you know, I was only sharing my own opinion and no one can refute that no matter what they think.. its mine, and I own my thoughts and feelings.

Silly is asking me to have a strain tested to show why I believe its the strongest strain Ive ever smoked, and that it stacks up against available extracts because that is legit how I feel. Not marketing like you said it sounded like.. the only test I need is a smoke test. Testing a few cannabiniods and terpenes only tells me 1% of the 1000's of compounds in Cannabis. And its still just lab numbers that mean nothing to me, because how it smokes is all I care about.

Truth be told, I thought that post would go fairly ignored or at least would cause me to lose a few followers. I had no idea how many people would say they feel the same way after trying it.

I dont tend to say stuff like that post, because on IG people act like fools. I try not to. But this was my honest opinion.. I respect what you said, and you were respectful. But its IG, and instantly someone saw your post and said I was full of shit if I didnt have it tested.. and while I want, I do not want to for marketing sakes. I want to have it tested to see what is actually in it. When I hear from 30 year growers, that they feel the same way I do about this cut then I want to know why it affects people so strongly.. but I could give zero fucks for marketing. I started this to get it in peoples hands, and I work hard in my actual career to make a living. Breeding Cannabis is a hobby, that helps to pay a few families income that help me.. all I do truthfully, is lose money. Ive invested almost $20k of my own money, because I love doing this. You can take that with a grain of salt or not.. but again.. my honest feelings here, however you want to look at them.


Well-known member
I deleted it because someone sent me a dm, acting the fool over that comment.. and I did not want to deal with BS.

But thanks for stopping by!

My offer still stands.. send me your adress, Ill send you some flower, than you can make up your own mind.. since you know, I was only sharing my own opinion and no one can refute that no matter what they think.. its mine, and I own my thoughts and feelings.

100% I agree with you on that. It just seemed to me like such an outlandish claim to make in this day and age. But it is your opinion and you did state that. I meant no offense. I was writing a response to your reply when you deleted it, about perhaps your strain has higher levels of some of these new cannabinoids being discovered such as thcp.

Haha, if I lived south of the border I would take you up on the offer. Maybe one day I'll make it that way and look you up.


Well-known member
I had thought about the new generation of impressionable growers on insta and how they might read that and take it for fact. I didnt expect you to be called out due to my comment. Not my intention. Like me bringing it up here, wasnt troll you but rather to ask why we couldnt have discussed it. All good bro.


Active member
I had thought about the new generation of impressionable growers on insta and how they might read that and take it for fact. I didnt expect you to be called out due to my comment. Not my intention. Like me bringing it up here, wasnt troll you but rather to ask why we couldnt have discussed it. All good bro.

I understand brother.. thank you. :tiphat: