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Rapper Lil Wayne Detained In Texas Over Marijuana


Blue Dot

LiL Wayne wasn't in Mexico. He never left Texas.

"The tour buses were en route to Laredo, Texas, from a concert in Hidalgo, Texas."

Many people don't realize that the border patrol have sub-stations miles from the US/Mexico border, on all highways heading north out-of the rio grand valley.

Many people are not aware of these border patrol stations, and as a result get busted.


When Snoop came to San Diego about a year or two ago for a concert his bus was detained at a "border" checkpoint in Temecula, which is 60 miles inland from the US/Mexico border and they confiscated his weed.

Snoop wasn't charged because I'm sure he basically has a fall guy in his crew who is paid to take the blame for possession.

And you guys would be naive if you didn't believe that after the concert there wasn't an "anonymous" tip called into that border checkpoint by someone in san diego. They basically see guys like this comin' a mile away.

But yeah, I don't agree with the guns n thug mentality so I hope Lil wayne has a nice stay at the house of corrections.


pure dynamite
I think people actually like the mj smell, but they want to impregnate their own mj smell into the walls... :joint:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I always wondered if by me making this Lilwayne name here would make or break the real lil wayne? Since ive made this name here, ive seen lil wayne rise and fall... perhaps its just coincidence?

It really makes me wonder if this name has anything to do with anything?

probably not

you mean you are not the real lil wayne?


Active member
Like his buses still wouldn't have reeked to high heaven to a dog even if there wasn't any weed on them, just the residule smell from all the past stuff would set off the dogs.

I wore a jacket to the gym yesterday that I carried an oz in for like 10 mins two days before, finished working out, opened my locker to get my jacket and this big wave of weed smell comes rolling out, from 2 days ago.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
i think i am permantely stuck with the smell of weed

I am around it most of my day, and touch it a portion of that

If I smell of cigs, I will most definately smell of teh green


I don't care about trouble. Growing weed is asking for trouble. It is a our right and so is having a gun so fuck the politicians and anyone else that wants to curtail our fucking rights. It is time to stand up to all those pricks that want to curtail our rights, not condemn those that choose not to follow their laws. Is Wayne a constitutional lawyer? No but his argument against the controversy over his "dixie cup" drink was that it was "HIS cup." This idea of ownership of person and property is important because personally I believe it is what underlies our right to have cannabis and every other drug, that it is our property, our body is our property and we may destroy it if we wish. So you don't like his music, thats fine but the fact is that much of his music is deeper and more profound in subject matter than 90% of what you hear on most stations today. That probably speaks more to the lack of good music than Wayne's being terribly great but fuck man I will take an introspective rapper over miley cyrus any day of the week. How does he embody these things and what are they? Fuck the man tours all year, he doesn't sit back like a fat cat, he lives on that tour bus riding around making music and playing shows so he can be sure his kid is taken care of and his mom doesn't have to move back to the hood. I dunno, as far as rappers go, I think he is one of the more credible to actually look up to. Peace.

I agree we need to stand up for our rights but having people like Lil Wayne carry guns in conjunction with pot is not the right way to go about it. The general public (or the white people with power I suppose) make many assumptions similar to mine and probably even worse and are not receptive to change at all. Guns associated with our lovely green will continue to make it appear like a violent thing in general and will not help our cause. I'm on your team brother and thought you articulated your thoughts well K+.

Also, he might be one of the better rappers but I think rap is a poor choice of music. I personally think its almost completely devoid of creativity minus the lyrics. The music is extremely repetitive, dull and almost always in one or two keys. Rap, hip hop and many things on the radio for that matter are dumbing down Americans' taste in music. No longer do people like complex things that take effort and intelligence to appreciate and enjoy, they like dumbed down simpleton music with one or two notes. Try some jazz fusion ;). Feel free to belittle my beliefs on my music though brotha. Its subjective and to each his own :)


Active member
I agree we need to stand up for our rights but having people like Lil Wayne carry guns in conjunction with pot is not the right way to go about it. The general public (or the white people with power I suppose) make many assumptions similar to mine and probably even worse and are not receptive to change at all. Guns associated with our lovely green will continue to make it appear like a violent thing in general and will not help our cause. I'm on your team brother and thought you articulated your thoughts well K+.

Also, he might be one of the better rappers but I think rap is a poor choice of music. I personally think its almost completely devoid of creativity minus the lyrics. The music is extremely repetitive, dull and almost always in one or two keys. Rap, hip hop and many things on the radio for that matter are dumbing down Americans' taste in music. No longer do people like complex things that take effort and intelligence to appreciate and enjoy, they like dumbed down simpleton music with one or two notes. Try some jazz fusion ;). Feel free to belittle my beliefs on my music though brotha. Its subjective and to each his own :)

It doesn't matter whether he is a good spokesman for weed or not. Personally I couldn't care less what Americans think in general. White America will always be scared and we will always have some sort of complex right along with the rest of America. Legalization shouldn't be a popularity contest, our battle lies in the minds of senators, congressmen/women, and judges. This country is based upon securing rights and freedoms for its people. Long ago it diverged from this path and it is our duty to see it return to it. I don't care to argue aesthetics in regards to music with you, it really is a pointless argument because it comes down to taste and that isn't something objectively right or wrong. After all, music is entertainment. Do guns and drugs go together? Yes, after all drugs are illegal. I don't hear people bitching about Willie Nelson and rifles or shotguns. Legalization should be our focus, not some apologetics to appease a dying generation. Cheers man, good conversation.


