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get the job done

get the job done

The older you get the more you realize that one bad accident can wipe out an expensive piece of glass.... or even two!!!

I hate to spend 100s on something that can be broken so easily.

The younger generation's dislike for any piece that is not expensive irritates me.

Don't ya hate it when you get a new glass piece, post a pic of it, and then some kid starts doggin it's drag and coeficient rating? :biglaugh:


I'm almost 30, but I consider myself the younger generation, I like my glass like I like my guns, clean. My friends over 30 still use rubber grommets and water that makes you vomits. I also support the local glass blowers(there's some good names around me) whose work is easily 100 times better than your adult bookstore spoon, looks better, lasts longer, easier to clean because of the proper sized holes.
Nobody complains when I bring one of my bongs over, all compliments.

I guess my point is: Would you rather smoke mexi brick with moths and urined down corona on them, or some top notch quality nugs, now how about in a black tar plastic and rubber bong, or a nice clean all glass bong, would you rather drink beer in a can or out of a bottle? The taste is just better, IMO, same with using a non-butane source of ignition/combustion/vaporization.

Yeah..we used to use rubber grommet cheapies. Of course, they work fine. I don't think they make it taste much different.
But the glass was thin, it all got the same after a while...and who wants rubber when you can just get a gong joint..that's how I see it at least.

...the art is a big part of it, not necessarily the money or being on some ridiculous high horse 'im classy because i use roor' thing (btw, wtF is up with that???lol). :D
Don't really mind smoking out of anything..long as it isn't rancidly dirty..


I'm 38 and still enjoy my 21in Toke Master Bong and simple glass pipe....

I think you mean the Executive Model....back in the day that is how we referred to the 21 incher....

I am very glad to have moved to a nice piece from Illadelph. My only complaint is that I have broken two ash catchers, so that is an additional 3 bills in just broken shit. No way I could have afforded that in college.

by the way I am almost 38 myself and have very fond memories of the TM.

Ill kick it back even further....how about the old US Waterpipes catalog and the Capital Hill?



Active member
I am a part of the younger generation and I love getting in depth with the bongs and vaporizers especialy the name brand type stuff. Perhaps that's from the corporate ruled world I was raised in, but I don't see that as a bad thing.


Active member
I also see a generational difference with the rolling of joints versus blunts. I went through my joint rolling phase, but if I am to roll something or smoke in a car it has got to be a blunt rolled from a Dutch Master cigar! i guess it's a bit of a thug life thing too.


I have a huge RooR collection, but my pops who is 70 likes his hand-carved wood pipes..

he doesn't like to hit bongs, neither does my mom, cuz they're too harsh i guess.

oh, and old timers just get too high too quick, smoking kush out of glass bongs and such. some are down with that though. go old smokers!


Active member
About my gun statement, I thought I should clarify; I'm a hunter, and some of my friends are too. I try to keep my guns in pristine condition(clean them every time I put my greasy mits on them) as I was taught, and got to inherit the few guns I own, some which are many years older than me. I respect and take care of them like an investment. Some of my friends guns, on the other hand, are rust pitted, stock all banged all up, will shoot 3 times and won't even bother to clean the deposits; they also use crappy old/or cheap junk pipes and bongs (one is a pvc-pipe bong with stickers for Pete's sake,) because they don't really care, it's just a tool for the job, not an investment. Automobile care is another scenario most of them are guilty of.


Active member
That black maple toke looks pretty sweet, zebrawood is cool too, but looks almost artificial like camo haha.
I got a nice little burl while I was hunting, carved it out, working on a stem, will be nice to have a few so I can chuck one once its resiny.


Old School Cottonmouth
I hear ya super zero. I hunt but got rid of the guns years ago out of paranoia. Rocking the Longbow nowadays.

My opinion about the topic is that it's not necessarily the younger generation. Anyone in marketing can tell you that the 16-24 year old range is a highly prized demographic because they haven't learned to manage their money yet. They also haven't accumulated much so as far as displaying wealth they tend to do it on things like bongs and clothes, car rims, etc. Rather than a mortgage for instance.

I think there is also a group of addicts frankly who feel the need to standardize their habit. It's hard to explain but the idea is that if you make it seem esoteric or elite it looks less pathetic. There is a guy on You tube called "hashbean" I think. He has literally thousands of dollars of glass littering his apartment. Most of them almost indecipherable from one another. Maybe a different wall thickness or two inches taller than the other but basically the same pipes.

In the video he admits they actually smoke the same (when clean) as a cheap acrylic bong which is what he buys when he goes to concerts and stuff. He says the reason he likes the fancy bongs is that cheap bongs "somehow make him feel like a loser". Well to me the answer would be not to smoke pot all damn day and do something with your life. Not buy a new 800 dollar bong two inches taller than the other identical 800 dollar bong. He has a dozen or so I suppose very similiar pipes.

You can literally buy children out of child slavery with that kind of expendable money. It just bothers me.

I personally love the easy to clean nature of GonG, and I appreciate nice glass. But I think it's easy to see where it's also a sickness in our generation. But there is definitely a happy medium of utility, beauty, and price.


Old School Cottonmouth
When I get some free time I'm going to work on some nice wood stuff. Dugout holders are one I hadn't thought of. I just don't know folks that use them anymore

There is a lack of two things I think there is a niche market for though. Toker trays. Just pretty small wooden lap trays to hold your items on.

And bowl holders. Just like a pen holder but set to hold 3-5 GonG bowls when not in use.
When I get some free time I'm going to work on some nice wood stuff. Dugout holders are one I hadn't thought of. I just don't know folks that use them anymore

There is a lack of two things I think there is a niche market for though. Toker trays. Just pretty small wooden lap trays to hold your items on.

And bowl holders. Just like a pen holder but set to hold 3-5 GonG bowls when not in use.

I wouldn't write to Dragons Den just yet buddy,:xmasnut: most online headshops carry the items you mentioned, check out everyonedoesit.com. :eggnog:


Old School Cottonmouth
I wouldn't write to Dragons Den just yet buddy,:xmasnut: most online headshops carry the items you mentioned, check out everyonedoesit.com. :eggnog:

The thread I said that in got merged. Out of context it sounds wrong. What I was talking about was in reference to exotic woods.

They have bowl holders and little rolling trays and stuff on that site but when I said that we were talking about high quality exotic woods. Those are pretty rinky dink (the ones I saw anyway).

I've seen serving trays at home decor stores that were similar to what I was talking about, but never in a head shop.
got stuck at the bottom of the page, so here's a re-introduction of my glass
RooR.de custom 5mm Icemaster

18mm Lil'B mushroom slide

Kennaroo 18mm ice pinch slide

El Hefe 14mm slide

CripSkillz 18mm slide

Ollie Polk Boston Red Sox spoon


Robert Stigall sandblasted/copper electroformed sherlock
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