the last 2 leaflets point straight down like hooks
leaves pointing down are generally a sign of flushing...
Nitrogen toxicity presents itself with more of a claw type thing than leaves pointing downards
to be honest I'm not understanding the difference between the tips of leaflets being curled and pointing straight down like hooks and a "claw type thing'. They seem like a very similar description to me.
over watering is what causes the leaves to droop downward. That does happen sometimes during flushing but they don't seem to be over watered and I don't see why you would be flushing a plant so young.
I'm sticking with my original guess and saying you probably have a sativa that is a bit touchy with the N. Very common.
As far as what the genetics are, it is virtually impossible to guess what a strain is unless it is a somewhat pure breed and left to grow naturally. For instance you can tell a Colombian from an African based on growth structures. But if its a sativa hybrid that you top and train there really isn't anyone out there who could give you a credible answer to that. Just too many strains, too many phenotypes, and too many hybrids out there to give a credible guess.