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Refusing Knock & Talk's?



Ok Verite, let's say "don't open the door in the Nazi-style US"

Thankfully in England, people have more decency than that


My little pony.. my little pony
My how we are quick to forget.

You are aware the US 4th amendment against unreasonable search and seizure was written into law because of the British, arent you?


Forget what Verite? English men don't know US law.

I am only aware of bits of US law, because of reading MJ forums.

I don't know about the amendments, as they weren't drummed into me as a child, as I know they are in the US, along with the patriotic education you get, along with flags everywhere, etc.

In fact, UK law isn't taught in schools in England either. You need to learn that on your own.

You must admit that "three sets of knees in your back while they trash your house looking for anything to justify making up some probable cause BS later" is like the Nazis behaved.

Your post justifies the British sense of decency, so I'm confused as to your point?
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My little pony.. my little pony
All I can really imagine is you live in the country or something since having a police force comprised of mostly assholes is not exclusive to the united states.


No Verite, I'm from a big and very criminal city, and was also in a place like that when I had the pigs around for their Knock and Talk.

I agree pigs are mostly arseholes, but at least in England they don't rush you like that.

That's seriously out of order.


My little pony.. my little pony
You should see the movie Hot Fuzz .. it could be a documentary on typical British mode de operandi .. the difference is that here theres a 99% chance the door your busting in is going to have a guy on the other side waiting with a gun .. over there its just the opposite.

I got a hunch that a lot of crimes happen during afternoon tea too. Am I right?


british, I totally agree with you, and your case just shows that it all depends on the situation. However, not answering it is the blanket answer to give, and I think you would agree with this.

If just ONE THING with you isn't sitting right at the time of the knock and talk (maybe you were just in there trimming and havent been able to shower, or maybe you have just tried some new product, etc) you DONT want to answer it.

ideally you would have a hidden camera by the door(s) you have on your house, so that everything can be recorded. I mean I know I could lie my ass off with a camera that is recording everything i do, because now i'm not worried about them just entering for no reason. (peace of mind to just get the whole case dropped if they do something illegal)

In most places in the US, you can record audio / video as long as one of the parties agrees to it (IE yourself!) this is why cops can have police cameras in their cars and audio mic's on also (I believe this is why, it could just be because they are PO that they can do it too)

I think everything comes down to "how intelligent are you?" a smart person is going to be ready for the knock and talk. etc etc. Just like a presentation at the office, practice makes perfect. If you are already lying to your family, friends etc... the PO is just another one of those people. Thats how you have to approach it if you talk to them. get in that mode.

Hell the only two people in my family who know I smoke is my dad and my dads grandma. Everybody on my moms side just thinks that I'm never around because of my job (haha not because im always getting high!) A nice plus for me though is that my entire family is filled with Officers,everything from county / city / state level cops in our family, so its tons of practice!


Verite, I've seen that film and apart from the scenes of London at the start, it's completely unrealistic.

Do people in the States really think of the English like that about the Afternoon tea? I'm a working class guy and have never had "afternoon tea" in my life.

English people drink tea (or coffee) every 2 hours usually, either at work or at home, so there really is no special time set aside, and we don't sit around like some old women drinking tea like it some kind of fine art - we usually have a smoke with it, either tobacco/weed.

The point here is though, that the UK pigs might be devious and lying bastards, but at least they respect your rights - they're something that has always been very important....that is unless Blair became Bush's lapdog....but that's another story.

It's also true that the UK drug squad, as they're called, doesn't carry guns, but that's not the point. We're talking about a Knock and Talk, not a bust.

green tea - in the UK and the rest of Europe probably, BOTH parties must be aware of and approve a recording.

In fact, all my preparation for my Knock and Talk came from Americans on OG.....it worked extremely well and I was ready for everything they had.

Preparation is key to having a successful encounter, but being a grower requires many skills, and like you say, you have to lie to your family as well.

It's ironic your family is full of police, especially if you grow a lot too, lol

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My little pony.. my little pony
.. In most places in the US, you can record audio / video as long as one of the parties agrees to it (IE yourself!) this is why cops can have police cameras in their cars and audio mic's on also (I believe this is why, it could just be because they are PO that they can do it too) ..

That only applies to recording the person for that expressed reason, it doesnt apply to security cameras. Security cameras can record anything as long as its pointed at your property. Those rights stop when the security camera is pointing at or in someone elses stuff.


Non Conformist
Fuckin pigs!

Fuckin pigs!

The cops here in the states have regular seminars on the techniques of how to do "knock talk and walk" searches and searching in general. One of their favs is the badger technique. Just like it sounds, they badger you into searching. They twist everything ya say all around, while at the same time saying if ya got nothin ta hide why not let us search? They really work at tryin ta piss ya off. This because when you get rattled you make mistakes. Coupled with the reasoning you jus want this over with and this cop outa yer face. They bank on this..... I told a cop that pulled me over I was aware of what he was doing and that it wouldn't work. HOLY COW!, I thought that idiot was gonna try and hit me. lol He would badger me and stand there waiting for an answer, jus staring at me for long periods of time. This too is a technique of theres. He was detaining me long enough for K-9 ta get there. I told him that too. lol I -really- thought he was gonna try an hit then! The other cop pulled him off to the side ( cuz he was about ta lose it ) and talked to him for a min, came back to me and told me I could go. Bottom line, POlice here are trained to fuck with you ta get what they want! If they knock on yer door don't answer it. Trust me, if they know yer growin they'll have a search warrant and bust yer door down. If you get pulled over never let them search. If they try to detain you, tell em they don't have a right too. They know it's easy enough ta prove through radio logs if they have detained you. Anyhoo, use yer brain, take care and stay safe! BC


ICMag Donor
I would NEVER open my door to a cop. I've only had the privilege of having them come unannounced to my home on two occasions, and both times I went out another door and pretended I was outside when they came. Why give them a reason to be able to lie and say they smelled pot because some rat told them that you smoke? If you don't open the door they don't have the opening they need to lie.....


Well, how do you get someone in your living quarters to agree with you that NOT answer the door is the best practice?

I agree with JJ and the rest of you that it is best to keep the door closed no matter what, but my roommate said he'd open the door and close it to talk to a leo if one ever came around. It makes me nervous that he won't agree with me, he's straight as far as what I do goes because he does much the same, but I want him on the same page as me when it comes to dealing with leos around the place.


B.C. said:
Trust me, if they know yer growin they'll have a search warrant and bust yer door down.

Well B.C, I agree with everything you said about the Badger technique, as that's what they do in the UK too, but your info above is wrong:

The whole point of a Knock and Talk is because they know what's going on, i.e. a grow, but they don't have enough evidence for a warrant, otherwise they would have got one already.

The Knock and Talk is to try to gain access and bust you without the warrant, and they will lie and badger you into allowing them in.

However, if you do answer the door, no matter what they say, do not let them in without a warrant.

At the same time, do not invite them to get a warrant, and keep a firm foot behind the door to stop them pushing their way in.

cherokee - if you live with someone like that and you can't persuade them to change their stance, it's time to get a new roommate, or accept the fact that you could be busted at any time. I personally would get a new roommate than be busted for growing.

If they do barge their way in like Verite and others have suggested in the States, get a very good lawyer and have it thrown out of court, that's my only suggestion if you are caught out and do answer the door, your rights are breached, you live in the US and have enough money.



I was at a friend's pad a few years ago. We were playing GTA:SA and checking out his setup: a modest walk-in closet with two 600w's and dirt. We weren't loud, the volume low so you couldn't hear it in the bathroom even, and it was a studio.

I left and shortly after, BANG BANG BANG, the police at the door, "Open up or we're kicking it down! We have reports of a domestic disturbance!"

A domestic disturbance!

My friend replied, "Do you have a warrant?" To which the officer leaning into the window, ruffling the blinds, now putting a foot up, replied, "Shut up and open the fucking door!"

No warrant, and they were in and out in a flash, loads of cops, four squad cars outside. They took the ballasts but left the hot lights. No charge of course, but nice setup out the window, just a pair of shades and bulbs. This was in Vancouver, BC.

In summation, the cops'll do whatever the fuck they want - give them an inch and they take a mile. I've seen them rob, search illegally, hit women - you name it. That's why I never open the door and I don't give a fuck about who comes knocking... if I'm not expecting them, I'm not home. Fuck the police.

Also, ground floor apartments are sketchy...

edit: Cherokee, if I was in the Netherlands I might be less worried, but I still wouldn't answer. If your friend is involved in business then remind him that them seeing his face gives them something to remember next time he's in a compromising situation on the street - it happens to everybody. Where they would have let him go, they may say, "Wait, I remember that guy - the grow op he wouldn't let us into!"
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Non Conformist


No man that info is true. If you keep growing and they know it's just a matter of time, that's all. What yer saying about the knock and walk is true too. No offence, but yer not tellin me or anyone else here nothin we don't already know. This technique is nothing more than a ploy and a fishing trip for them, and by OPENNING THE DOOR yer taking the bait! They can and will say they smelled pot ta get a warrant. The jugde that signs that warrant will stand behind it all the way to the end too. Even tho he knows it's bullshit himself. I've been down this road before. That's jus the way things are here. Maybe you should come here and live it before you give us advice about how ta handle the POlice when they come a knockin. No offence man I know yer jus doin what ya think is right, but so am I. Take care... BC


BC, I have dealt with the police in England effectively, so I do have useful experience from which to talk from.

From the posts of others in the States and Canada, the police there behave like Nazis, and so I have already concluded that the way you handle a Knock and Talk depends on the location you're in.

Well, handling the Knock and Talk is the same everywhere, but by the sounds of things, it's better not to answer the door at all in the US and Canada.

If the cops followed the law, then my advice would be perfect, but as they're breaking people's rights all over the place, it's better to let them knock.

Ok, distinction made, and I'm not teaching your grandma how to suck eggs, I posted the info for the benefit of anyone reading who needs advice, especially since this is a public forum, and I want to share my knowledge to help others.



Non Conformist


Please!, don't be offened. I'm sure this conversation has driven home the point of not answering the door because our system is so crooked and fucked up. So there has been some good come from it. Sometimes that's what it takes ta get the whole truth out there. Always speak yer mind, I wasn't impling you shoudn't. But try and stay open minded ta information that might be different from yers, cuz things aint the same for eveyone. That's what's so cool about public forums, the diversity! Now, about those eggs....lol Later man, take care. BC


It's ok BC, I'm not offended, and lol about the eggs :D

We are all here to share knowledge and learn from others, so we can become better aware of the strategies used against us.



i've seen cops invent reasons to come in even when the door wasn't answered. i thought there was a burglary type deal. came in and would not leave when told to, because the door was not locked.

slipped in through a garage door and then into the house. the house door was unlocked because the washer and dryer are out there and i was doing laundry.

it is too true to say give them an inch they will take a mile. their job is to arrest people and they want to be good at their job.

as a side note, and i dont know how true this is...maybe one of you guys knows better, but is it true that they have to suck a goat off as part of the final exam? i mean i always thought cops were cock suckers, but it really is in the test. wow. must be some kind way for them to get some testosterone because as i understand it one of the requirements to be a cop is to have a tiny pecker and no balls. of course all this is based on the ones ive met. how are they were you live?


Possum said:
as a side note, and i dont know how true this is...maybe one of you guys knows better, but is it true that they have to suck a goat off as part of the final exam? i mean i always thought cops were cock suckers, but it really is in the test. wow. must be some kind way for them to get some testosterone because as i understand it one of the requirements to be a cop is to have a tiny pecker and no balls. of course all this is based on the ones ive met. how are they were you live?

Carefull, dude - that's revealing confidential info, and those goat suckers might come after ya.

True nuff, that...

leos suck goat cock (because they HAFTA, not because they WANNA)...