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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa GROW Thread

Donald Mallard

el duck
id best add some pics ...
heres some thai starting to flower ..






Within two weeks a surprising amount of vegative shoots should be popping out the old buds.

Only problem is they don't always work.

Do you know if clones taken from a plant in early flower are any more likely to work than revegging the entire plant? I planted 10 Holy Smoke Mozambique 2 Zambezi 2 Mulanje Gold and 2 Swazi yesterday. Originally I was planning on growing them, then cloning and flowering clones but now I think I want to flower seeds on 12/12. I figure I can still clone them in week 3 or 4. I have done this with other strains but nothing from the real sativa realm.

My plan is to look for a mom in the Mozambique and use pollen from as many as possible on each other (and all my mother stock) to get a huge variety of pure African F1, African X Modern F1 and more Mozambique seeds. My priority is the seeds so if I lose the Mozambique no problem (these strains are not at all rare and seeds can be bought by the kilo but F1's are another story).

A sample of all of these seeds will be gifted to Rastafari communities in Central America. They are in need of some genetic infusion after a century of Colombian and Panamanian seed acclimatization.
I just found DTC99 on the bay:jump: and would have used it had I know it was available. Now I'm gonna cross it with my mother stock (and itself) too. The idea from the beginning was to gift 2 separate lines from a common background and now I know what the second line will be.

Now if I can only find that elusive Durban Poison cut that I keep seeing in Denver?


More sativas!

More sativas!

Hi Bioguy! I'm new too. Glad to see others still interested in this amazing thread.

I've already read the whole thing, took me about a week to get through it but well worth the time invested. I have several sativas that are going on week 6 of veg, which after reading this thread I realize was a tactical error on my part.

Anyway, especially after reading that story about the Colombian, I think I have a plan. I'm going to take clones of the two sativas (in the last week they suddenly burst out with a bunch of new colas) and put them into flower to sex them.

Then I'll just keep vegging the two (assuming they're female) indefinitely as mothers. I was advised that they really aren't as good as they can be for at least six months.

If you want to see pics of all my plants, check out my grow journal.


<3 Tesla


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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa GROW Thread

@bio I just got a similar seed order from holy smoke seeds. Do you have a grow journal going on those seeds. I'm very interested in pics and following along.


ace seeds, thats who i got my eye on, i just got some mexi seeds after not even seeing any mexi weed in years. thought id never see any mexi ever again


@bio I just got a similar seed order from holy smoke seeds. Do you have a grow journal going on those seeds. I'm very interested in pics and following along.

Sorry for the delay.

No journal but it was pretty bad. I don't recommend but my grow may have not done them justice. I had them in a floro cab for a 6 weeks to get the preflower going (2 at 18/6 and 4 at 12/12). I put them in my main room after that. They exploded, were very vigorous but never finished. I gave up at 12 weeks total (that was the plan, 4 under floro and 8 under hps). At 12 weeks they were very young ..no mature pistils. They smelled like grass and carrot greens. I am a terrible judge of "sativa stone" but none of my friends felt like it was potent (but it was not done).

I grew this because I have a hypothesis that African will help re invigorate the acclimated plants in Central America. I only got a few seeds (crossed with my stock) but I only needed a few. I re did the project with the DTC99.

The DTC99 was great. Smaller, more manageable, flowered on time and my sister said she had never experience a high like it. She is a minister and very into the cerebral spiritual side of the buzz. She loved it. It was fluffy Sativa but the stone was what everyone raves about.


Active member
Mexican bag seeds is how I started growing, youll have to sprout 40 to get 15 good females because of the variety but that Georgia summer always brought back something worth more than gold..
Very informative read, I learned so much!


Active member
Hello all
This year I'm lucky to have growing (4 liters) a destroyer x panama 74 in my terrace



New member
There is hope yet!

There is hope yet!

