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prayers for buckeye-leaf

I hope that when my time comes I will have left an impression on someone like Buck has with his nephew.
Those words made me smile and cry at the same time! This morning I put on a shirt that was made of him and I. I put new flowers on his grave yesterday he was such a great man and would do anything to make sure you was doing ok. We miss and love you uncle D.


Active member
Those words made me smile and cry at the same time! This morning I put on a shirt that was made of him and I. I put new flowers on his grave yesterday he was such a great man and would do anything to make sure you was doing ok. We miss and love you uncle D.

its odd how people weve never met in person become mentors to us and influential on our lives. if u turn out half as cool as your uncle your still gonna be well ahead of the curve cause he was a great man.
I wanted to pop in here and give a little update, a pollination is on and if all goes well freebies or charity beans for ICMag will be sent in. They will be called IMOB's (In Memory Of Buckeye). But please dont get your hopes up as I'm not the grower I see his friend maybe once a year, but seen him today and he has some good genetics unc passed to him.

Fat Albert

Active member
I haven't been on ICmag much in the last year, and I just found this thread. Buck was one of the nicest guys on the board, and I'm stunned and saddened by his passing.

RIP, Buck. I hope you're in a better place. :frown:

Guest 10952

Man I feel so bad. My love and respect to the Buckeye family. He was a great guy.
I just found out about this, and like many of you didn't even know he was ill. Brought tears to my eyes, reading some of his last posts. :cry:

Life is too fucking short. For the longest time I didn't know what that meant or how to relate.

What a fucking bummer...


You will not be forgotten
you know im burning this for you brotha Buck, i hope your somewhere burnin something twice as good as the rest of us!!! :joint:

you truely will live on through the individuals lives you touched, and in the memories of those who loved and respected you, RIP BROTHA!


ICMag Donor
you know im burning this for you brotha Buck, i hope your somewhere burnin something twice as good as the rest of us!!! :joint:

you truely will live on through the individuals lives you touched, and in the memories of those who loved and respected you, RIP BROTHA!

Great post Dime!
Smokin one for Buck!


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Sorry for your loss Born!

Sorry for your loss Born!

Buckeye Leaf you will be missed, I wish you would have come out to the cookout and beach with me that one time....

Your in my thoughts buddy!


I hold El Roacho's
I never really knew buck but respected the man and always noticed even when he was sick or down he would give everything he had to make so many other members feel like they were somebody and he would make you feel like you knew him like a close friend.

Buck is free of pain and in a better place now and no matter what time it is or the years go past if he has left a part of him in our hearts he will never truely be gone and we will always carry him with us no matter were we are in life.

Some people see a dark cloud and others see beyond the dark cloud were theirs sunshine and when I read and think of buck it's the sunshine I see most of all.
Can't believe tomorrow will be 5 months since he passed, and the holidays are close upon us and will not be very many dry eyes with the family and friends. He always made sure around this time of the year everyone he knew had plenty of food, warm clothes, and presents which brought smiles to everyone. In his absence if you know a person hungry on Thanksgiving or just needing their spirits boosted in time of need lend a helping hand and I'm sure you will make many more smiles that you can't see. Best wishes during the holidays ICMag!


**AWD** Aficianado
I have been really depressed lately thinking of him, he was my best friend and mentor! I cry so much sometimes I get sick and have to lay down. I have dreams of talking to him and when I wake up I hurt so bad. He would want me to be strong but I can't it's too hard! He was like a father to me and now all I can do is go to his grave or pray. Seems like I'm in a bad dream. Much love ICMag for getting to know him and thanks for putting your arms around me!

You are strong, you honor his legacy by making the most of the lessons he has taught you.
Never mistake sadness for weakness, when you cry a tear you shed your grief and share with the world your love for this extraordinary man who changed your life.
You can do more than pray for him, you can take the best of him and make it yours.
He is with you every second of every day, just close your eyes and see his face and let your soul speak to him.
My life has been filled with stuggle in the last years and even when I was close to death I never felt alone.
That is the only reason people who loved life and shared that love with everyone are afraid to die.
Let your dreams speak to you, listen for that familiar voice and let it be your light-house and your anchor.
Buck was much more than ''dust in the wind'', he was like a firmly rooted outdoor sativa, free in the wind, connected with the earth, and bountiful enough to share and unashamed to be who he was.



mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Buck was much more than ''dust in the wind'', he was like a firmly rooted outdoor sativa, free in the wind, connected with the earth, and bountiful enough to share and unashamed to be who he was.

Truer than the North Star!

Wish you were here today Unc! You made life so special for me and many others. Holidays and the new year seemed so lame without your smiling face! Love always your neph
BTBW, ive been dealing with the loss of my dad for a LONG time now, so i have an idea of how you're feeling man. if i can offer a little advice...its helped me when i needed it.

heres what you do. roll up a big fat one from Buck's stash, jam some tunes, smoke that motherfucker and be as good a person as he thought you were. (personally im still working on that last part)

much love going out to you man