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:::::::Pipeline Gardens 2023:::::::


ICMag Donor
Decided to grade the first round, and I ended up scrapping everything but about 30 plants. They may end up growing, but they won't have the momentum a young seedling does to get up into the light. Will be an experiment for my woods plot.

The backup round flats had a few seedlings showing some nitrogen burn, so graded those and transplanted to stage 2 media lightly fertilized at 25% rate.

Planted 2 more backup flats of seed with the light 25% rate which is 3 cups composted chicken manure per 2 cubic ft media.

Just planted whatever I had left essentially but I'm excited, added some strains to the mix. Large group of Sativa Candy Chunk both keeper types (SCC and Medical Indica/pine phenos).

Going to be nice later this week when the start to emerge and hopefully these will catch the wave. Have a pretty good group of plants with the backup flats that were graded and transplanted. Going to hopefully be a smooth season. :smoke:

Early Skunk x Lebanese V2
Deep Chunk X Blueberry
Deep Chunk x Las Vegas Purple Kush x Hindu Kush


ICMag Donor
Going to be using compost this year like I did last year for the final feeding mid-late summer. Will use the chicken manure compost at planting in May, then again when they are ready in June. Then in late July when the males are all pulled except a few I will get some cow manure compost put down and call it done.

I have cottonseed meal. I was going to top dress with cottonseed meal along with the chicken manure, Vickie the grower at the mulch place said it wouldn't burn since the cottonseed meal is slow release. Cottonseed meal will be topdressed before applying the layer of cow manure compost in late july/august.


ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor
Seedlings are doing good since the transplant, but it was a little rough on some of them since I was trying to remove most of the overfertilized seedling mix. Thought about planting the first wave this weekend, but will probably hold off until next weekend to let them mature a little more before planting.

Weather finally warms up enough today to keep temps at 50F or above overnight, so its growing time!

Check out the nearly indestructible lifetime glass piece my friend gave me! Hooked him up with some prize flower as a thank you. :smoke:




ICMag Donor

Romans 12:1-2 NKJV​

Living Sacrifices to God​

12 I beseech[a] you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your [b]reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


New Wave of seedlings are looks like an A+, near 100% germination success. Seedlings are short and not all lanky like the other 2 rounds. Second round is starting to show nitrogen leaf-tip burn on many of them, so will grade those out after a week or so and keep whats going to grow.

In the future, will not be using composted chicken manure for seedling or young plant mix. Leaf compost will probably be the best choice, cow manure compost would probably be alright to use.

What rate would you recommend amending a seedling mix with leaf compost?

Would it be around 30% or could I go up to 50%? Seedlings don't need any fertilizer for the first 2 weeks, but sometimes they will be allowed to grow in the deep germination flats for longer, so I need to amend it with some type of compost for fertilizer.

Thanks for the help!

Got corn green beans, and potatoes planted. Going to try to work on the garden today. The volunteer plants in the herb plot are still there, but they have not gown either, been a tough year so far. They have a couple weeks before I dig the garden, so they may start growing. They have been through a lot of cold.

Will get a fresh shot of the seedlings up in a few. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Feeling good! Looks like we're on track for a heavy harvest! Never quit! :smoke:


Second round seedlings, some have tip burn.


Excellent germination success! Watch your temperatures (70-78F optimal), lightly water with a watering can instead of a hose, light fertilization, good light early on, starting to get the picture! Training this year! Next year will hopefully be successful early start, but without good lights, I don't know if it will work very well.

Better to start mid to late April with backups early May, and it is much easier to time it to be able to set them out on the porch. You want them to have good momentum when they go out to the garden.



wild cat

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Osobiście wolę używać opryskiwacza do podlewania, zamiast konewki. Bardziej równomiernie nawilża podłoże. Bóg z tobą bracie.


ICMag Donor
Recent batch of seedlings have caught the wave. They are ready to go in this weekend! They're have fat leaves about 3/4 inch to an inch long and are growing fast!

The 2nd round seedlings a few are good, but many will be scrapped due to fertilizer burn.

If you use dry composted chicken manure make sure to only use 1-1.5 cups per cubic foot growing media!

Got rain this weekend, supposed to cool down and dry out a bit after that. I think these need to go in as soon as possible because the weather here may flip hot and they may have to be watered.

Its go time! Got a passing thunderstorm this morning. Will get a shot up soon!:smoke:


ICMag Donor
Grading these second round of plants down. What do you think about seedlings that want to grow that have some leaf tip burn? Some aren't burnt, but there are a few that have some tip burn that look good.

I guess plant the best of them. Anyone with experience planting burnt seedlings?


ICMag Donor
Got the garden planted with just the 3rd round flats. Keeping the 2nd round for backups in a week or 2 in case animals get in there. May plant a few of the round 2 seedlings in there this weekend, just need to grade through them.

Should have a good result! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Forgot to bring extra tags so some of them may have got mixed up. Oh well, we have some tags and planted in general areas. I can see what phenotypes match.

Its a guerrilla grow, so we get what we get sometimes, at least the garden will yield some good medicine. Better luck next year with the tags. Will be planted the graded round 2 germination seedlings, and taking some shots later today! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Plants with tip burn are looking better. They're starting to grow!

Going to grade through them and plant most of them if I have room. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Cool, thanks! 2010 is when i made the original crosses in the line. I did it due to mislabeling some. Looks like we may be in a similar situation this year. Everything is getting a label next year. I tried to short cut it and it didn't work. I have some strains labeled in little zones, so we can look at the plants and determine which strain is which. Kind of how it goes when you grow patch style garden. Easy to lose track of things.

Going to be making seed and using the Sativa Candy Chunk F12 for pollinators until early August.

Got everything planted, graded through some of the 2nd round backups and planted a few of those.

After the first batch of transplants and some rain the garden was looking awesome this morning, those seedlings are happy and are on the move! Planted the backups in the gaps, so we will have a good canopy of females late summer!

Pulled jar #4, yeah, I'm a light smoker, and it has some really good calming medical indica with a refreshing floral pine terpene profile.

I enjoy having some diversity in the line and having a range of terpenes and effects. Tolerance is still low even with moderate use medicating!

Forgot the camera, have been so busy and in a rush. Will get some shots in the next few days.