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2 Peruvian golds from deep in the #jungle of the Amazon rain forest in atalaya where #chocolate originated.

my guess is this pure #landrace #columbiangold came to the region with #coca producers from #Columbia in the 80s when the columbian government cracked down on cartels and they moved to #peru and #Bolivia where to my knowledge has been untouched since

there is a diversity from chocolate, woods and #roadkillskunk. very pungent either way. but looking for the skunkers for my road-kill project I revived last year after taking a 10 year break.

#medmanbrand #lordofloud #loudskunk #skunk



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
it is a good thread in a few ways

- a wake up call to other “breeders” …accountability and transparency

- may help prevent some newbies from getting ripped off

stuff like that

humor is like medicine , it is good for humans

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
and to think...... this clown show shit stain is a sponsor on OG and has some followers geting sucked in who are probably completely unaware of this thread right here. Hopefully this thread continues, daily, and it spills over into every other forum the Loudmouthed Lord of Bullshit is trying to scam people.

anyone here watch the Game of Thrones? Remember the King of Quarth? Proclaiming his wealth and grandeur as the wealthiest man in Quarth with the biggest vault in Quarth but in the end the vault was empty and it was all a lie. That is the Med-Man brand as far as I know it. Us growers in Canada who have been in the game longer than a decade know all about this shit stain. His failed rap career, a heat score that gets people busted, a failed plant food line that is not carried in any of the Hydro stores I have ever been in. Pops up on weed sites with tall tales that are easly shredded to bits as we have seen here. But he carries on like none of it matters because there are enough newbies out there to prey on through all the social media sites his bullshit is not being called out on.
43 years old eh Thaddeus?
and you were doing exactly what in 1992?
In 1992 I was into my 3rd full year of cannabis growing and just getting inroduced to breeding. I was born and raised in the Vancouver lowermainland wth 2 uncles that were patch members of the Hell's Angels. Uncle Bob was caught up in the 2 largest pot busts in BC history. He's retired and near the grave these days but even he scoffs at the internet forums and when I explained to him this decades long quest for RKS he laughed and said what the fuck is that? It was always called BC Skunk in Canada and never anything else. The guy grew it for years so I'll take his truths to the bank. So to see some snot nosed wannabe who posts the shit that he does ...... it's almost offensive.
Despite having Uncles that were growers and long haul drivers that moved product around the country for the club..... I was not introduced to growing by them.... my mother would have castrated them both. First real high i got was with Uncle Bob as a teenager in 86 and it was BC Skunk weed.
I was a hash and LSD dealer in Whalley BC an infamous part of Surrey that back then was called Whalley-world. You couldn't buy flower on the street in the early 90's in BC...... maybe downtown vanouver but it was stemmy seedy crap. We stuck with the hash as it was high quality Gold Seal or Romeo/Juliet and was plentiful and sold for 15 a gram and 225 an ounce. I was getting kilos for a very good price from 88 thru 92.
The weed being grown a the time was afghani 1, hawaiian afghani and purple afghani in the circles I ended up landing in during 1989. I was dating a little hottie and living a gangsterish drug dealers life and when I met girlie's dad that all changed. He gave me an ultimatum , quit the lifestyle I was leading and join "the family", become a grower. His name was Sandy Richards and he was a patch member of the Outlaws and him and his partner Skip, also a patch member of the Outlaws, grew indoor and all thier product was sent to the Island and also sold thru the drivers at the infamous Whalley Towing. A very rough crowd would find out over the years. One claim I have made since joining the internet of weed in 2015 is that Sandy was the first grower outside the "lab" to come into posession of the famous UBC Chemo. I was there on the couch when it went down. I find it interesting that not one long time grower or breeder with ties to BC has ever called me out on that or contested that claim. That's because I'm not a bullshitter and those that know have connected the dots. Which you just can't do with medman's stories and claims.
In 1992 , very few dealers had bud, most had hash which as I say, went for 225 an ounce on average at the street level. Flower and I mean decent flower started showing up at the dealer level more regularly in about 93 and it wasn't any of the strains BC became or was already known for. It was Alaskan Fuck Weed (thunderfuck?) and Green Bud (green crack?) and obviously imported....... Growers here had just not become mainstream enough to fill the market. At the time an ounce of gold was the same price as an ounce of weed..... 300 to 350 bucks. Weed could generally only be found if you knew a grower or a close associate/family member of a grower.
Then the big hash bust happened with 4 tons getting nabbed in semi containers down in delta and street level hashish was no more. The market then turned to bud and the rest is history.
I never did join the Outlaws nor the HA's and I can't pretend to know the whole scene back then but the bikers drove the weed scene in BC for a long long time and nothing Med-man has ever posted about Bikers and weed in BC has ever jived with my life experience living here and having my small part in the scene. I was born and raised in this province and lived in the heart of BC's most famous Indoor weed production region of North Delta and Surrey BC until I was in my 40's. I became a dealer in 88, a year out of high school and a grower in 89 and I have never looked back. I am no where near an "old timer" but I have seen a lot of bullshitters come and go and lots of clowns who never grew up here, never experienced BC in the 80's and 90's ...... and are over a decade younger than me..... come on the internet and speak of BC's scene like they have some connection to it........ fuck right off LOL

this post has been for the benefit of those who may not be aware of my background as it pertains to calling out this shitstain on his bullshit.
check out how he is fishing for the unaware over on OG....... shameful, someone should link these threads over there too. add the www. I don't think direct links are cool here but not up on current rules. overgrow.com/t/pure-colombian-gold-peru/104284/137
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I remember that there was a commercial strain named "El Peru"...I read the catalog ...dont remember if It was a canadian seedbank? It was many years ago
Anyone? ...just curious


Well-known member
and to think...... this clown show shit stain is a sponsor on OG and has some followers geting sucked in who are probably completely unaware of this thread right here. Hopefully this thread continues, daily, and it spills over into every other forum the Loudmouthed Lord of Bullshit is trying to scam people.

anyone here watch the Game of Thrones? Remember the King of Quarth? Proclaiming his wealth and grandeur as the wealthiest man in Quarth with the biggest vault in Quarth but in the end the vault was empty and it was all a lie. That is the Med-Man brand as far as I know it. Us growers in Canada who have been in the game longer than a decade know all about this shit stain. His failed rap career, a heat score that gets people busted, a failed plant food line that is not carried in any of the Hydro stores I have ever been in. Pops up on weed sites with tall tales that are easly shredded to bits as we have seen here. But he carries on like none of it matters because there are enough newbies out there to prey on through all the social media sites his bullshit is not being called out on.
43 years old eh Thaddeus?
and you were doing exactly what in 1992?
In 1992 I was into my 3rd full year of cannabis growing and just getting inroduced to breeding. I was born and raised in the Vancouver lowermainland wth 2 uncles that were patch members of the Hell's Angels. Uncle Bob was caught up in the 2 largest pot busts in BC history. He's retired and near the grave these days but even he scoffs at the internet forums and when I explained to him this decades long quest for RKS he laughed and said what the fuck is that? It was always called BC Skunk in Canada and never anything else. The guy grew it for years so I'll take his truths to the bank. So to see some snot nosed wannabe who posts the shit that he does ...... it's almost offensive.
Despite having Uncles that were growers and long haul drivers that moved product around the country for the club..... I was not introduced to growing by them.... my mother would have castrated them both. First real high i got was with Uncle Bob as a teenager in 86 and it was BC Skunk weed.
I was a hash and LSD dealer in Whalley BC an infamous part of Surrey that back then was called Whalley-world. You couldn't buy flower on the street in the early 90's in BC...... maybe downtown vanouver but it was stemmy seedy crap. We stuck with the hash as it was high quality Gold Seal or Romeo/Juliet and was plentiful and sold for 15 a gram and 225 an ounce. I was getting kilos for a very good price from 88 thru 92.
The weed being grown a the time was afghani 1, hawaiian afghani and purple afghani in the circles I ended up landing in during 1989. I was dating a little hottie and living a gangsterish drug dealers life and when I met girlie's dad that all changed. He gave me an ultimatum , quit the lifestyle I was leading and join "the family", become a grower. His name was Sandy Richards and he was a patch member of the Outlaws and him and his partner Skip, also a patch member of the Outlaws, grew indoor and all thier product was sent to the Island and also sold thru the drivers at the infamous Whalley Towing. A very rough crowd would find out over the years. One claim I have made since joining the internet of weed in 2015 is that Sandy was the first grower outside the "lab" to come into posession of the famous UBC Chemo. I was there on the couch when it went down. I find it interesting that not one long time grower or breeder with ties to BC has ever called me out on that or contested that claim. That's because I'm not a bullshitter and those that know have connected the dots. Which you just can't do with medman's stories and claims.
In 1992 , very few dealers had bud, most had hash which as I say, went for 225 an ounce on average at the street level. Flower and I mean decent flower started showing up at the dealer level more regularly in about 93 and it wasn't any of the strains BC became or was already known for. It was Alaskan Fuck Weed (thunderfuck?) and Green Bud (green crack?) and obviously imported....... Growers here had just not become mainstream enough to fill the market. At the time an ounce of gold was the same price as an ounce of weed..... 300 to 350 bucks. Weed could generally only be found if you knew a grower or a close associate/family member of a grower.
Then the big hash bust happened with 4 tons getting nabbed in semi containers down in delta and street level hashish was no more. The market then turned to bud and the rest is history.
I never did join the Outlaws nor the HA's and I can't pretend to know the whole scene back then but the bikers drove the weed scene in BC for a long long time and nothing Med-man has ever posted about Bikers and weed in BC has ever jived with my life experience living here and having my small part in the scene. I was born and raised in this province and lived in the heart of BC's most famous Indoor weed production region of North Delta and Surrey BC until I was in my 40's. I became a dealer in 88, a year out of high school and a grower in 89 and I have never looked back. I am no where near an "old timer" but I have seen a lot of bullshitters come and go and lots of clowns who never grew up here, never experienced BC in the 80's and 90's ...... and are over a decade younger than me..... come on the internet and speak of BC's scene like they have some connection to it........ fuck right off LOL

this post has been for the benefit of those who may not be aware of my background as it pertains to calling out this shitstain on his bullshit.
check out how he is fishing for the unaware over on OG....... shameful, someone should link these threads over there too. add the www. I don't think direct links are cool here but not up on current rules. overgrow.com/t/pure-colombian-gold-peru/104284/137
Holy shit. I just checked that thread on OG... I'm just stunned. This fucking guy. Every single plant looks like shit, he doesn't know how to grow. And they're all very clearly hybrids.... but you still have people there eating it up. Unreal.

I haven't got too far into it, just reading while I eat. But goddamn man. I don't think it would be possible to overstate what a complete douchebag that guy is. As long as there's someone dumb enough to buy, I guess? I would never be able to live with myself. Makes me wonder what kind of monsters his parents were...
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