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Pritzger unveils cannabis legalization bill

There is no provision for home grow under the current med program. Medical patients face the same penalties as any other person in the state of IL for cultivation (over 5 is felony).

They (lawmakers/steans/cassidy/et al) are very likely pulling homegrow from the adult use bill filed and water cooler talk has been to add it to the revisions to the medical program for medical patients only. This would be Bob Morgan's bill (HB 895), which will also authorize new conditions (migraines, chronic pain, anything approved by doc) as well as extend the automatic sunset date (program cancellation) currently set for mid-2020.

I purchase (wholesale) for and manage a licensed dispensary in IL and have been directly involved from applications in 2014 through present. There's severe product shortages already, not to mention wholesale is charged by the eighth, and generally most cultivators (extortionists) are charging $30/eighth which is $3,840/pound wholesale... Yet, AGR and IDFPR find no issue with pricing or monopolistic control. Last order we asked for 8-10 pounds, and all one cultivator could offer was an ounce of flower (no exaggeration)... Very few seem to realize how drastic of a supply issue we have now, and what an unreasonable assumption it is that 21 operators will be able to cultivate all cannabis needed for a rec program and IL's 12.8 million population.

The adult use bill has gone exactly the same way, thank your Chicago machine politicians from crook county. And it's the medical patients and medical providers that will be paying all this proposed social equity bullshit (check out the fees, both non-refundable and social equity from the full text bill) which includes giving grants and sub-prime loans to unqualified operators strictly due to their skin color or residence location. That's called affirmative action, but they refer to it as 'social equity'...

Dumpster fire is an appropriate term, but lawmakers seem to think IL is the 'gold standard'...


New member
Illinois is one of the most corrupt states in the country. How many of Illinois governor's wound up in jail. Blagojevich is still rotting in a federal prison. Unless sometime in the future Federal law legalizes it Illinois will never allow home grow. Yeah I also heard that gold standard crap and beating Michigan. Gold Standard of laying down and rolling over for law enforcement. Gold standard of fucking over the Illinois resident countless times. Illinois will never beat Michigan. Illinois will be the most unfriendly state in the country. As far as I'm concerned Steans and Casssidy are sellouts.

Green Thumb

:whee: Marijuana legalized, but lost the home grow part of the bill.

Marijuana moment.net

POLITICSIllinois Lawmakers Send Marijuana Legalization Bill To Governor’s Desk


*44 mins ago*


*May 31, 2019


A bill to legalize marijuana in Illinois is heading to the governor’s desk following a successful vote in the House of Representatives on Friday.

The legislation would allow individuals 21 and older to possess, consume and purchase cannabis from licensed retailers. It also contains a number of social equity provisions, while at the same time giving existing medical cannabis businesses a leg up in the licensing process.

The House passed the bill in a 66 to 47 vote.

The win for legalization supporters comes two days after the*Senate approved the legislation, 38 to 17.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) said he will sign the bill into law, making Illinois the 11th state in the U.S. to legalize marijuana—but the first to regulate the adult-use cannabis industry through an act of lawmakers as opposed to via a voter-approved ballot measure.

“The state of Illinois just made history, legalizing adult-use cannabis with the most equity-centric approach in the nation,” he said in a Twitter post. “This will have a transformational impact on our state, creating opportunity in the communities that need it most and giving so many a second chance.”
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Green Thumb

Huge step forward in crushing the traditional market and turning your states supply into mids...


You would rather no change!?!

This is a huge deal, until federal changes are made this is the way it works my friend. I'm sick of the melinial type attitude of expecting to get everything one wants in one go. It's taken years of prohibition to get to this point and you think I'm worried about "mids". This bill alone has been in the works for 4+ years. I'm more worried about the big picture, I guess this place isn't what it used to be.
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passing the gas
Rec legalization is wrecking medical in states that had decent programs and creating a lousy adult use scene.

Your states med program was bs tho but watch what happens, you're gonna get expensive mids now, it ain't going to go like Oregon for y'all.

