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Pit Bull VS. Wolf (not my idea)

Pit Bull VS. Wolf (not my idea)

  • pit bull

    Votes: 92 46.0%
  • wild wolf

    Votes: 108 54.0%

  • Total voters
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To the above post. I'm just trying to get the facts across.

RooR HeaD said:
Reverse get over it you own a pit dont u and u cant live with the fact that your dog isnt top dog! what dont u get about this its so easy! Pitbull= Pet wild wolf=Wild animal who kills something every day to eat why pits are eleagally fought i dotn give a shit about your apbts going for the nose your a scumb bag if u fight dogs all together and will burn in hell for what u do! if u dont then im very sorry for saying that but thats how i strongly fell!

But like i said your spbts pit wouldnt even matchup with a 110 Bull terrier i watched that viedo and my bulls could do the same thing but all my bullys are wider and stronger all those dogs in that video are shrimps skinny as a boxer! so get off stero types and realize a pitbull isnt top dog anymore!

and once agin read my posts ive seen smaller bull terriers pull more weight on sleads then bigger pitbulls everyday in the summer were we pull the sleads! so get of your stero type! foor the sake of all us and a wolf can jump higher then both! i bree dbull terriers and i can admitt that a wild wolf would kill my biggest and badest one why cant u!

I never fought dogs and never will..I'm highly against it. I'm just saying what is true about an APBT. They're one of the top dogs in dog sports yes. They have more stamina, they're lighter. I am not holding judgment. I'm clearly saying you're dead wrong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBhBbnat_ss . :muahaha:


RooR HeaD said:
Not to mention like i said Bull Terrriers are the most DOMINANT breed in the BULLY CLASS!

i saw a american bull dog send a pit to the vet at the park one time cause the pit tryed challengeing her like i said all these guys got ot get off stero types and look at the fact of the matter thier dogs arent top dog nomore not even in the top 3!

My first Bully and if i trained this dog to go for the nose i would put him up against any pitbull breed even the fat ugly ones most u guys think are raw cause they are steroid dogs! who are fed milk muscle starting day one!

Out of everyone, This guy is the biggest dumb ass..

RooR HeaD

im dead wrong no matter what any of us say to u were gonna be dead wrong the fact of the matter is u cant admitt that your dog isnt top dog! like i said i breed bull terriers and to this day i will admitt to u that a wild wolf is gonna kill my meanest bades strongest bully even if tought to fight and go for the nose thats that facts u cant change that! do u honestly think that a pitbull could kill a 250 lb wild animal that is born to kill! ill give u this maybe and just maybe a bull terrier or pitbull could kill the weakest wolf in the pack but the alpha male no way in hell!

i stated the facts and u could do with it what u want but im done saying the same thing over and over to a person who owns a pitbull its like me with ROORS you not gonna change my mind that its not the best bong so im done trying to change minds!

a wolf could kill a pitbull and a bullterrier can kill a pitbull FACT!

to all that think this thread is stupid i started a thread saing it should be deleted if enough post in it i think we could have this trouble startign thread done with!


Active member
ReverseOsmosis said:
They excel in practically every dog sport out there besides long cold weathered sled racing. .

that to me was one bottom line.

i bit my tongue on all arguments til this, and i have lived and worked w/ sled dogs, and IM NO FAN of FIGHTING DOGS.......but a HUGE FAN of DOGS WHO FIGHT.

i dont care if your pit, your bully, your 'bernard, your terrier, your hound , or you can kik my dogs ass...i get to go home w/ a pooch that loves me no doubt.

i started this thread off a topic me an a friend talked 'bout....and meant nuthin serious by it....id take this thread back if i could.

RooR HeaD

dry hydro im a dumbass well at least i can admitt the truth enjoy your stero type dog buddy!why i breed 3000 dollor puppies i prolly make more money breeding dogs then u make at your job! ouch


RooR HeaD said:
dry hydro im a dumbass well at least i can admitt the truth enjoy your stero type dog buddy!why i breed 3000 dollor puppies i prolly make more money breeding dogs then u make at your job! ouch

Damn your dumb.. Its like talking to a brick.. When your done the brick still dont know shit...
RooR HeaD said:
I'm dead wrong no matter what any of us say to u were gonna be dead wrong the fact of the matter is u cant admit that your dog isn't top dog! like i said i breed bull terriers and to this day i will admit to u that a wild wolf is gonna kill my meanest baddest strongest bully even if taught to fight and go for the nose that's that facts u cant change that! do u honestly think that a pitbull could kill a 250 lb wild animal that is born to kill! ill give u this maybe and just maybe a bull terrier or pit bull could kill the weakest wolf in the pack but the alpha male no way in hell!

i stated the facts and u could do with it what u want but I'm done saying the same thing over and over to a person who owns a pitbull its like me with ROORS you not gonna change my mind that its not the best bong so I'm done trying to change minds!

a wolf could kill a pitbull and a bullterrier can kill a pitbull FACT!

to all that think this thread is stupid i started a thread saying it should be deleted if enough post in it i think we could have this trouble starting thread done with!

You said "do u honestly think that a pitbull could kill a 250 lb wild animal that is born to kill!". So first it was 150 lb wolf being the largest, now you're saying it's a 250 lb...hmm. You breed them, of course you're going to say good if not the best things about your dog and its breed and they really are good dogs. Bold and fearless. I fixed your typos. I can't stand em, anyways. There's plenty of APBTs that can go up to 10,000's if it's a rare blood line, colors, genetics. I care less how much your dogs and how rare your dog cost. Arguing on the internet is like winning the special Olympics. Even if you win you're still special...SO. I'm done with that. :joint:


B.C. said:
Nothin good can come from this, would a mod please lock it.

How about you stop posting here and mind your own business? If there is a thread i dont care for, I go somewhere ulse.. Its kinda like life.. Just because someone likes to get high and you dont.. do you try and stop everyone from smokin or do you just mind your own damn business.. We can only guess what you would do if you was on the other side..

But i can understand that your probly just young and aint yet brought your self to clear reality.. so its alright..

og dmc

Roor head. Thanks for contributing to the overpopulation of dogs. That is the number one problem I have with all dog breeders, they are mostly concerned with money. It is irresponsible to breed dogs for money when the shelters are overrun. I also cant believe you degraded your argument to a , mine is better yours, theme. Very childish.

og dmc

He has one dog, how is he a breeder. I dont think you can get rich studing out one male. Thats like having 2 plants and calling your self a breeder

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
I got a champion line Amstaff not to long ago. champion as in the show dog arena, not the pit. Obviously not bred for aggression or fighting over the last two decades at least on paper, but rather bred for the akc breed standard in looks, and handability in the ring.

As far as I was told by the breeder ampbt - American Staffordshire terriers are basically the same darn things. To show the dogs under the akc the dogs had to be called american staffordshire terrier rather then american pitbull terriers as the akc didnt and still doesn't recognize the american "pitbull" teriier as a pure bred breed. only in the ukc and smaller organizations can pitbull terriers be registered and shown.

American staffordshire terriers though are usually The shorter stockier variety with larger heads and wider muscular chests. Though most show winners as I was told by the breeder do not exceed 50-60lbs. So far she's been the perfect white picket fence family dog for us. Although cats, and strangers are not welcomed in the yard so much, which is fine by me. I got her on a discount due to the fact the breeder/shower didnt think her coloring and tail was as perfect as needed for the show ring. She a real beauty though IMO

We love her lots already. She's just a lil sweaty pie though a bit more tenacious then ur average mutt, and she got some natural born-bred ability as far as agility-strength goes that is for sure. She's far from a killer but thats not what we wanted... Either way screw the wolf, as a human I wouldn't want her on my heels intent on chewing on my ass that's for certain:smile:
Last edited:


i guess it depends on the pit and the wolf.....

