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Pre-gaming for the 2015 Outdoor Season

Team Microbe

Active member
Hey everyone, this will be part 1 of a 2 part thread on my 2015 Outdoor season. Part 1 will consist of my prep process, and Part 2 will be started in the spring upon Day 1 of transplant.


A Blue Widow from last year's outdoor. I'll be running this strain again this year most likely...

I chose to prep sites and haul soil now compared to waiting til the spring for a number of reasons:

1. Cooler temps for working

2. Less vegetation gets trampled during hauling to and from the sites

3. Relieves the stress of getting everything prepared in time for transplant day (June 1st)

4. Allows for more time to be spent on prepping, and more time means more holes

This will be my 4th year outside. The 1st two years I was careless and my spots were found and ripped both years. I took it a little more seriously this summer, and finally had a successful year. About time! This year I'm planting in the same spot, and am confident as hell in it. I was tempted to make a "how to" for the guys just getting into this style of growing, but who am I kidding? I'm not an expert...... yet.

So instead I'll be running through my routines, things I've learned thus far, things I'll never do again, and much more. Hope to see some of the guerrillas from last season stop in to contribute towards this thread, along with anyone else who feels captivated by the entire guerrilla growing aspect of things. It's slowly becoming a past time with the legalization moving in, so it's great to have the old heads (and young ones like myself) keeping it alive and truckin still.

Anyways, time to pack a fat bowl and get right down to it... feel free to join me :dance013:

Team Microbe

Active member
A journey to Terrapin Station...

A journey to Terrapin Station...


First and foremost, I want everyone to meet my best friend... the moon. This should grow to be any guerrillas best friend, because it provides us with safety and security from wandering eyes. I like to get all work done at night that absolutely cannot be done during the day... or at least that wouldn't be worth the risk to carry out during daylight. This includes things like hauling supplies to and from sites, transplanting, and harvesting.


This is where it all goes down for me. My spot is down these tracks a few miles and then another mile or so into an adjacent brush that is pretty damn thick. So basically my main challenges are to get to my entry point unseen, to avoid trains coming and going, and to have an alibi the entire time doing so. This is in a town with a decent population, so this is really an "under their noses" type of grow going here. I honestly didn't think I could pull off last year's grow since it was my first time at this location, but everything worked out according to plan. It was really thanks to a game camera I used to capture activity around the tracks. I know who comes and goes, it's really my eyes and ears out in the bush while I'm gone.


Bambi creepin' lol


Just hit the nursery this week for some bales, I grabbed 15 for now (1/2 pallet) and will grab more in a few weeks after I rest up from hauling these down the tracks and into the woods.


Making these duct tape back packs for your bales is wicked easy and it's a whole lot easier on your back compared to carrying bales with your arms. I highly recommend these... your back will thank you. One of the biggest things I've learned while growing outside like this is how to work smarter and not harder. The entire process can easily be over-complicated, and more often than not it's better to use the K.I.S.S. method when going guerrilla I've found. Which actually inspired this next tool of the trade:

Team Microbe

Active member


This rail cart I designed will be used to get a lot of soil down the tracks and into my site, and I'll be able to save energy for hauling them in on my back the following day. I like to haul soil on the tracks at night, and then come back early the next day to haul them in on foot because the area I grow in is very overgrown brush, and it's easy to get turned around in there if I can't see well. If I could get away with hauling them all the way to my site during the cover of darkness, I would. But... it's scary shit, you know what I mean if you've ever been lost at night before.


This was taken this past spring, you can see how I bag the bales before bringing them out to haul. Reason being; they get heavy as fuck when they're saturated. Also the white is very bright to be hauling at night, so the bags help in that aspect. After hauling them down the tracks I drop them just inside the brush line at a drop site, where I cover them up with a camo tarp and native brush that I prepare the week prior. I also grab a 4 pack of reflective stickers at Home Depot and stick them at destinations I need to hit along the way during the hauls at night, mainly to prevent from getting lost out there (it's happened already), and to help see my entrance point from the tracks and into my drop site area at night. There is a lot of crap laying on the sides of the tracks so the markers go unnoticed to rail workers, but I like to remove them afterwards just to be safe. Speaking of safety...


This is the best investment I've made in my 4 years of growing outside. It was less than $250, but you can find em for around $100 for the basic models. I wanted a camera with a video recording feature for more accuracy in identifying movement so I spent the extra money, but that's nothing compared to the losses one would go through after being ripped... or even worse the fines one would face if ever convicted. Any wise grower will get at least one of these for security. I like to put mine just outside the leg to my patch, and not on site. In case it ever gets found, it won't be connected with my grow. Yet it will capture all foot traffic in the area.