Also won't be any local "jungle Boys" popping out of the shadows either, you will get the biggest corporate boof vendors because Illinois has such a corrupt government.

When federal changes you will get overpriced imported boof from 3rd world hellholes.:biggrin:

You would rather no change!?!

This is a huge deal, until federal changes are made this is the way it works my friend. I'm sick of the melinial type attitude of expecting to get everything one wants in one go. It's taken years of prohibition to get to this point and you think I'm worried about "mids". This bill alone has been in the works for 4+ years. I'm more worried about the big picture, I guess this place isn't what it used to be.


Active member
Yep, y'all can have legalized pot but you all gotta get it from me.
What a rackett!
And mail order swag dry and tasteless, I hope you like that kinda stuff.

Me I say if it aint right vote no, but it is too late for you folks now.

I have not seen 1 state that legalized that had not increased the stranglehold on cannabis rights.

In fact most states are removing personal growing rights without a vote of the people.
So I am very sorry to say they will not be increasing plant counts ever.
If anything watch them remove all personal home growing completely.
You have to register so they will know if you are growing, it then becomes illegal.
Then they will charge you with a felony for growing your own.

Ah, the good ole days before legaization.

Green Thumb

This is the same fear mongering rhetoric used by opponents of legalization. I'd rather have change and unknown than the irrational fear of "mids".

The thing is, you shouldn't have to have a medical condition to use marijuana. I think you should go troll elsewhere if you support keeping pot illegal except for those with a medical providers authorization. That's dillusional.

I don't support the idea of big brother keeping things illegal due to illogical ideology.

I think we have different agendas here. Freedom of the plant is more important than what you're spewing.

Rec legalization is wrecking medical in states that had decent programs and creating a lousy adult use scene.

Your states med program was bs tho but watch what happens, you're gonna get expensive mids now, it ain't going to go like Oregon for y'all.

Also won't be any local "jungle Boys" popping out of the shadows either, you will get the biggest corporate boof vendors because Illinois has such a corrupt government.

When federal changes you will get overpriced imported boof from 3rd world hellholes.:biggrin:


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
This is the same fear mongering rhetoric used by opponents of legalization. I'd rather have change and unknown than the irrational fear of "mids".

The thing is, you shouldn't have to have a medical condition to use marijuana. I think you should go troll elsewhere if you support keeping pot illegal except for those with a medical providers authorization. That's dillusional.

I don't support the idea of big brother keeping things illegal due to illogical ideology.

I think we have different agendas here. Freedom of the plant is more important than what you're spewing.
You can call it fear mongering if you like. But they're right.

Ever been to a state that is legal? The weed sucks. It's barely mids. Over-ferted and smell like hay. But it looks good! And gets you kind of high for about 20-30 minutes.

Green Thumb

You can call it fear mongering if you like. But they're right.

Ever been to a state that is legal? The weed sucks. It's barely mids. Over-ferted and smell like hay. But it looks good! And gets you kind of high for about 20-30 minutes.

Yes, I did not have a bad experience but I can't speak for yours. This may indeed be a problem but that's anew problem to address. I don't agree they did it right, just happy that it's no longer illegal.

Legal home grow is the next thing to achieve imo.


Active member
I think you should go troll elsewhere if you support keeping pot illegal except for those with a medical providers authorization. That's dillusional.

I do not support that at all.

I don't support the idea of big brother keeping things illegal due to illogical ideology.

I do not support that at all either.

I think we have different agendas here. Freedom of the plant is more important than what you're spewing.

Freedom of the plant is exatly what I am spewing BTW.
What they are passin off here is not legalization.
And it most certainly is not going to free the cannbis plant.

If your state is not protected by a constutional amendment they can eliminate all of your rights without a vote of the people if they wish.

Just trying to infom you, as is Chunkypigs.:tiphat:

BTW the med scene is not going to last very much longer so consider those guys done as soon as they can be eliminated.

They still need the caregivers ect. to supply the legal market.
After they are not needed they will be gone.


Well-known member
IL bill key takeaways for those championing the bullshit...