Maybe he will calm down and learn to write better lyrics while locked up . I find him so annoying . and his lyrics do not make any sense . just mumbo jumbo that rhymes badly .stop featuring him in every god dam tune .


Also, he might be one of the better rappers but I think rap is a poor choice of music. I personally think its almost completely devoid of creativity minus the lyrics.

So its the genre,or what?
I could listen to him over opera an still think he is well smart,on top of his game!
His creativity,lyrics,shine on those tunes.
Im against guns me,as far as im concerned weve all the arms we need.
That being said I woulnt front bricks of weed without a gun in a society full of them,guns and gun carriers.Thats just stupid,no?

The guys no whats up you musta mistit.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOrdI2NZ-iA

As rightly said,by someone on another thread,long gone are the days of the hippie dealer,something like that.
For some anyway.



What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
It doesn't matter whether he is a good spokesman for weed or not. Personally I couldn't care less what Americans think in general. White America will always be scared and we will always have some sort of complex right along with the rest of America. Legalization shouldn't be a popularity contest, our battle lies in the minds of senators, congressmen/women, and judges. This country is based upon securing rights and freedoms for its people. Long ago it diverged from this path and it is our duty to see it return to it. I don't care to argue aesthetics in regards to music with you, it really is a pointless argument because it comes down to taste and that isn't something objectively right or wrong. After all, music is entertainment. Do guns and drugs go together? Yes, after all drugs are illegal. I don't hear people bitching about Willie Nelson and rifles or shotguns. Legalization should be our focus, not some apologetics to appease a dying generation. Cheers man, good conversation.

I like your style. Well put. He better k+ you.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I thought he was a pop star. Rap is dead.


Active member
It doesn't matter whether he is a good spokesman for weed or not. Personally I couldn't care less what Americans think in general. White America will always be scared and we will always have some sort of complex right along with the rest of America. Legalization shouldn't be a popularity contest, our battle lies in the minds of senators, congressmen/women, and judges. This country is based upon securing rights and freedoms for its people. Long ago it diverged from this path and it is our duty to see it return to it. I don't care to argue aesthetics in regards to music with you, it really is a pointless argument because it comes down to taste and that isn't something objectively right or wrong. After all, music is entertainment. Do guns and drugs go together? Yes, after all drugs are illegal. I don't hear people bitching about Willie Nelson and rifles or shotguns. Legalization should be our focus, not some apologetics to appease a dying generation. Cheers man, good conversation.

GOOD points made!...


I agree that legilization should be our main focus. However for that to happen you are going to have to appease this generation you refer to. I disagree however that they are all dying off; their progeny will continue to be wealthy and have conservative influence over the senators, congressmen and women.

Also I think if you give a shit about others suffering (non-med states etc) I think you have a moral responsiblity as a celebrity figure to think about the consequences of your actions. I disagree that just because drugs are illegal guns should be associated with them. I believe in the right to bear arms but I don't think that all drug dealers should carry weapons. I think responsible citizens that prove themselves capable and worthy should be free to carry arms. Anyways I do agree you made some good points and for the above poster, yes I did K+ him for his first post ;)


Active member
I agree that legilization should be our main focus. However for that to happen you are going to have to appease this generation you refer to. I disagree however that they are all dying off; their progeny will continue to be wealthy and have conservative influence over the senators, congressmen and women.

Also I think if you give a shit about others suffering (non-med states etc) I think you have a moral responsiblity as a celebrity figure to think about the consequences of your actions. I disagree that just because drugs are illegal guns should be associated with them. I believe in the right to bear arms but I don't think that all drug dealers should carry weapons. I think responsible citizens that prove themselves capable and worthy should be free to carry arms. Anyways I do agree you made some good points and for the above poster, yes I did K+ him for his first post ;)

A free man has no responsibility to sacrifice his moral stand in favor of others who are victims of the same irrational and moronic laws. You can say that it hurts the medicinal movement all you like and to be perfectly honest, if that encourages us to get back to the real arguments for the legalization of marijuana. You seem to really have a problem with the issue of guns and marijuana so I will address that. Guns are a part of the industry and should be a part of every day life as far as I am concerned. The fact is that marijuana being illegal encourages violence in connection to its production, trade, and use. The fact is that if you cannot depend upon the police to protect you then you must protect yourself and this is the law by which operates all day every day. It is the law of violence. Violence is behind everything if you really think about it. The state compels you to follow the laws which it sets for you by the threat of violence. If you deal in a commodity against whose theft your government doesn't protect you, you are the arbiter of your own defense and you better believe that the people who want your property know that you are unlikely to defend yourself. The only answer to violence is response with overwhelming violence otherwise you are the victim of theft or murder.


I agree that some people that grow marijuana would qualify and deserve the luxery of carry a firearm. I don't believe that access and ownership of guns should be a basic right applied without at least minimal legitimate restrictions. (non violent past, non psychotic, some kind of criteria).

As for marijuana encouraging violence...I don't think this need be the case at all. If you affiliate yourself with genuine people from the start, think long term instead of hunting down short term gains and exercise healthy paranoia I think you can avoid getting yourself into violent situations. If someone robs you I would say be the bigger man, realize thats part of the game and do something to rectify the situation. Rob him minus violence, do nothing, I dont know.

Edit: also the second amendment wasn't intended to have a bunch of American's owning guns just to own guns; it was for a specific reason. Primarily, it was to give the citizens a mean to combat a potential militant/authoritarian government.