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~PIFF~ A.K.A. Uptown Haze/Frankies/Church. Preserving a Heritage...

ooooooooooooook so finally all caught up...

good story here my friend!
i remember talk about "church weed" at NnJ... will be nice to see a friend actually growin something of it out!

i wish you the best! def stay safe and stay smart out there


The revolution will not be televised.....
Art - Checkin in for an update. Lets see the girls and how they are doin. Cant wait to see the finished product! You could have the next greatest herb and release it to the world! Let us know how it is going cause we all are waiting with anticipation!


Active member
OK, so I always thought piff was hedds sprayed with something. My reasoning was because I had seen so many different looking types of bud with the same smell.

Well, I am now convinced that piff is definitely a real strain. This is why:

Call me a bullshit artist, but I swear on my father's grave, I just harvested a plant grown from middies seeds, and this shit IS PIFF. It has that taste you'd all recognize, and 3 hits gets you high as fuck.

Understand my saying this does NOT mean I'm talking shit on piff. I'm not. I'm just saying that all it is is SEXY ASS MIDS grown sensi, indoors.

If you've ever smoked AZ's that have a little bit of that piff taste, save them seeds and grow it out. You'll see I'm right.

Believe you me, I have gotten several second opinions, and everyone agrees.

Yeah, I am new here, but check me out on PG. I ain't a bullshitter.
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Active member
i agree with ya the strain is real man,
and not sprayed.

any pics of it?

i'm not a heavy smoker myself, and i've cut down a lot lately and my tolerance has always been low anyways, only one hit every other day or so (sometimes more on weekends, if the opportunity arises) is what i've been doing for a while now, and i've been good at that level. it lasts longer, and the tolerance doesn't really build at all to it that way. maybe heavy smokers should try a bowl or two a day limit for a week or so and see how it goes. i think less is more.

one hit off the one hitter is all i need for a 1.5hr+ ride, where an alterered state of mind never really fades away after the peak for many many hours. i wouldn't dare do a bowl all at once, unless i was alone for while, just can't be around people in that state, unless they are stoned too. even at my low 1-hit dosage mid conversations a straight person might say what the hell are you talking about? and then i kinda forget what i was talking about. and then think shit like they know i'm stoned, feeling a little confused, etc. i just can't do that no more. the piff can sometimes make you feel uneasy in public. i mite be taking one of my breaks from it soon.

just the other day i had a little bit of bad trip with it. my heart was racing i had to stand up out of my buzz about a half hour in and pace a little bit taking many deep breaths trying to shake it off. i thought i was going to have a whitey. memories of coming down from coke kept flashing in my head (little bit of paranoia, if you did coke i guess you would relate) i remember thinking shit like, just let me not have a heart attack and i'll never do this again. i swear. i swear. well, i lied, i did it again ;)
just less - i never learn lol - i was approaching the peak i guess and a bad thought had entered my mind that set it all off. my past memories were flashing before my minds eye rapidly, one clip after another. stuff from 20 years ago, from when i was a kid, 5, 7, 10 etc. things i haven't thought about in a million years, and then all of a sudden that bad thought popped in like all those memories are being released and erased forever, or something along the lines like that. i got a little worried, and my heart started beating faster, and i started getting the paranoid nervous feelings, and then the racing starting, oh well, it happens! finally it backed off so i could start floating and dreaming away how i like it for the remainder of the experience. i just can't over do it anymore. more isn't better for me. i have to keep reminding myself that.

free the piff guys..

i really don't know how anyone could smoke half of a joint of this stuff at once and still be able to hold a conversation without drooling and slurring and making no sense at all. you all are pot jedi's

another note on smell of it, when i was high on it, i took a wiff of some broken buds, i swear i thought it smelled like noxema. wtf, i haven't smelled noxema since i was a kid, i think my mom used to use it all the time. noxema piff, lol. anyone old enough to remember that smell? that blue jar. my sense of smell was warped though, but that thought popped into my head when i took a wiff, lol.



Hey artoffire, I'm still here bro do you have any updates or are did you fall off from all the haters??? :muahaha:

very interested to see them.


Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Whatever you end up with should have plenty of your Haze in it. Most crosses are more closely representative of the mother than the father anyhow.

As far as the pollen coming from somewhere other than the Haze grow, so very not likely, hardly worth mentioning. These guys are probably runnning a very tight ship if they're involved with the people I think they are involved with. That being said, you can expect that the seeds are almost definitely a result of self pollenation.

Cannabis has been self-pollenating for it's entire history. Every strain has the tendency to turn hermie built right in. In nature, the plants that DO NOT hermie under stress are big losers... think about that.

So what you have here, Art, is a starting point with which to begin to stabilize some of the traits you like about the Piff. It might be a little tricky and time-consuming if the particular plants you have don't happen to be dominant in the traits you're looking for, but anything's possible with careful selection.

If you get a solid female, you might want to cross it to a Sensi Seeds Hindu Kush to capture Piff's traits in a seed with a father that is not particularly dominant, and won't fight the Piff for dominance in the offspring. THEN you would want to start backcrossing to the Piff mom you selected until you're happy, but not too many times... bottlenecking is possible with too many concentrated backcrosses to the same plant. At least in some strains it is. If the Piff mom you select is dominant enough, you should only need one or two backcrosses to get something you like.

Best wishes on the project, and luck too! :smile:
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I have also heard that the MrN Black widow male is good to use in crosses, as he allows the mom to come through. Just talking though, no experience yet......


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
IDK if I'd trust said info on the MrNice Black Widow. If anyone remembers The Brothers Grimm Seed Co, Mr Soul and Sly had a male White Widow from GHSco that they used in almost ALL of their crosses and seed projects. Most people don't know this because it was never used in the Cindy project, but was the Father of Ice Princess and about 5 of their other crosses. Maybe someone knows a bit more, but they used it so often for several desirable traits but IDK if any traits would be undesirable for your project.

