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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
way to go stoner. i knew there was a reason i like you ;) i have to agree 100% with you. no one quits until they wake up that day and say no more. you cant half quit anything(he says as he is trying to wean himself off of backwoods. smh. thats another story) cold turkey and embrace the pain is the only thing i believe in. in keeping in line with this thread, had to wait at a bar for my table at a restaurant so i said fuck it. time to see what we are made of. ordered a corona. by the time i got to my table it was half done and i simply did not want to finish it under any circumstance including the fact it was 6.78 + tip = $10. i was much more interested in an ice tea. i guess my brain rewired itself to send a 'yuck' signal every time i take a sip. arent brains awesome?


New member
Great thread!! I haven't had a drink, not even a sip, since 2003. I used to drink daily and I'd get sick if I didn't. I'm thrilled to see all you guys doing so well. Krunchbubble, I had the same phenomenon when I quit. All my previous attempts to quit were fraught with cravings until I'd finally give in. When I quit in 2003, there were no cravings to speak of...a fleeting desire to drink still hits me at times but nothing a few bong rips can't solve. I'm so glad I found this thread!


Active member
Great thread!! I haven't had a drink, not even a sip, since 2003. I used to drink daily and I'd get sick if I didn't. I'm thrilled to see all you guys doing so well. Krunchbubble, I had the same phenomenon when I quit. All my previous attempts to quit were fraught with cravings until I'd finally give in. When I quit in 2003, there were no cravings to speak of...a fleeting desire to drink still hits me at times but nothing a few bong rips can't solve. I'm so glad I found this thread!

Awesome post, welcome to you! Lots of great wisdom and support in this thread, here. Hope everyone woke up feeling good today.


After 8yr2mth of being banned from DD.Am Back ROLLIN maN..........:woohoo: :D
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"Grog Machine " nah.... C'mon Propaganda Everywhere! :yoinks: :)

"Dam SO MANY ON THE ROAD"...... Not speaking my Language TOO! .. Holly Molly.. (new RANT!) :-D ( yea Great FUN)
Boy i love Mcdonalds drive thru.......

' Moaney Tho ! .. 'A' Nourisment is from Flies! LOL
Straight up ..they naturally Avoid the Sticky Graveyard Above them.
"Once" They Mended the Blistered skin on my toe,few of them did.Sittin' under a tree in Port mao Portugal..
Biblical stuff ..
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Active member
Working on two years without getting drunk. Only drunken a hand full of times, just a beer. No looking back, feels so much better to be sober.


Next month will be 3 years tee total for me . Hard to believe when I think of the amount I was downing every day , God bless u all , and stay dry .


Registered Med User
This time im on a different approach. Havent told nobody im quittin, jus tell um im on a break clearing my head. Doin it for myself n my kids. Started exercising to n not tellin anybody. They say vocalize these things but it seems my inner pride recently became more important than my need to please others.


Well-known member
So hats off and cheers to everyone on sobriety or not. I've been sober almost six months since I quit last year. Ya I kinda fucked up but I did LEARN something, so there's that. I gotta say things are getting better for me and I'd never be saying that drunk.



I've got a love hate relationship with alcohol. I love it and it hates me.

Totaled a couple cars, caught one dui, screwed up many mornings and weeks.

Been keeping it on a much more even keel lately. My big problem has always been self control with booze. I've been regulating how heavy I pour my drinks and how many I allow myself. Can't stand how the hangovers kill my energy and make me feel like I have the flu.

Tried quitting all together a few times but it always creeps back in.


Pleasantly dissociated
6 days sober after a 5 week bender , was sober for almost a year, i quit trying to quit booze, cause i know ill drink again , i just look at it as unhealthy and its easy to not drink, but damn i had some nice fun in those 5 weeks . but i got fat , eating cheese and eating ice cream , ugg, already feel so good, been workibg out past 5 days basic stuff pushups and situps and such. im sticking with weed and shrooms , boze is a lose


Well-known member
The thing about AA meetings is there never seems to be any light at the end of the tunnel, or "proper encouragement and support" there some kind of crazy cult if you ask me.

They tend to make out that u will always be on the razors edge so to speak, and you will always be your alcoholic self, i disagree and truly believe that you are not an alcoholic when you stop drinking, even if its for only 1 week- 1 month - 1 year..

Personally speaking, i am getting to old to deal with the hangovers
they also tend to interfere with my Hobby..


Pleasantly dissociated
ugg AA, i wouldnt send anyone there, i went for years , AA does way more harm than good, stay the fuck away . it is a nice place to look for puss and find a job if thats what yer into though


Well-known member
Life is good!! 2 years and 2 months without one drop of alcohol , and I feel great, shout out to everyone in this thread, stay strong , saludos mexicani-ar