I like to dig out about 30 gallons worth of soil and mix it 50:50 with the bales of peat/perlite/lime that I haul in for my base mix. This will give me a 60 gallon mound, and will be covered in a mix of chopped up leaves and grass clippings to break down over the winter and spring. This will give me enough organic matter needed to pump these girls through the season. For the leaf litter/grass clippings, I went around and collected a bunch of curb side bags from a neighbor (that has no pets so I knew there wouldn't be shit in the mix). After collecting I ran the lawn mower over them and bagged them up in plastic contractor bags; while saving the paper bags they came in. After filling the holes this upcoming week, I'll haul the bags of leaves/grass out to my site on the rail cart, and lay it down as mentioned above. So I'll lay the soil down, followed by a layer of leaf litter/grass clippings, followed by a thin layer of finished compost (hauled out in 5 gal buckets), followed by the brown paper bags I collected the leaves in. I'll use garden staples to prevent the bags from flying away in the wind, and they'll be all set to plug and play in come late May of next year. I'll top dress with a nutrient mix made by hand when it comes time in the spring, because anything I lay down now will most likely leech away by the time it comes down to planting.

After that it's time to relax for the winter and hunt for some phenos that I can put my money on next year. I just received Blueberry Headband, Cheese Candy, Locktite, Mt. Rainier, and Church in the mail for this grow. Not to mention the strain I bred last year, which still needs testing. It's Church x Purple Rhodi, I think I'm calling it Holy Rhodi. More on that later though...
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if it smells like fish
still looking for a spot ...i don't need moonlight.....yeehaw...BTW the night owl one pictured to the left was a POS ..first one died after 2 uses..got another after argument with Walmart manager and it died after one use....the headset unit from another company however kicks ass...FWIW bring a compass or gps as you can easily get lost at night using em...

Team Microbe

Active member
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=56595&pictureid=1320745&thumb=1]View Image[/URL] still looking for a spot ...i don't need moonlight.....yeehaw...BTW the night owl one pictured to the left was a POS ..first one died after 2 uses..got another after argument with Walmart manager and it died after one use....the headset unit from another company however kicks ass...FWIW bring a compass or gps as you can easily get lost at night using em...

BAD ASS. This looks like something I may get for next year. I have a buddy down in Tennessee who uses FLIR when he harvests at night, it sounds like a brilliant idea. Props on that man.

Team Microbe

Active member
How's your Church smell? Church I grew out has little to no smell. Kind of sucks.

It smells like a piney citrus fruit, some phenos I ran didn't have much terp profile while others did. Def one of those strains where a pheno hunt is necessary before bringing outside. Every one of em yielded 6-8 ounces, and I planted in late July last year bc of a late start. I wonder what they'll do this year when I plant in late May... probably at least a half p I'm guessing/hoping. People don't seem to like it for headsack purposes though, I'd still give it like 7 stars out of 10 though because of it's mold resistance and yielding potential.


Active member
Off to a great start good to see work smarter not harder

And remember the 7 Ps

Proper Prior Planing Prevents Piss Poor Performance

So Stay Low And Look Shifty


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
great thread..im into the guerilla growing myself since the bastards wont make it legal here but thats another story....i also do my diggin and site preps right after black powder deer season goes out..i learned the hard way myself that u can never be safe enuff and got a plot ripped..i usally put 4 plants per plant since 5 is a felony and do 5 plots with them scattered all over..i love that rail cart thingy that is fkn brillant..i will also be doing a grow journal here..my strains that i will be growing are serious6,biddy early,easy sativa,critical jack,delahaze,jackey white,early skunk,frisien dew,green posion fast version,Fms c-99 and bubblegummer..i was gonna get the chruch and AMS but seedsman was sold out at the time i ordered so i will just use those 2 strains for the 2016 year..i like a vareity as u can tell but hoping that i can find 5 keepers that yeild good,great quailty smoke and mold free..im gonna jump on the preventative plan for all that shit in 2015 for sure..neem oil,sns244c,actinovate and greencure..im also gonna use great white next year as well as i have seen great reviews about this soil bennys that also help the plants fight disease and grow bigger..after seeing ur trail cameras i really need to invest in 2 of those myself that way i can check movement to and if i see someone in my area as well..looks great bro cant wait for spring myself! i love guerilla growing! alot of people dont know how hard it is till they do it for sure..i been pouring over ever website i can find about mold resisant strains and preventative measures for that shit..nothing no worse then working ur ass off all year and then go to ur ladys and see the main colas just infested with that Brown ROT!!..i will be following alot in this thread with u as well..what strains are u gonna run besides the blue widow?


New member
Just wanted to get in on watching this ...watched you kill it last year just finally made an account lol. I think... actually pretty certain we live real close to each other so its good to see someone else running the tracks. Great Idea with the cart! I'm definitely building one for this upcoming year. How are you liking the new design? Thing looks like it would work great.