He still exists to this day in the hands of Subcool and TGA but, as with many of the clones they hold (and my beef with TGA, give credit where it's due at least man), they have renamed him the "Grimm Male".
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imnot - I haven't been growing long enough to have run Bros Grimm seeds, but.... I would guess that they used the widow (their chosen male) because he produced stable offspring with the mother's traits shining through. Once they found a recessive male, they could have used it to make viable crosses with most other strains. Maybe he passed a ton of resin or fat ass buds or something else, but I would think breeders would look for recessive males, allowing the selection from females, rather than tediously trying to find a male.

I only suggested BW, as it was suggested by Shanti in a thread about amateur breeding somewhere, but if bros grimm used 1 too, it makes all the more sense.

I am not sure if this project is even still happening, Art hasn't posted in a while... :badday:


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
They definitely stated one dominant trait that I remember : Addition of resin production. But again White/Black Widow is an F1 formed by the parents: "It has a pedigree of parentage that combines a Brazilian Sativa with a South Indian hybrid" (from mrnice.nl)

So being one of the parents is a Hybrid it could be considered F2 possibly. That means a lot of different variation in the offspring either way, more-so with the F2 possibility.

I think maybe the Hindu Kush suggested may be a better choice due to it's more or less IBL status


Stud Service

Stud Service

Sam's Original Haze (IBL).

Let's not suggest breeding males just because some one else made the same mistake before.


I grew these from a few bagseeds that turned up in a Z I scored in the Bronx...don't know why they call it piff....my guy never calls it that...he has 'da good shit' and 'da regs', this is from the 'da good shit'. Third time I've heard it called piff this week. Sativa from NY, very late flowerer. (easily 100 days)...airy buds, funky (not skunky smell, more like sweaty socks) and a 2 hits is all ya need..classic racy Sativa high, occasional parnoia. Creative, problem solving stone. Broad leaves while vegging, the buds turn out super thin leaf sets towards the end. Not really sure what I got, but these plants are clones from revegged mothers I been using for experimentation for about 8 months. Have two mothers with no hermie traits AT ALL.



Grinding extra.
Sound like you got a winner there. All the classic traits of the Uptown...

Long flowering, description of high and smell...

I hope I get as close a representation.

Updates soon everyone I promise. I'm doing alot of building...


Active member
OWM - that looks similar! one of the sister phenos. the more racy one. no intense skunk smell. the odor is the same as the stem rub of the skunky pheno though. was it sweet smelling flower? like pineapples or grapefruity sour? very quick and intense paranoia inducing the 20 cups of coffee jitters, but duration is compromised. i think its only good right after the peak, you can enjoy it for a while when it slows down, and then you crash on the way down from the initial racing. i drink lots of water during, and piss like mad on the come down, lol. a real system racer. not bad at all, people will stand on line with $20s in hand. this is the stuff that sends freaked out newbies to the ER, but its all in their head. still freaks me out occasionally! mostly if i don't know the source, and think its adulterated or something then the paranoia is worse. i like it sometimes, but it really drains you.

there is a skunky pheno though, but its only skunky in veg and flower, when it dries, the skunk takes a back seat and turns more into low lying spicey peppery scent. but i mean a back seat. its skunky spray in flower. the same scent as the other phenos is present and nose tingly - sweaty socks? hmm sweaty socks. i dunno maybe the reaction of pulling your face away from an offensive scent after you sniff. lol. for me, its longer lasting, more creeper, w/no crash .. i think its the better mix of sativa/indica of the three. it still has some racy paranoia to it if you smoke too much too quickly. but its more controllable for me.

yeah, theres a third thats also skunky, and shorter - more stocky, and more indica. but it just doesnt have any real power. no race. you may feel similar piffly effects for 15-20 minutes if you smoke a decent amount, but 45-1hr from start of session, you just spin out of the head buzz (like a fog just lifted) and poof - its gone, and you have a perfectly clear head as if you never smoked, this the bunk pheno, lol. but its good in its own way i guess, if you want a quick high, and it will get you high if you smoke a lot of it.. and don't want that lingering clouded tired head for the rest of the day. even i was smoking joints of this stuff just to get an hour and a half buzz, and for me thats a lot. it was a waste, and its been replaced ..

hows the pifflings doing art?



Guys, not really even sure what I have here, but IMHO it's not the right strain for the humble home grower (me). If you have the space and the time, I could see this one being rewarding. It's a great weed, smokes great, looks great, gets you quite stoneded. If I smoke it 3-4 weeks after harvest (and after curing) I take two hits and realize I gotta get my life in order. I consider that to be the litmus test for a good Sativa. With Indicas I always feel sleepy and hungry, but much more relaxed.

I have two phenos surviving. One has a decent amount of Indica in it, and does the full flower under 250HPS in about 80-90 days, it produces long, compact buds and only smells mildly skunky after a good cure. IMO, it's 'low odor' during flower and you can barely smell it unless you get up on it. From there the strong hint of musk/sweatsocks, with some lemon/ginger/spicy smell to it almost.

I would say that the one I pictured above will go 100 and then some--that one being the more sativa dom. She definately has more lemon/citrus in her, likes a good stretch and would produce bulky buds only if left to flower.

For my humble indoor garden, I need something that finishes a bit quicker. I think I am going to focus exclusively on the shorter flowering one for now. I ordered some Indica seeds online and don't really see myself culivating crosses, so I may just go to an Indica-invasion soon. I scrog, but only for self sufficiency.

Sometimes I get to thinking that I'd give a mother up in a second for some Indica seeds. But I am glad I waited until I have more experience before ordering from overseas.