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prayers for buckeye-leaf


Chat Mod
i have just heard the news and would like to send my deepest wishes for comfort and understanding to Buck's family. What a blow, Buck was such a great guy to chat with. I hope most sincerely that if there really is a heaven Buck is there smoking a fatty and not feeling anymore pain. RIP my friend.

peace -fb


Natalie J. Puffington
"We were at this festival and in the middle of the night he was walking around sayin Im Buckeye from ICmag and this guy popped his head out of a tent and said shut up Michael Jordan and he said no Im Charles Barkley."
I was supposed to go to Hookaville that year, to meet Buck and a bunch of other IC'ers, (a bunch of us from chat had planned to go.)
That I did not make it up there, is one of my deepest regrets. :frown:

I am happy to hear so many folks turned out to pay their respects to Buck.
I'm sure it was a extraordinarily tough day for you and your family.
Know we are keeping you in our thoughts and hearts!!!
Love and strength to you!!!



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yes buck will always have a place in my heart. My time here is not far behind his and I will be happy to see him when I get there. We love you Buck


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Being a member of ICmag is a lot like living in a small town. When the obituaries come out we almost always know the person. RIP my friends.....
Nam myoho renge kyo

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
"Good friends we've had, good friends we've lost, along the way"- Bob Marley.
RIP Buck. You shall be deeply missed.
Condolences to BTBW, and rest of the family.
May you find peace. :ying:


"easy growing type"
My deepest condolences. I too would like to send well wishes to the whole family. I am so sorry to hear this news. I will miss him :(
Thanks again my friends for the nice words it truly means a lot to me! My mom, lil sis and I visited his grave today before they left to go back to Florida and it made me sad. I cant believe only a week ago we were sitting around talking about a summer vacation, but he made it there quicker and is now so much richer. Ive been here alone for awhile and really feel at peace, I lost my lighter so I went to get one from his room (he had tons) and can still smell his sweet cologne and his stash. He said I would never be alone, and I know I can always come share my feelings here. In his will he has taken care of everyone he knew.

He got off work on his birthday and we threw him a huge birthday party as we do every year and still will each year, and I proposed to my girlfriend and we are getting married in September. It is his bosses daughter and I was so scared to meet her, this was about a year and a half ago, uncle Buckeye and his boss went to get "pizza" and was gone for hours they went golfing and things fell into place. He did so much for me, when he was sick Id tell him that while I helped him around and he would say "no bud you did it on your own I just pointed you into the right direction". I went from a 1.2gpa in Florida to a 3.8gpa here just with his help and now getting ready to enroll in college. I know if he was here he would say "no way I never held your hand while you went to school"

Again my friends thank you and we love you. I see a lot of names I remember as I would sit by his desk and he would help me with my homework as he would talk on here, Im sorry if I babbled on theres a lot on my mind that I love to share and so much more. Best wishes!


St. Elsewhere
Damn, I can't believe this happened so quick. It's tragic, but from what little I've seen of Buck on this site, I doubt he had anything to fear in death.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Never spoke to Buckeye much but he was forever helping people and sharing positive thoughts and ideas. Best wishes to the family and friends.

The active community here is actually quite small. So when someone is gone, you notice. He will be remembered fondly by those who were lucky enough to converse with him.

Cookie monster

I like to think that when a good kind soul like Buckeye has to go a new star is born in the heavens that burns brightly to watch over us all.

Gone but never to be forgotten as long as there is stars in the sky.

Safe journey Buckeye


Thats too sad, may buckeye rest in peace.

I used to talk to buckeye years ago in chat, He and I were in there almost everyday for a few months if I ever considered someone a friend through chat it was him. He was a good dude and I appreciated his humor and his friendliness.

We'll miss ya buddy!


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Damn, I've only just found out. I went for a walk half way thru this thread to try and gather myself,,, lost for words.

You're gonna be missed round here Buckeye!
Love and respect bro, catch you in the next life.

Thank you for taking the time BornToBeWild,
sounds like you have a good head on young shoulders,
welcome to ICmag, hope you decide to hang round,, good folk here.
I could not sleep I was in tears so I wrote another poem.

When tomorrow comes to be, you will always be here with me.
When I cry and think of things I didn't get to say I know an Angel took you away.
Your place in heaven far above, and all your friends you dearly loved.
You had so much left and so many things to do, I never thought I'd wake up without you.
When you walked threw heavens gates Uncle Buckeye Im sure you felt at home.

I love you


"easy growing type"
I like to think that the greatest joy in life comes from meeting new people. Experiencing all their greatness and all their faults. I know that when someone leaves us, they never really leave us because they'll always be in our hearts and memory granted we had the pleasure of being around them. As long as we're alive, we can keep them alive by reliving the moments we had simply my remembering them. They'll always be in our heart memory and soul. BornToBeWild you will never be alone, not ever! He will always be in your heart and soul and that will make your life so much richer..

That was a beautiful poem you wrote.
Someone asked me if I could share more about him and so I have a good one being its July 4th weekend. Our girlfriends went to go out shopping so he asked if I wanted to go watch fireworks with him (he loved that). Well we took our lawnchairs and was in quite a big crowd and he pulls out a huge joint he said "oh they will just think its a cigarette" yeah right this stuff smelled like a skunk was next beside you! As he was tokin on it I felt like crawling under a rock, but not long after a few other people were smokin up as well he was a leader. I asked him what would happen if a cop came up to him...

Without any hesitation he said "I will tell the cop to give me a ticket and get out of my view because I want to see the fireworks"

I bought about $100 of fireworks and going to go shoot them off this evening at the creek in his honor. It is weird we spent so much time together it still feels like he is right beside me all the time. He brought joy into a lot of peoples lives he was always laughing and having fun but at the same time being a gentleman. Uncle Buckeye I miss you but I know we will meet again in a little while!

Icmag members I want to thank you alot everyone has been really nice to me and no words can be written of how much that means to me.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
so sorry to read this.
you were a good friend bucky!
you will be sorely missed around these parts.


Active member
ICMag Donor
from the deepest part of my heart and the heavy tears in my eyes may you rest in peace friend. nothing but love. peace and smoke.

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