Possession limits of 30g flower OR 5g concentrate OR 500mg infused, or some combination thereof. Personal possession limits don't kick in until Jan 1, 2020. So we'll have a signed bill but cops can still arrest for 6+ months.

Smell is still probable cause for search (this was said multiple times in both the House and Senate hearings and on the floor). If a canine alerts or a cop says they smell it, it is probable cause for search and seizure. The accused must prove they are within the limits, setting up huge potential for abuse.

Growing 5 plants is a civil violation, with a fine up to $200. Med patients can grow up to 5 plants.

Anything over 5 plants.... felony. (better hope LEO doesn't split any rootballs)

Anything over 31 grams..... Class A misdemeanor, second offense or anything over 100g is a felony. (unless med patient then your state limit, and any grow overages must be kept at home, locked and enclosed).

Better hope they don't weigh those 5 plants that are a civil violation, cause if it's over 30 grams and your second violation, or over 100 grams, that's potentially a felony...

Selling under 10 grams to a minor is only a misdemeanor though (I believe).

Med patients can't share seeds, you can only buy them from a dispensary (for my IC friends, you all should appreciate this horseshit).

No public consumption but allows local government to authorize social spaces for consumption. There is no state licensing process, it will all be up to the local jurisdiction.

10-30% tax on products when you add up state, and potential local city and county (city up to 3% and county, I believe, 0.75%), on top of 10-25% state tax depending on potency (thc %). This is on top of a 7% wholesale 'cultivator privilege tax'

Sales go live Jan 1, 2020, where only 21 cultivation operations will be growing for both the medical and rec programs (there are over 1,500 in Colorado, with less than half of IL population). New craft grows (up to 5ksf flower) will be licensed July 2020. Now count build out time, and time for growth, harvest, dry, cure, package, sale, essentially those cultivators have a year with the market to themselves. Who thinks 21 grows can supply all of IL? Black market will thrive

Expungements for under 30 grams, with 30-500 grams available to petition and decided by judge on case by case basis.

Shall we discuss the crooked licensing and social equity nonsense for operators as well??
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Social justice my ass. They just passed a big fuck you to the average guy. They also gave cops plenty of room to keep locking people up. So much for legalization. Steans and cassidy look like the devil to me.

After they weigh your 5 plant civil infraction prepare for the manufacturing and distribution charges come in.
Your civil infraction will be dropped when they offer you the plea.

Big win for the medical monopoly and leo gets to keep locking people up. Paramilitary raids on private residences will continue.

Never fear pam from the med lobby will be heading up the clean up bills next session.

Leo still wants to be able to monitor and check home grows. Maybe they will pass the same no right to refuse random searches like they just put in for license holders.

Trash. The greediest most corrupt rec implementation yet. We know how this goes down.... I dont think its a start.

Woulda been nice to have some peace man.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm thinking it's a step in the right direction but am extremely disappointed in the lack of private cultivation.

I also shudder to think of 21 suppliers for 13 million people.

For the record I have to reiterate Green Thumb stating that home grows would be the next step.

Maybe the people could speak and votes could change things.

It used to happen all the time.

Or if that is what we're doing maybe positive reinforcement beats emoesque disdain.

I don't think Illinois is a voter initiative state but am certainly not sure.

See what you can do to help instead of roll over and die.

Whatever you do keep the genes green and galloping.

