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problems with coco

Water less volume not less often thats what i mean. Keep the coco lighter. The only time you want runoff is if your flushing, even then runoff isnt neccesary. The coco wil spread the moisture pretty well. If I were to water my plants till runoff It would be 3 days before i watered them again. And thats with 5+ ft plants in 2 gallon bags.


Scientist, if what you're doing is working for you, keep doing it. But for the rest of the world that can't exercise mind over matter, WATER TILL RUNOFF EVERY TIME YOU WATER AND WATER AT LEAST ONCE A DAY.

In coco, if you don't you'll get ec build up and that's been proven. And the coco doesn't mind that you're watering several times a day cause it's never going to hold so much water that oxygen can't get to the roots. One of the reasons we use coco is because of it's ability to let go of whatever water it needs to in order to give the roots O2. You can't drown your plants in coco unless you set the pot in the reservoir, lol.

There is more than one reason plants will get 5' tall and not all of them have to do with either quality or yield. But in coco, if you water and feed the plant correctly, a 5' plant will give you all it's capable of giving in both yield and quality.



i think most of the people here treat coco like a hydroponic medium, rather than soil like

ne ways i like to water often it gives me something to do lol, and when i did the growth was crazy them bitches took off


the scientist needs to learn that we are growing a weed. just because his system gets him buds, does not mean that it's the only way that will work. like i've said before you can treat your coco like earth. but that is not the way to get your strains full potential from it. not saying it won't work, just that it could work better :D
Okay, we need to start over here.
Im only telling you guys this to help you all out. When I first went to coco I followed the directions by botanicare and watered the plants untill I got runoff every time. Long story short it makes watering a pain in the ass. Well after a while I stopped giving them as much and instead just fed them what I knew they would consume In a day or two. Well then i was talking with one of the techs from advanced and he asked me whether i watered till runoff. I was afraid when I said no he was gonna say something like "Oh man you gotta do that" but instead he said "good". But wait has all the crap I read in the forums all the info from botanicare and general hydro been wrong,... yep. Well the proof is in the pudding. Now im not gonna get anymore into this but for any people who might be new to coco I just wanna say, try both methods see which works for you. I feed just what they need to stay moist every day. I dont even need holes in my containers, unless I want to flush them at the end and I dont even do that anymore. Now unless you compare both methods you cannot say which works better for sure.
You flush by giving them just plain water. The nutes will be gone in a week. Why dont you stop hatin and try it. But hey If your using crappy nutes (even alot or brand name shit) you probably do need to flood those things every day to get that shit out.


I'm far to lazy to hand water all my plants. Its why I use drippers with many feedings per day. So unfortunately I won't be able to try out your method. No hating if your method works for you more power to ya. Mine works for me and thats all i care about.
If for the most part they arent flooded thats fine but for a hand watered system I say runoff is just a waste and a gimmick it takes oxygen away from your root zone and can cause issues from the wet conditions it creates around the plant.


"takes oxygen away from your plants" in coco? wtf? have you ever grown in coco? coco loves being watered multiple times a day till run off each time. you only have to see, the speed and vigor of growth once to be sold.

coco is a hydroponic medium. it always has enough air for perfect root health. as long as the coco can drain freely and is not sitting in a puddle of water, then multiple waterings a day are a no brainer. each time you water the coco till run off, you are actually switching out not just the nutes and water, but also the air. new water floods the medium forcing all the old used air out, as the water slowly drains off new air is sucked in to the medium to replace it. so tell me how this can "take oxygen away from my plants"?

like i keep saying, it all depends how you treat your plants in coco. treat them like a hydro grow and that's the type of roots the plants will make. treat it like an earth grow and thats what you will get.

funny to see you knocking the water till run off when you obviously have never grown in pure coco, otherwise you'd know how quickly you would run in to problems by only watering when the pots get light.

first you quoted a video about earth growing from advanced and now you quote some nameless advanced tech. well i tell you what mister scientist i been using coco since canna first started selling it. i have indeed tried many ways including low water amounts and it does work, but you still regularly need to give enough so some will run off, that's just the way coco works. as for advanced they have only just sprung up on the coco gravy train. their coco nutes are problematic from what i have heard folks post.

but like Aizen said, do what you are happy with.


this thread was a comical read.....

I for one, would LOVE to see some of the madscientist's finished product.

One positive thing I pulled from this thread is now I have to try coco. Especially after GM's pic. :)

Dirty boy goin coco...

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