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~PIFF~ A.K.A. Uptown Haze/Frankies/Church. Preserving a Heritage...


Active member

i did ask art about that in a previous post. how do you know its really from those batches, can the dude be trusted he saved them, if you didn't see/save them yourself. but he put forward he trust that the seeds dude is truthful 100%. he knows piff, and he will know if he has it.

and we've jumped from science to wishful thinking a little, yeah, but piff is really good smoke. it makes you happy just thinking/talking about it. lol. all you have to do really is when it gets big enough yank a big fan leaf and its long stem off let it dry up for a few days, maybe 4 - break it up, it has a weird funk to it that's close to the buds, especially the fan leaf stem. if it doesn't have this funk in early veg, i'd have my doubts.

a stink flows through it.



New member
I got to be honest once long ago maybe 2001 "PIFF" was that thing, I heard you used to transport, I bet it was from miami! That also were you'll find clones..Go hang out around miami lakes. Here in atlanta you can't give that shit away.. If it isn't a spin off of some type of Kush or Purp don't waste your time, this is only from a finance point of view, please don't attack me.. That PIFF will put your ass to sleep and cancel your plans..


BMonk & Fj - I re-read my post and apologize for coming off like a dick. I have read some threads here that deteriorated quickly after that discussion.

ART - I am saying that for 'background' purposes, the male side of the seeds that you have is unknown but likely selfed. Could be hermies - genetic OR envirnmental, pollen could have come in from outside etc.., I don't know if you know the how/who grew it, but is it possible they were playin with beans on the side? I was thinkin about the hermies, and I have a cannaloupe cross (mostly sativa) that I have run thru my garden a few times, and she is quick and killer. Problem is, she shoots off too many nanners for me. I think that they are mostly sterile, as I haven't found more than 2-3 seeds per plant. I decided to run her out, and the next to last plant hasn't been fed in a few weeks, and VERY few nanners, the last 1 has been on mostly water, and maybe 4-5 in the 1st 4 wks. The point is, if the pif mom was being run commercially, being a haze, if she got over ferted that may have caused the bananas/seeds

calismoke - You can smoke pif in a spliff, but if it is more than a pinner, good luck finishing it.


Grinding extra.
Rainman said:
First off this is a great thread and I hope Art comes through with his project. The thing that really sticks out in my mind though is that Art has seeds but no way of even knowing where they came from. Many on this thread have professed to getting many different versions/colors/looks of the PIFF, so within pool you are picking from it sounds like it could be anything. To breed something out as if you know the origin when you don't, is shooting in the dark at best! You say the seeds came from a guy who is one of your distrbtrs/ off a block of brick Piff but, have no way way of knowing if the seeds were just a couple he threw to keep you cool or what. As far as I can tell you don't know what you are growing 'yet' as it can't be verified by anyone so to assume it is the PIFF and just announce that you are saving the PIFF heritage is just way overshooting the scientific method. Too many unknowns and variables. What if the people hassling you got that info about you growing PIFF from your friend somehow and had him throw you a couple of bs seeds to see what your next move is? NYC is grimy like that and cats will protect turf and product in many covert ways. If you grow this out and it gives you the results you looked for then your hunch was well played. But anything up until the flowers are harvested and you know if it is what you are looking for, is just speculation and conjecture. But like I said good luck and want to see this be successful. Peace!!

I understand that I have no way of scientifically knowing what the seeds are.

As I said before, the person I was moving the Uptown to was in no way connected to the grimey growers. He is my brother's GOOD buddy and has been for years. He was looking at saving the seeds for me as a favor. We have both done each other favors in the past and I feel he is a stand up dude with NO reason to lie. I trust him. I am a good judge of trustworthyness.
THAT is not where my worry lies. I believe whole-heartedly that the seeds came out of the marijuana he sells for me.
I am a little worried about whether or not these seeds are selfed (which is what I want) as opposed to stray pollen. I hadn't considered that.
I comtemplated even making this thread without scientifically knowing. So that is the only variable in my mind. I KNEW there would be critics would hold your opinion. But I bet you'd feel like I do if you were in MY position... So if I can get a clone that greatly resembles Uptown Haze and preserve her, I have achieved my goal of preserving a heritage. Regardless of opinion.