A guide to growing sativas.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/11550trich_d_up_sativa-thumb.jpg]View Image[/url][URL=https://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/11550l33t_la_nina_2-thumb.jpg]View Image[/url][URL=https://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/11550cst_x_hawaiian_budelaire-thumb.jpg]View Image[/url]

Eye Candy: First pic is Nomad super silver haze. Second is L33t la nina (haze x white widow) and third pic is Budelaire's ecuadorian celestial temple sativa x hawaiian sativa. I'm not growing in a while now so unfortunately almost all of these pics are borrowed from other sativa aficinados to illustrate my points.

Well here it is. I've been asked to write a sativa grow thread. This is the place where you can learn to tame wild sativas so you can grow them indoors even in microgradens. This is also a great guide for people wondering if they can or how to grow the mexican bagseed sativas they have (or africans if you're in europe). This thread is mainly aimed at sativas that take about 11 to 15 weeks give or take a lil. This covers almost all sativas you're going to come across including bagseed, seedbank stock and mostly sativa hybrids. Except some equitorial varities like colombians, rare haze phenos, and some asians. Which will take longer but usually aren't suited to an indoor environment anway.

This is an addition to the Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread from strains and hybridization. if you've never seen it its a thread dedicated to all sativas, but especially exotic wild sativas. And in particular to help older smokers learn about the weed they smoked when they were younger, what it is, and where to find it. But this, this is the GROW thread. :muahaha: Where hopefully the regulars from the RUST can teach others how to take those plants right out the mystical forests of the african congo, colombian rainforest, vietnamese jungle or wherever and have it right in your cabinet.

The original RUST has gotten to be pretty long now and in sake of dividing the conversation into different paths I think we can get more defined and useful threads that you won't have to do so much sorting through, especially for the newcomers. So I'd like any grow questions or strain reccomendations here, and as well this can be a place that sativa growers can post diaries of a sort, where new growers can learn how different people tame their unique plants, and understand sativa time frames and growth rates; and hopefully teach others how they do so. So above all please post your grow specifications here. What you're growing, how you're growing it, and all the secrets that come with it. :rasta:

And aim general sativa discussion, information about strains and regions etc. to stay in the orginal RUST. located here :joint:


Producing efficent sativa grows is easier than its made out to be. I say efficient because you'll never really get the same kinda yield from a sativa that you would from a cash crop hybrid when both are in a tuned garden. If you're a commercial gardener reading this don't bother with sativas unless its your own headstash. However as most of us know nowadays those cashcrop plants aren't too interesting. And even among indicas those time frames are going into the 70's (days flower). People don't even BS each other about 45 day plants much anymore. So if your like a good bit of growers out there doing a higher potency but lower yielding strain like diesels at 10 weeks, or a widow or whatever there is a good chance you could grow some much more interesting stuff and not lose much overall yield (in the growroom efficiency calculator) if done correctly.Which is really my next point.

Which is deeper than you might think. Alot of people have a very stereotypical view of sativas. They either think sativas and they think those racy crazy psychdelic haze type highs that make you paranoid and extremely wired and anxious; or they think the stuff where they sit around debating "am I high right now? No. Wait... maybe." for a couple hours till it wears off. Both are not actually that common of sativas. But are simply common seed bank sativas. They both do exist for those that want them, but most sativas are pretty stony and heavy. But more importantly they have what I call alot higher bandwidth stone. Smoked marijuana causes a variety of different chemical interactions in the brain that get you high. and some cause more than others. There is more to a high than potency, while no doubt many sativas are potent, the thing is they are much more complex than most indicas. At least in my and alot of others humble opinon.

On indicas I can get really really high. For sure. And there are some great indicas out there no doubt, I'm not hating on indicas. But ALOT of them I find relatively boring. I find the stone opiate like and one dimensional. If I smoke alot I hit a "cieling" where I don't get higher if I smoke, I just get more tired. I feel loaded no doubt, and REALLY comfortable, but I also have alot of trouble staying awake when I use alot of indica. Good for insomnia or pain, but I don't like they for day to day use. and though they get me loaded most don't get me high. I actually feel a lil depressed on indicas sometimes, instead of happy and high.

