Thanks Bubbleblower...I used the Sci-hub site with the DOI to view it as Sam suggested. Haven't been able to find the last article he posted, might not be there yet.
Hey Sam, have you come across any research regarding the somewhat common phenomenon of younger, long time smoker's cannabis experiences eventually becoming more anxious or paranoid? I've spoken with numerous people who loved cannabis until a switch went off and the experience was no longer enjoyable. Maybe it's psychological but it seems to me that it may have a physiological basis. Thought I'd ask since I've yet to find an answer and you seem to do a lot of research.
I have noticed northern wild-type produces CBD strains. Is this because somehow the UV wavelength the resin protects against has changed in the northern climate because of the sun's angle coming through the atmosphere and the result plants therefore favor CBD because it protects or take less energy for protection?
Don't know the answer to your question but it is interesting to think about. Is it mostly northern types that make more CBD? And if so why?
I've started growing some hybrids in an attempt to balance out the CBD-THC ratio. I think it works in the F1 generation but still uncertain about further inbreeding. I've been using a far northern hemp variety called Finola and crossing to different examples of the usual high THC commercial varieties. It ain't your usual stoner smoking weed but it works for me.
Is that not likely mainly from the uvb levels limiting the choice? Higher at the equator, higher at higher altitudes too, longer uvb season, less ozone blocking it in the tropics etc.I suspect the reason you see CBD up north and more THC at the equator is because at the equator people have been selecting plants for THC,