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question for sam the skunkman on the original haze

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
So that would mean Super Skunk is NL5xNL2 x Skunk #1, since Nevil only got hybridized NL when he triet to backdoor NLG***

G `day T

Well Greg took his NL #5 clone from Seattle with him to Holland .

The $64 question is did he collaborate with Nevil to make NL Hz with it or did Nevil use his version of NL #5 [ NL #5 x NL #1 then later from Sensi NL #5 x NL #2 ] .

Super Skunk was SK#1 x Ortega Afghan .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
G `day R

There was no Super Skunk in 85 ...

g `day E

u're spot on, and as matter of fact always thought it was too early but never double checked it (so another "flake news" lol), and as the saying goes in Tenerife island north shore "if u wanna lie, say what u've been told" :biggrin: but yeap, most proll is I got some figures wrong, although that 1985 figure resonates somewhere in the back of my mind, or it was a skunk that later on was crossed with the 1990 super skunk, couldn't tell right now as only listened to the interview once and honestly I couldn't care less since it's just a matter of listening to the interview again and see either if they were wrong or is just me that don't remember correctly

what intrigues me more is what's into chemdog, hehe :tiphat:

about the sour/diesel the story that Adam Dunn usually refers to is how back in the day mr Donkers always kinda bragged about how all over the world they had spread their genetics to the point that everything had something from them, and once Adam knew about the diesel (which btw he also says first time Soma kinda tried it, saw it, smelt it, whatever it was, he did not like it lol) he went like, he, you see, there is something out there that has nothing to do with ur catalogue mr donkers, to finally realizing later on after few years that yeap, there WAS something in diesel, was it skunk in any shape or form, that came from the netherlands seed banks (which ofc, don't own all the landrace seeds there are still in the world to be found)


Well-known member
Well the plant I’m thinking of is also known as mass super skunk. Anyone know when this cut came on the scene?

Thanks for correcting me Elmer. I know you know those years like the back of your hand. I wonder what that plant was then that skunk VA was talking about. I just figured he was using that name for the MSS as maybe it wasn’t called MSS in his circle.


Well-known member
Nevil himself stated that he got the NL clone as well as the seeds from America.
Whether or not this is the infamous trip when he smuggled cuttings disguised as fish tank plants is beyond me.
He also stated that none of the seedlings he received/purchased were as good as the clone.
All of this can be read via posts by the legend himself on MNS forums.
As for MSS I bought a $120 quarter of it in Springfield Mass in 1995. It was real nice for sure and expertly grown as was the standard in New England at that time in general


atomizing haze essence
was it super skunk created by some seedbank? yes

I said sour diesel was not created by seedbank. prove me wrong or stop to troll.. sour diesel is not super skunk, and its superior to it.. it was just example, I can use tons of other cuts as example.. trainwreck, schrom, asian fantasy etc..


atomizing haze essence
when I started to grow in 90´. we grew only sensi seeds, I grew shiva skunks, super skunks and early skunks mainly. few years in a row. and none of it was good as sour diesel. g13hashplant is strong, but bland, and it seems to me that bubba kush cultivar beats it ultimate. its my opinion that trainwreck cultivar is better than any 70 days pheno of SSH or amnesia or jack.. so I guess that those nyc haze cuts are kind of different level than Neville´s haze.. it gives me sense. Nevil´s work can be good building block, but that´s all..


See the world through a puff of smoke
Could be that NYC Hz is a 5HzA cut but chances are slim.
I have to join the ones who feel it is a Nevilles Haze pheno, theres just way more logic to this assumption. I base my opinion on growing docd’s BandaidHz cut. It supposed to be very much like its NYC Hz/piff mom and defo grows and smokes like the better NHz phenos.
Not claiming no truth, just sharing my experience.
About the new sssc, 400€ for some seeds... must be special...

Could be what you say.Not claiming the truth either, just a theory.So far as i know HzA is responsible for the incense trait.
At the time Nevil created Neville's Haze (nl5 x HzA x HzC) there was also a HzB.Don't know much about this Hz, but didn't survive i suppose.

Best vibes

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
Could be what you say.Not claiming the truth either, just a theory.So far as i know HzA is responsible for the incense trait.
At the time Nevil created Neville's Haze (nl5 x HzA x HzC) there was also a HzB.Don't know much about this Hz, but didn't survive i suppose.

Best vibes

Hi mex,

C5 also has inscence in it, just not as loud as A5 or NevsHz. According to Nev both males hazes A&C were siblings. All Nevs old hybrids have the Haze funk aka inscence in them.

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
Anyone who has cloned a single plant can notice some clones from the same plant are better than others. Hence the old adage, ‘keep the strongest clones, kill the rest’

True, however there is a way of revitalising weaker clones. Put them outdoors in spring/summer for at least 2 months in the ground, no pots preferably. After a couple of months they will grow like the motherplant. Cuts taken from a revitalised cutting will be on par again.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Hi mex,

C5 also has inscence in it, just not as loud as A5 or NevsHz. According to Nev both males hazes A&C were siblings. All Nevs old hybrids have the Haze funk aka inscence in them.

Do you know from whom the Purple Hz was coming from which was sold in the early 90s in several shops?


Active member
What is northern lights anyway? I doubt anyone knows. NL#5 on phylos looks like a skunk.