What a bunch of bullshit! The fuckers are a bunch of hypocrites! They take off home grow for recreational use cause law enforcement says itl fuel the black market??? But on oth3r hand they decriminalize if a person grows 5 or less to no jail time and up to 200$ fine? That makes sense dont it? And like the first post on here said, there is no way that illinois will have enough supply to meet the demands... Thats why small home growers can fetch top dollar if they need to make ends meet.. Thats why regardless of what them spineless bastards in crook county say, il allways grow my own.. And if i need xtra cash for the family il sell the shit out of it.. Man what id do to b a supplier for dispensary or to b a grower that works for one of the legal facilities.. With over 20yrs of growing experience there woodnt b no mids plants coming from any grow i take part of.. The only good thing from this passing is that my 2 arrests yrs ago are likely to b expunged off my record.. But all they want is the money.. Law enforcement woodnt back the bill if they aloud homegrown 5 or less? But the fuckers dont have a problem accepting 3-5% of funds from all the people who buy that Monsanto filled and speed dried buds.. By them not allowing home grown rec will only make my products wirth more on black market so thx crook county! Just the sadest state to live in without a doubt! I dont want to buy that bs legally! I wanna grow my shit legally! Why dont they regulate home alcohol brewers that make there own wine and beer?? Wtf is the difference? And IF TGE STATE CARED BOUT ITS PEOPLE, THEN WHY DONT THEY BAN CIGERETTES??? HOW MANY KIDS U C WALKN ROUND WITH CIGS IN THEIR MOUTHS AND THATS OK?? JUST A FUCKN SAD ASS STATE RULED AND CONTROLLED BY THE FUCKS IN CHICAGO.. Every tax dollar goes to chicago and rest of state suffers .. Its why i dont even vote anymore.. Its pointless.. So good luck to all but they wont stop me from growing..✌


New member
Called it like I saw it.
I think most of these people sugar coating the crap out of it don't realize just how fucked this law is gonna be. Illinois will have more of a stranglehold over it being so called legalized. They have essentially monopolized recreational. Watch for all the abuse coming from law enforcement in the coming years.
This is Crook County politics on a statewide level.
What people fail to acknowledge is that this so called "Gold Standard" could be a role model for other states and god forbid a potential federal model. This sets a very dangerous president.
You can call it fear mongering if you want, I could give a rats ass.
Take a look at Washington State. Seven years since they passed recreational and still no home grow. SEVEN YEARS.

Green Thumb

Link for a snapshot on SB 2023 that passed house today and now goes to senate... madnesses I know, what are they thinking, should me more restricted, lol.
#Horrible state, #Chicago politics, #I'm a victim, #I need a participation trophy, #keep it illegal,#i told you so, #mids are scary, #vote no or else, # this is madness, #its all about me, #no change is better, #the end is near.

Just playing, but the air is ripe.



Active member
Take a look at Washington State. Seven years since they passed recreational and still no home grow. SEVEN YEARS.

Maybe next year right??:)

And now they have put a restriction on supply.
This works to keep prices very high.

With supply at 10X demand do you think they will ever allow personal growing?

In Michigan the largest legal grower sent all his employees to march on the capital and it worked he got his way.
Threatened the states money, said he needed more of the market and he got it too.

Just sayin dude, I have been watchin this stuff real close for the last 10 years.
I can see the trends and know what greed does.
You can count on greed to win every time unless the people demand more.

Don't mis understand our position here.
We are not pouting, we are just loudly complaining while greed fucks us all in the ass.
I think that is a fair bitch, no?

BTW they are doing you the same way.

They hand a guy a lollipop meanwhile a gang rape is going on round back and you seem to be ok with it, as long as you get the lollipop you seem happy.

I think some of us just see deeper into this matter than you are able.

This is not an attack on your opinion as you have every right to voice it.
Just make sure you know what you are asking for here.

When federal legalizes and they will you will be getting you weed from syngenta.
Much like your food crops.

There is a lot to this story if you have the time read my threads you will see they go back to 2014.

I preach a plant in every yard!
But that seems to be too much freedom and legaization is all about the benjamans brother.

Good luck I wish you the best but fear the worst.:tiphat:



New member

But Democrat Melinda Bush of Grayslake said she voted to pass the measure from the Senate because she feels Illinois has crafted a cannabis bill that could be used as a nationwide role model.

“We've been negotiating this bill for two years. A lot of safety issues have been addressed, medical issues have been addressed, social justice issues have been addressed,” Bush said Friday afternoon. “I think we have one of the best pieces of legislation in the United States.”

Do we really want Illinois to be a role model in anything, let alone legalization.
The gall and mentality of these people.