Barletta - As I've stated before, I do not know the location of these grows, but I know they are 100% dedicated to growing the Uptown Haze.

Let me ask those who have smoked the Uptown Haze a question...
If you were me, and knew well the different grades of Uptown, and KNEW that this particular Haze was very potent and smelly, and YOU got some seeds from it, and grew them out, and they stunk EXACTLY like that Uptown only stronger, and then you smoke a bud and it smells EXACTLY like the burning Uptown only more intense, and they looked and felt JUST like the shit you buy on the block, WOULD YOU BE CONVINCED?


No prob ART, I would cherish seeds found in a bag of pif more than any seedbank strain I could think of, so rock on.

EDIT - It's funny that you say FELT like the pif, all fuzzy n soft, lol. I have some bud curing for a while (nothing like pif) that is still soft like that. I used to brush a lil bud against my top lip before I rolled it up lol.
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The revolution will not be televised.....
Art - Not criticizing and if you check some of my posts and pics you will see you have no bigger supporter than myself when it comes to what you are doing(I love the bagseed). I only put the caution out there that you can't verify the origins 100%. I would do the same thing you are to get out from under the mass growing cartels running the street game.
The selfing issue is even more tricky as you have figured out by this point. I have grown from many bagseed and I would say you got a good chance that these were self polld and not herms. You wont know that also until they begin showing their skirts. Good luck with this as well but I like your chances.
Let me ask those who have smoked the Uptown Haze a question...
If you were me, and knew well the different grades of Uptown, and KNEW that this particular Haze was very potent and smelly, and YOU got some seeds from it, and grew them out, and they stunk EXACTLY like that Uptown only stronger, and then you smoke a bud and it smells EXACTLY like the burning Uptown only more intense, and they looked and felt JUST like the shit you buy on the block, WOULD YOU BE CONVINCED?

Hey! My Granddaddy used to tell me "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then call it duck!!"

AZ - Uuhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Nevermind!
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Custom User Title
No matter what the source of the seeds is, they're at least 50% of the project's goal, and can be refined from there. It should be quite obvious, if all these reports of how great this weed is, if the seeds produce. Nothing left to do now but grow them out and see how the buds compare.


Active member

if you were me would you believe..!

i would believe you if you said it is the uptown, yes. but since there's different grades of uptown, how do we know the grade you have is the best representation that everyone would enjoy? it's still personal opinion yeah. some might want to be frozen still next to death & white as a ghost petrified, others (like me) prefer the warm floaty soaring body numbing buzz feeling with the total mind/memory spiritual brain trip. i've had different types over the years (pre 2001 -all with the same weird scent) some were for sure a more powerful in quickness to the peak, less creeper, super quick to the punch, i'm talking as soon as your inhaling your first hit, within 2-3 seconds AS your inhaling, you just feel the waah waah nitrous comin on almost instantly. these tend to be more painful feeling then others to me, or just plain uncomfortable. anyone who smokes this would be thinking, damn this shit is laced! (but its not) say feel a shooting pain in your arm or leg, then the paranoid kicks in, is it the left arm or the right arm when ur about to have a heart attack? lol. it's all in mah head i know, but under that type of super racey rise, i just don't enjoy that, all that paranoia and the feeling of just on the verge of passing out w/a whitey. the 1st one i lost from my seeds was like that, and it was super quick, at like day 45-50 it was already all fat buds and red pistils, it just had that done look, but i ran it to 75 anyway, and it still had clear trichomes! its scent had more of sweet pineapple/sour grapefruit intense, the stem rub had the exact same vicks chemical smell left on your finger as my current one though. just hardly any skunk smell at all. it also made me piss like mad coming down. the diarhetic pheno, lol. it's probably because i downed a gallon of water during the racy rise!