The story (from the NL thread at least) is that NL5 is a backcross of Afghan x Hawaiian, towards the Afghani side. Seattle Greg sent his Afghan seeds to Hawaii, where they were crossed with a Hawaiian sativa, then the resulting seeds were sent back to Seattle where it was backcrossed and a pheno chosen. Story is that the seeds were never as good because the seeds given were of the initial cross, not the backcross.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
G `day T

Well Greg took his NL #5 clone from Seattle with him to Holland .

The $64 question is did he collaborate with Nevil to make NL Hz with it or did Nevil use his version of NL #5 [ NL #5 x NL #1 then later from Sensi NL #5 x NL #2 ] .

Super Skunk was SK#1 x Ortega Afghan .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Yeah...SuperSkunk was apparently Skunk 11.5 (11.5 week blooming skunk1) crossed with Afghan T (Ortega Afghan?) ;)


Well-known member
Some recent convo on the Topic of the lineage of NYC Haze

There are several NYC Haze cuts , IMO all related

If you know the history of the seedbanks and release dates The Uptown Haze is something before 92 it seems NL5HzC is most likely , but IMO A5 is closer from my research. Neville’s Haze was released in 97 if I recall . No NH No Jack No SSH . I believe it’s possibly a 70’s Haze bag seed. Heavy Haze came thru NYC remember the 3 brothers were from New Jersey they brought a bunch back east . It could also be any Other Haze offerings before 92 Posi TFD Etc

IME Nevil’s Haze hybrids - Jack SSH Nevils Haze compared to NYC Haze have a brighter Note that Piney /Lime /sweetness can be present- that is not present in NYC Haze , Nevils Haze is the closest but That brighter pine note / sandlewood is not existent in NYC Haze it’s a darker Incense/ Frankincense

The leather /floral / dead flower /vase water / musky /basement/ ammonia/ Incense/ spice is all darker notes nothing bright or Sweet about NYC Haze

Current common NYC Haze is a shadow of Frank or the Golden’s but what’s in my jar is special and not a dense hybrid. Phylos shows piff aka NYC Haze relations to A5 and HAshplantHaze but doest say if it’s HpHzC or HpHzA

Just my 2cent



Well-known member
True, however there is a way of revitalising weaker clones. Put them outdoors in spring/summer for at least 2 months in the ground, no pots preferably. After a couple of months they will grow like the motherplant. Cuts taken from a revitalised cutting will be on par again.


Probiotics also do wonders at rejuvenation


Well-known member
Greg told me Nevil never got pure NL5 clone.
Nevil had the NL5XNL2 clone and seedstock of

EB, you say its NL5xNL#1, but Greg told me directly that it was NL5xNL2

The way Greg broke it down to me:
NL is the Hawaiian line crossed to their Afghan. The Hawaiian being Mexi x Affy, though there were other lines that were thai x jamaican x mexi x affy.
NL= Hawaiian x Afghan.....(Mexi x Affy x Affy)
NL5 is NL Bxed to the Hawiian. So (Mexi x Affy) x [(Mexi x Affy) x Affy]
But of course the Electric Thai could be in the Hawaiian line.
If thats the case, NL5 is (thai x jamaican x mexi x affy) x [(thai x jamaican x mexi x affy) x Affy]

I honestly dont care what MNS forums say after having gotten the info directly from Greg myself. Its what I call a primary source vs a corporate tertiary source.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Haze x NL1

Haze x NL1

I grew an f1 cut and f2 seeds of TheSeedBank Haze x Northern lights#1 Gifted by one of my mentors in 1990 and made f3's and a few crosses with it that year too(before you ask ...No I don't have any seeds left-Got Everything Robbed in '94). So I got to know the line very well back then-before I got some Silver Haze and NL5H soon after.
I think I can safely rule her out as a source for Frankies/piff bcos she wasn't incensey at all...much more honey/lemon/gum sweet,funky, citrus and juniper and just a tad spicey. I grew about 11 female f2's of her and as varied as they were none were very frankincense or leather TBH. The Haze x NL1 FI was deffo very sativa(10-14 week bloom)and very strong in smell and high but I think nevilles Haze Female must Not have been very incensey compared to his 2 great Haze Studs IMHO. I still think If Piff is so Frankincensey then its NL5H related.
Luck'n'Lite JBo ;)


Well-known member
I grew an f1 cut and f2 seeds of TheSeedBank Haze x Northern lights#1 Gifted by one of my mentors in 1990 and made f3's and a few crosses with it that year too(before you ask ...No I don't have any seeds left-Got Everything Robbed in '94). So I got to know the line very well back then-before I got some Silver Haze and NL5H soon after.
I think I can safely rule her out as a source for Frankies/piff bcos she wasn't incensey at all...much more honey/lemon/gum sweet,funky, citrus and juniper and just a tad spicey. I grew about 11 female f2's of her and as varied as they were none were very frankincense or leather TBH. The Haze x NL1 FI was deffo very sativa(10-14 week bloom)and very strong in smell and high but I think nevilles Haze Female must Not have been very incensey compared to his 2 great Haze Studs IMHO. I still think If Piff is so Frankincensey then its NL5H related.
Luck'n'Lite JBo ;)

Thanks for sharing

But Haze Nl#1 was a typo , it was NL#1HzC

I believe I saved all his Haze post - #366 Q for Nevil thread not here

Was HzC. HzA died before commercial quantities were produced.

Female Hazes were not used to produce commercial quantities of seed.



My 2 cts:
-Northern Lights #2 was sold in old sensi (or the seed bank?) 80s catalogs; the picture used is exactly the same as for Hindu Kush, and has been the same picture for many years
-I think i read somewhere that the trippy effect of Northern Lights #1 comes from some Thai added in the mix

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