Backwoods Bud
we' are talking about using a weapon (firearm) to facilitate drug transactions/possession.
You may be but I'm talking about protecting me, my own and my property. I'm no dealer or purchaser for that matter.
we' are talking about using a weapon (firearm) to facilitate drug transactions/possession.
NOPE, if a dealer or whatever is willing to use a firearm to protect his property (from theft of said cannabis) or to use that weapon to facilitate a crime then that firearm is NOT independent of cannabis.
Nobody is talking about your "marksmanship" lol we' are talking about using a weapon (firearm) to facilitate drug transactions/possession.
Here's what really needs to be done. All law enforcement worldwide needs to stop the stupid expensive war on drugs. If they did they can go out and destroy anhiliate alqueda and taliban and real terrorists. Kill all those scumbags their families, friends, desecrate the graves of their families and leave no trace of the terrorist scum. Instead of they the DEA being terrorists to the law abiding peace loving American marijuana users. The money they save from persecuting law abiding peace loving American marijuana users can be used to acomplish the anhilation of alqueda and taliban and real terrorists.
Sorry....this (Bolded) just struck me as funny!!
My weed constitutionally is my property. If you really read your constitutional rights and have more than half a pea for a brain, and disregard lawfully the constitutionally illegal nature of prohibition "laws" by possessing weed as YOUR PROPERTY then its YOUR PROPERTY. YOU ARE UNDER LAW YOUR OWN PROPERTY AND MAY DEFEND ITSELF PER CONSTITUTION REGARDLESS OF WEED IN YOUR POCKET BECAUSE OUR LIVES ARE RECOGNIZED AS PROPERTY AS OUR WALETS AND CLOTHING ARE TO. its your right to possess weed. Its YOUR RIGHT to defend your "property" as defined, in public even^ so says our founding fathers. If someone breaks into my home I don't care if its for my weed or my flat screen, I will use my firearm in defense FOR MY LIFE, not what objects are in the house. did you even think of that scenario bluedot? no. your statement is against guns seemingly and your words resembles that of LEO in regards to guns AND in weed. not cool here bluedot, don't care how much rep you have with that mentality.NOPE, if a dealer or whatever is willing to use a firearm to protect his property (from theft of said cannabis) or to use that weapon to facilitate a crime then that firearm is NOT independent of cannabis.
Nobody is talking about your "marksmanship" lol we' are talking about using a weapon (firearm) to facilitate drug transactions/possession.
Nobody is talking about your "marksmanship" lol we' are talking about using a weapon (firearm) to facilitate drug transactions/possession.
I am talking about marksmanship and the knowledge in firearms it entails. if you do don't know about guns or firearm responsibility and the connection with my claim as a marksman then you've nothing to say. With that skill/trait comes great responsibility and knowledge in firearms. What I've posted is supposed to speak for all those like me on the forum who smoke but are gun enthusiast marksmen etc., an expression of responsibility and knowledge on the we' are talking about using a weapon (firearm) to facilitate drug transactions/possession
thats rightYou may be but I'm talking about protecting me, my own and my property. I'm no dealer or purchaser for that matter.
right again^, you should, just as humanities done for hundreds of years, by sword and bow before it was black powder rifle and pistol. many had a cinch sack of marijuana on the belt or in pocket, and a sword in scabbard or in hand, scimitar, or bow and quiver of arrows... Nothing has changed, never will. only the weaponryQuote: Zenoonez 12-28-2009, 01:38 PM <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by Blue Dot
NOPE, if a dealer or whatever is willing to use a firearm to protect his property (from theft of said cannabis) or to use that weapon to facilitate a crime then that firearm is NOT independent of cannabis.
Nobody is talking about your "marksmanship" lol we' are talking about using a weapon (firearm) to facilitate drug transactions/possession.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
Protecting yourself and your property are rights. You don't think that you should be able to protect yourself from people using force against you to steal your property?