For all you pit fighters out there, i once seen a Kurdish Kangal Rip though two pits like they were guninea pigs.......
Worthless Dogs. Those aren't considered a real APBT and I agree. That's a new breed crossed with a lot of shit, you name it's been crossed with it, bigger heads, more muscle, etc... This is the real American Pit Bull Terrier

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Fat, Sluggish Worthless Dog. American Bully

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/Dog Album/Bulldogs/Kodiakhind102808.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/Dog Album/Bulldogs/Vipetteblurrd.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/Dog Album/Bulldogs/Bouwhoflytime.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/Dog Album/Bulldogs/Jaxonfront102908.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/Dog Album/Bulldogs/Jiggygoup10288.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/Oct 08/Oct III/Warriozoomby.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/Dog Album/Bulldogs/TWside10208.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/April 08/santana42008.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/Dec 08/Zaralaycar.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b122/dadogs/Dec 08/Alchemist1208a.jpg
Real American PitBull Terrier Standard

heh. I hope this confuses any misinformation.


Non Conformist
No offence, but I'm confused?

No offence, but I'm confused?

og dmc said:
Roor head. Thanks for contributing to the overpopulation of dogs. That is the number one problem I have with all dog breeders, they are mostly concerned with money. It is irresponsible to breed dogs for money when the shelters are overrun. I also cant believe you degraded your argument to a , mine is better yours, theme. Very childish.
You make a post like this this cuttin on him, yet you post a link to a place that breeds pitbulls?!? What's the difference? is it cuz they cater to a bunch of celebrity wanna be Michael Vick peices of shit? that think they're tough guys cuz they have the biggest toughest pitbulls in the world. Where there motto is, get this!, "Man is never so manly as when he feels deeply, acts boldly, and expresses himself with frankness and fervor." Like a pitbull I reckon?!? LOL! You believe that shits on there web site?!?! LOL! man is never so manly? LOL! expresses himself with frankness and fervor! LOL! OMFG!!! I haven't laugh so hard ina long time!!! man is never so manly! Holy shit, that one jus kills me! LOL! I bet -they- could "beat up" some wolfs! lol I ever get rich, I wanna be a "manly man" and have a status cymbol like that too! that way there will no doubt I'm a hardass tough guy!.... No offence there, og dmc but you talk about childish! how ironic is that! LOL! Outta the pan and into the fire on that one my friend! Just think, I wanted this thread closed cuz of ignorant ass name calling egos like DrHydro has! I woulda miss that one! I can jus feel all the love growing in here now! LOL! Btw, doesn't it jus eat away at yer ovesized ego that the wolf is winning the poll. LOL! Yep, were havin fun now! HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL! BC
B.C. said:
You make a post like this this cuttin on him, yet you post a link to a place that breeds pitbulls?!? What's the difference? is it cuz they cater to a bunch of celebrity wanna be Michael Vick peices of shit? that think they're tough guys cuz they have the biggest toughest pitbulls in the world. Where there motto is, get this!, "Man is never so manly as when he feels deeply, acts boldly, and expresses himself with frankness and fervor." Like a pitbull I reckon?!? LOL! You believe that shits on there web site?!?! LOL! man is never so manly? LOL! expresses himself with frankness and fervor! LOL! OMFG!!! I haven't laugh so hard ina long time!!! man is never so manly! Holy shit, that one jus kills me! LOL! I bet -they- could "beat up" some wolfs! lol I ever get rich, I wanna be a "manly man" and have a status cymbol like that too! that way there will no doubt I'm a hardass tough guy!.... No offence there, og dmc but you talk about childish! how ironic is that! LOL! Outta the pan and into the fire on that one my friend! Just think, I wanted this thread closed cuz of ignorant ass name calling egos like DrHydro has! I woulda miss that one! I can jus feel all the love growing in here now! LOL! Btw, doesn't it jus eat away at yer ovesized ego that the wolf is winning the poll. LOL! Yep, were havin fun now! HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL! BC

That's the problem with people. They have ot have a dog to feel superior which is so low and literally laughable. I agree with you that there should be no name calling or any negatives about ones post. A true fighting dog such as an APBT and Tosa Inu ... There's not many other dog breeds that can beat them. Any dog can beat another dog on any given situation. Like I said. If it was a true fighting champion APBT which is not very common and it was trained to go for the nose. Wolf would be out. If it was a regular pit. I would pick the wolf. It has to chase down his pray every day and makes smart decisions to where if he's/she's going to be hurt or not. Tosa Inu would completely destroy a wolf though for a fact I do know.
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