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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa GROW Thread

Gert Lush

Active member
I thought that when the seeds are done & mature, the plant will soon be starting her "death process" (senecsence?)
I can see why you think the plant may enter senescence after the seeds are done - it's a reasonable guess - but it just doesn't work that way.

In fact, in this particular rather extreme sativa the seeds were done before it even started developing trichomes!

And don't forget that true equatorial sativas are putting out new pistils all the time.
So even when the plant is ready to harvest, half of it is covered in brand new fresh white pistils, which need to mature... you could keep harvesting for a looong time. This only really apllies to equatorial sativas, of course.


In fact, in this particular rather extreme sativa the seeds were done before it even started developing trichomes!

:jawdrop:unbelievable! that's crazy!

And don't forget that true equatorial sativas are putting out new pistils all the time.
So even when the plant is ready to harvest, half of it is covered in brand new fresh white pistils, which need to mature... you could keep harvesting for a looong time. This only really apllies to equatorial sativas, of course.

yeah, I've heard about these freaking equatorial sats......many persons witnessed trees of "zamal" which lived far more than 1 year.....that was in the French island of "la réunion"......maybe the local conditions and genes (probably from south India) resulted in some kind of weird genetic pattern......such cases still quite rare though.....there was an internet myth some years ago about a perpetual cannabis tree in Nepal, but that was not true, a new tree was growing in the same place every year.....it's logical that it couldn't survive to the terrible Nepalese winter......it's a different story in "la réunion" ! sativas are so interesting.....still lot of mysteries about them.........


other saties tricks

other saties tricks

ok guys, always concerning that lowering real sativas flo time, what do you think about:

- drasticly lowering light exposition, 10/14 or 09/15;
- stop N feeding quite early;

I'm sure these 2 things will do......com on! I've got 20 beans of OGhazeXskunk soon going........don't let tha wonderful thread die!!


great thread!!! i'm very interested in seeing how much more sativa expression i can coax out of the flo plants i have growing them outdoors in my semitropical climate and also crossing the flo with some pure sativas... andyway, hopefully i will have more to contribute in the future... but thanks to everyone who has contributed!


I had a bangladesh sativa that would just continue flowering forever. I believe she went over 5 months and wasn't even close to finishing. Others had grown her out and had great results. I didn't have great results at all under a 400 watter. Now the Nirvana's NL x Haze. I loved this plant! It was also a never ending strain - but she flowered partially under a 150 watter then under then under the 400. She came out very nice


Grown under 2 150watt hps/Here is some mexican bagseed. Looks like a type of Sativa to me. The date of off, i took those like 5 days ago.





great informations intel2000, thanx:tiphat:...........
hey Tx Matt.....these are typical sativa airy buds.....absolutly drooling......


Active member
great informations intel2000, thanx:tiphat:...........
hey Tx Matt.....these are typical sativa airy buds.....absolutly drooling......
i get soooooooo pissed at people round my way who believe airy buds means shit weed or a poor grower. i try to explain that i grow sativa but they are to dumb to understand, hence the reason i dont sell my ganga


i get soooooooo pissed at people round my way who believe airy buds means shit weed or a poor grower. i try to explain that i grow sativa but they are to dumb to understand, hence the reason i dont sell my ganga

It's just the way nature created them....airy and trippy......though, most breeders added some indica in their sat beans in order to fatten the buds (along with shortening flo time of course).......


Active member
yeah but on the flipside it also adds sleepy stonedness to the plant as well which i like to avoid


Active member
Nothing wrong about airy buds, imho.Expect for the bag appeal, for which I couldn't care less.I even enjoy when people look at them and think "What the f1ck is this shwagg?" and 10 minutes later "that shwagg" has sent their brains in high orbit around the moon.:laughing:


Active member
you know it dr tre. i love looking at people who smoke it and try as hard as they can to act like they aint stoned. this one guy was stareing at his hand for ages after i passed him a blunt he then proceeded to tell me id spiked my weed with acid or 2cb what a prick.
bodymind FLO can be very sativa expressive. I've run FLO at about 10.3North of the equator for several years and they ended up with long/very slim leaflets and almost "transparent" structure from about 50feet away. FLO also blends extremely well with landrace sativas.


Active member
Nothing wrong about airy buds, imho.Expect for the bag appeal, for which I couldn't care less.I even enjoy when people look at them and think "What the f1ck is this shwagg?" and 10 minutes later "that shwagg" has sent their brains in high orbit around the moon.:laughing:
This is very common another reason to Only grow the sats For your self:dance013: Most are only used to commercial weed and Canadian beasters, and i do got say,Alot will come out looking Like mexican swag form:wave:

Even my brother when he came to hawaii to visit ~ first sample he went for was the SSH as he said it rare any one grows anything in cali that goes longer then 55 60 dayz.........I know there are SSH at the clubs , But most are NL dom or skunk dom fast finshing phenos

Laughing Jim

Active member
you know it dr tre. i love looking at people who smoke it and try as hard as they can to act like they aint stoned. this one guy was stareing at his hand for ages after i passed him a blunt he then proceeded to tell me id spiked my weed with acid or 2cb what a prick.

This very same thing happened to me. I had a joint of Oaxacan sense that i smoked with my little brother. He got so high he threw up. The next day he was accusing me of spiking the joint!


Active member
This very same thing happened to me. I had a joint of Oaxacan sense that i smoked with my little brother. He got so high he threw up. The next day he was accusing me of spiking the joint!

Originally Posted by bigwity View Post
you know it dr tre. i love looking at people who smoke it and try as hard as they can to act like they aint stoned. this one guy was stareing at his hand for ages after i passed him a blunt he then proceeded to tell me id spiked my weed with acid or 2cb what a prick.

I want this! What can I order and REASONABLY grow indoors that will do this? I want tripping weed! Anyone? Help a guy out...

I've grown Apollo11, C99xHaze, Barney's LSD...none are strong enough for me. I want a tripping high, but not knocked out on the couch either. Maybe AFRAID to leave the couch...because I'm too high to function.

I've smoked this before...a yellow golden weed...yellow like the yellow of a stop light. I swore it was laced too...

So, who can hook me up?

Laughing Jim

Active member
This fall i plan on starting Sativa grows only.
Inside my 4' X 8' tent.
I'm scared.

It's just that i'm am so used to Indies.

To further complicate matters i plan on switching from dirt to hydro.
I've never done hydro before either.
I'm intimidated.

But i am SICK AND TIRED of all this damned couchlock, nodding-off type weed!
I NEED the energizing, motivating, uplifting smoke, as do most people who suffer from acute, chronic depression.

Anyway, i have decided to breed my own "holy grail" with which to treat myself and others.

Any advice from anybody will be very helpful.

Thanx, jim