And they have alot of different effects. Alot of the times very different effects. On sativas I find I have alot higher multitude of stones to pick from. I can trip out psychedelic style on a haze or a highland mexican. Feeling heightened senses and a higher pulse rate. I can smoke an african and have a deep introspective high. The kinda weed that makes you contemplate life and death when you watch a spider wrangle a fly. That sorta weed. And I can smoke ALOT of these two types and get very high. no cieling. Keep getting higher. Which is great because you can smoke a lil in the moring or when you've got things to do and be functional but have a good time, or smoke some more and get pretty high. Or if I wanna get REALLY wasted I can smoke a lowland south american and get obliterated. Munch out and pass out on a stone that lasts so long I wake up stoned and **** my next day up.

But the main thing is the diversity. If you've been growing or smoking for any amount of time now you've been noticing the stones seem very similiar. And they aren't really highs anymore they are stones. You end up collecting different smells instead of highs. Or different potency levels on a very simiilar stone. No doubt it looks and certainly smells better than what you grew up with, but I hear ALOT of people saying they don't get high like they used to. The weed is alot more potent by the hit without question but for some reason they don't get high like they used to. IT'S THE WEED YOU'RE SMOKING! don't settle for bland narcotic stones. Exotic captivating weed is out there don't be afraid to find it. You can get just as high as you did when you were younger. And I personally think they are alot more fun. :joint:

And if you've never had a real sativa before, for a smoker its like living in the desert and never feeling the cold before. A unique other end of the spectrum.

Elevator Man's Malawi Gold Pure

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/gallery/data/500/11550elevator_man_malawi_gold-thumb.jpg]View Image[/url]

Hey there -

Just read your post here. Really nice to see and read about someone mentioning the popular weed of today is not as fun as the classic tropical sativas. I agree with you. It seems the craze in cannabis growing has turned to "bag appeal." What the weed looks like, smells like, how much THC is in it, how sticky it is. Blah blah blah. Nobody ever talks about the actual high anymore. I don't even get high anymore. I don't think anyone does. They just get slightly stupid.

I remember the stuff we had in the 70's would launch you to a different planet....and you would be giggling about it the entire way up. We would laugh for hours on it over the smallest thing. Munchies were UNCONTROLLABLE. Everything was fun on it. It was FUN stuff! Instant good time. The smokers of today have no idea what their missing. Of course if you say the weed was better in the 70's, everyone just writes you off as being an old whacko.

It's truly a shame the market has turned towards quantity production as the high is suffering. I also feel the more the growers torture the poor plants, the further the ancient genetics will become. Cloning, throwing away the males, growing hybrids, hyrdoponic etc. I really don't think growers could get any further from nature if they tried.

"A happy plant produces a happy high" in my opinion. And the plants of today are not happy.

I figure the only possible chance of finding "fun" weed anymore will be to grow my own. I ordered some "Green Haze" from Ace Seeds. Excited to give it shot one day. Although it is a commitment in terms of growing length and is why I have yet to start the project.

I still find it hard to believe that finding the fun old school pure Sativas is impossible. I know their out there, but where? I live here in Washington State. There are dispensaries everywhere. The state just legalized it and will be opening stores soon. I wish I was excited over all this but I know the stuff they will sell will be the same old shit. Seedless indica hybrids that don't even get you high.

I find it funny that now that weed is finally legal here, the shit is no longer effective. What timing I tell ya. If we would of purchased today's weed back in the 70's, we would of brought it back for a refund. Not kidding...

I wish more people would get together and teach growers how to grow fun weed. Not stoned, dumb, couch-lock weed.

I would honestly pay $50/gram for the good stuff.

I'm hoping you can provide some insight. I realize this thread is years old. Hopefully you still get notified on responses.

Is there anywhere you have found to go for the good stuff?

Someone out there has to have it.



New member
Is there any real Acapulco gold out there? All I have seen is from Barney and I'm sure its a cross. Would like to get some seeds of the old strain.