Team Microbe

Active member
great thread..im into the guerilla growing myself since the bastards wont make it legal here but thats another story....i also do my diggin and site preps right after black powder deer season goes out..i learned the hard way myself that u can never be safe enuff and got a plot ripped..i usally put 4 plants per plant since 5 is a felony and do 5 plots with them scattered all over..i love that rail cart thingy that is fkn brillant..i will also be doing a grow journal here..my strains that i will be growing are serious6,biddy early,easy sativa,critical jack,delahaze,jackey white,early skunk,frisien dew,green posion fast version,Fms c-99 and bubblegummer..i was gonna get the chruch and AMS but seedsman was sold out at the time i ordered so i will just use those 2 strains for the 2016 year..i like a vareity as u can tell but hoping that i can find 5 keepers that yeild good,great quailty smoke and mold free..im gonna jump on the preventative plan for all that shit in 2015 for sure..neem oil,sns244c,actinovate and greencure..im also gonna use great white next year as well as i have seen great reviews about this soil bennys that also help the plants fight disease and grow bigger..after seeing ur trail cameras i really need to invest in 2 of those myself that way i can check movement to and if i see someone in my area as well..looks great bro cant wait for spring myself! i love guerilla growing! alot of people dont know how hard it is till they do it for sure..i been pouring over ever website i can find about mold resisant strains and preventative measures for that shit..nothing no worse then working ur ass off all year and then go to ur ladys and see the main colas just infested with that Brown ROT!!..i will be following alot in this thread with u as well..what strains are u gonna run besides the blue widow?

Yeah you can never be too careful... Murphy's Law lol

Your plan sounds like a good one, I like that strain list! Besides the Blue Widow I'll be running Church, Blueberry Headband and Cheese Candy because they're all mold resistant. That's my main priority since I'm in the north east, our humidity is high here in the summer and crops can be wiped out in a blink of an eye, like you mentioned.

Just wanted to get in on watching this ...watched you kill it last year just finally made an account lol. I think... actually pretty certain we live real close to each other so its good to see someone else running the tracks. Great Idea with the cart! I'm definitely building one for this upcoming year. How are you liking the new design? Thing looks like it would work great.

Welcome to the site Joose!

Oh yeah? Where in VT abouts? We just had our helicopter budget smashed this year so fly overs are beginning to dwindle away... good news for us, eh? :dance013:

Thanks man, the cart is getting me stoked to get everything rollin. The new design works better than the last for sure, it's locked in to the track now so no more de-railing and wasting valuable time. It takes some dialing in, but you can make one easily I bet.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Yeah you can never be too careful... Murphy's Law lol

Your plan sounds like a good one, I like that strain list! Besides the Blue Widow I'll be running Church, Blueberry Headband and Cheese Candy because they're all mold resistant. That's my main priority since I'm in the north east, our humidity is high here in the summer and crops can be wiped out in a blink of an eye, like you mentioned.

Welcome to the site Joose!

Oh yeah? Where in VT abouts? We just had our helicopter budget smashed this year so fly overs are beginning to dwindle away... good news for us, eh? :dance013:

Thanks man, the cart is getting me stoked to get everything rollin. The new design works better than the last for sure, it's locked in to the track now so no more de-railing and wasting valuable time. It takes some dialing in, but you can make one easily I bet.

the blueberry headband from emerald triangle right? i came one hair of getting that strain but now that u confirm it is mold resisant i may order a pack..fkk me im a seed whore..i already spent 550$ on seeds lol i got more then enuff but i defo want that Blueberry headband..have u grew it out before bro? yes the humidty stays around 80-100% here all damn summer


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
oh i forgot to ask who does the cheese candy? i have found some great info on icmag about kc33 about kc33 even silver back and DM toker said they are awesome and silver back is a legend..hamstring and other guerillas also speak highly about kc33..u had any exp with any of brains gear?

Team Microbe

Active member
the blueberry headband from emerald triangle right? i came one hair of getting that strain but now that u confirm it is mold resisant i may order a pack..fkk me im a seed whore..i already spent 550$ on seeds lol i got more then enuff but i defo want that Blueberry headband..have u grew it out before bro? yes the humidty stays around 80-100% here all damn summer

oh i forgot to ask who does the cheese candy? i have found some great info on icmag about kc33 about kc33 even silver back and DM toker said they are awesome and silver back is a legend..hamstring and other guerillas also speak highly about kc33..u had any exp with any of brains gear?

Yep, Emerald Triangle. I haven't grown it out before but I watched a friend's grow closely who did and it was his favorite strain out of all 10 strains he ran. It yielded massive and was quality smoke as well, he said he's running it again next year so I'm gonna try it this year for the first time. I like anything in the Blue family pretty much, they all seem to have great anti-mold properties. Haha I can't blame ya, I love hoarding seeds it's addicting!

Delicious Seeds makes Cheese Candy. What is KC33? You just listed some serious growers so now I'm interested... is it by KC Brains? I've never grown anything from them. What about you?


Great start! I'm in the preparation phase too. Good to see this thread were we can share our experiences. :)


if it smells like fish
btw your cart kicks ass man..very smart... I have never used a cart but I have floated bales of soil down river ..tossing them off bridge from van and then followed in my kayak..

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