the skunkier pheno is the one i like much better, i think its a little longer lasting high. and i like the creeper effect, because it lets you get all your shit in order after hitting, before it comes on to the point where you just don't want to do anything anymore but sit and smile, or listen to music, watch tv, etc. , but it isn't an instant smack down (unless you smoke too much at once, i only do a hit. lol), don't get me wrong, you do feel it right away. if you smokin it in a spliff, by the time you reach for your 3rd toke, you will be entering la la land. but just one hitting it - your mood is just elevated, you know something is going on. skin feels different. room looks different. tension release .. everything becomes cool (euphoric), and talkative (convo on coke), etc. lol. and then it smacks you in the face, and hangs with you for a long time. i still have a few seeds left, maybe i will search them just to see what may still be hiding in them.

but if you say you have it, then yeah, you will just have to get it out to have others believe. its dominican or colombian genetics more south of us even maybe the islands - this is why nobody has any idea what we're talking about, too much afghani,paki and indi influence in the amsterdam genetic pool.

but i guess its time to let it out bro.

as far as the stem smell though, you can blindfold me, and put 100 clones on the table and i will rub each stem, and stop when i know i smell the one i got. and it was reeking her stink at 1.5 weeks from seed.

it's old school man.

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how'd i miss this? lol. i was a contributer on the last piff thread, i look forward to chiming in and and following this one. LONG LIVE NYC PIFF HAZEY HAZEY HAZE! YEAH!

anyways, now i shall read the entire thread.


i can't wait to see the results of this! keep it going and let us know what's going on! good times at the lake, peace dr
ARTofMAKINGfire said:
xoox - I know what ya mean about the stripe, but having seen the seeds, they didn't look like a seed that would come in a pack. Actually not as many stripes as I'm used to. But they were real dark. One looked almost black.
And as far as the person who saved the seeds, he only sells this weed, and he only smokes this weed. He's one of those die-hard Haze smokers from NY that doesn't want to smoke anything else. Also, he was aware of what I do and knew that I wanted to grow them out, but not about the importance of the strain. So I see no reason why he would sabotage a close friend of many years over a routine thing. And he knows my obsession with calling a strain by it's proper name, and the way I label every jar/bag of weed...

Manhattan Brown has very dark seeds, not piff fyi.


Good luck on this project sounds very fun....just ignore poeple who want to fuck it up, deal with them as they come. I would love to get someone to find some of this to try....is it ONLY acquirable in NYC or is it just as popular in Miami or GA (those seem to be the areas mentioned in the thread)?.

keep us posted.



you go art, keep on doing the right thing.

Crazy Composer made a great post about Karma.

The right Karmic Energy may just pull this one off.



Active member
art- there looking really nice and really sativa, man i hope you get that straight blockwork piff that puts all the diesel i've smoked to shame. everybody that has these cuts are extremely selfish, i go through a few lbs of this in a month and i haven't got a seed in about a year. hope you get the male and female couple so the pollen can fly. remember all your locals that can't get the piff. i have a couple of good mothers and always have my personal headstash but will still buy a 40 of some audoban block work, regardless of what i have in my jars.

first two are piff and the secound 2 are chemhaze x sour diesel{sour diesel pheno}


Active member
ARTofMAKINGfire said:
Let me ask those who have smoked the Uptown Haze a question...
If you were me, and knew well the different grades of Uptown, and KNEW that this particular Haze was very potent and smelly, and YOU got some seeds from it, and grew them out, and they stunk EXACTLY like that Uptown only stronger, and then you smoke a bud and it smells EXACTLY like the burning Uptown only more intense, and they looked and felt JUST like the shit you buy on the block, WOULD YOU BE CONVINCED?

Art like they mentioned above, if it smells like a duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck..well then its a damn duck! You got your experience and leg work done with the piff so you will know right away if what you got is the real deal or not. I got a good feeling about this so keep the project going and walk her through her phases :joint: :joint: