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~PIFF~ A.K.A. Uptown Haze/Frankies/Church. Preserving a Heritage...


Active member
hey art!

lookin great! they grow fast don't they! it's like a snowball effect, once it hits a certain size it grows 2x as fast, then 3x..

when i was messing with the uptown bagseeds i flowered around the 15-18th day from sprout because of the height thing. in my experience with it, the seed grown ones stretch more and take longer to finish then mature clone grown. even at 4-5 inches tall on day 1 12/12, it wound up being over 42 inches @harvest.

#2 looks more like what i remember. #1 might just be a little behind by a day or two, yeah? i like how the bottom most fans stick straight out in opposite directions like that. very uniform, the xmas tree pattern starting (hopefully)

the only thing is the smell, the true right off the bat hermie was the one that had no odor, even 16 days into flower and at least 1.5 ft tall, nothing, no odor, only stem odor and mild stink on the leaf when rubbed that lingered on your finger. the better pheno emitted funk without even touching it at a little bit bigger size then that. almost like it sweats funk. the main stem should have some odor by now, did you test it? little rub and 'smell mah finger' gotta break some of the micro trich bubble heads to get the funk oil on your fingers.



FIRST AND FOREMOST GOOD LUCK!!!! i have smoked #'s of that piff and any seeds IF you can find any usually are premature(they probably pick it early).

no direspect to you art but you should keep your personal shit to yourself, aint no need for life stories on the net. imvho true g's dont talk on what they've done or what they're gonna do, they just handle their business.



Grinding extra.
There is a funky smell present. Not the tell-tale Uptown odor, but something.

Uptown #2's odor is a little stronger than #1's. Probably because #2 is on it's 3rd leaf set. (Maybe a day older)


Ive had many bows of piff and had quite a few seeds that never really ended up being anything like the mom..

IMO the "piff" is a special cut... its a clone only.. chances of the traits coming through in the offspring are pretty rare... you'd need a couple hundred seeds to find it..

Good luck


Grinding extra.
barletta - I'm a little drunk....lol

I will be keeping these suckers in the vegetative state until they sexually mature and show me preflowers. Then, I will take 3 or 4 clones from each plant to ensure at least one of each properly root. I will not put them into flower until I have rooted clones from each plant. Regardless of sex.

Then I will flower them, taking maticulous notes. I will consider them mature by examining trichrome color. And I will be sure to note the number of days in 12 and 12.


Grinding extra.
Can my F.U.C.K.E.M. peoples chime in?

Hold me down as the haters congragate. Ya'll know I'm real deal Holyfield. The seeds I have are what they are, and will be what they will be. Which at this point no one knows so STOP HATING!


Active member
keep in mind art that green isnt only the color of our plants but its what most of these haters got in there eyes an hearts...they got no real love for what others are trying to do cause they cant do it...they wanna grow an thrash these genitics like some people are able to...which is a shame....cause even if it doesn't come up like you want at least you still tried at least you can say you put forth the effort to revive this strain for the average grower...haters will always be there my brother..its what we do in their faces thats makes us what we are...lol...peace az


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
well well well, its about time SOMEONE put a head on this damned PIFF monster.

i have read through the thread and pretty much didnt see what needed to be posted about how the seeds could have come about. soma pretty much coined the phrase as "rodelerization". (i do hope that, that is the right spelling of it). what happens is you let the plants go for way longer than what they are suposed in flower, and slow down if not stop the watering altogether. once this is done the plants go into survival mode and will produce seeds. if im not mistaken i think soma, in the article, said that this process would produce feminized seeds with out having to do it adding other chemicals to force the plants to do something that they can naturally do on their own.

NOW, just to let you know, (and art i think you remember me from another post about this whole PIFF ordeal) i too am from uptown born and raised, and have had a run in or two with em. no worries bruh. let em talk their respective horsepizzle. let them thangs pop and make the block hot if you got to!! the LAST thing they like is attention. it was back in the early 90's but i remember when 5-0 had 163 on lock since these "brothers" had lived there and were supposedly to be pretty rowdy or whatever, you more than likely know it better than i do, as my memory tends to fail me on these things. dont worry about them clowns, DO YOU fam. white or not, as someone else mentioned on here, i hate that racist shit too, dont make NO DAMNED SENSE IN THIS DAY AND AGE!!!

my boy got me some piff tonight and ill be blazin on it in a few, but i wanna take it home though and really inspect it, put it under the microscope and all that. i too had a baggy a about a week ago and found a seed or two in it, it popped and now im gonna see what it is. i am intrigued though because the plant that i have marked with a question mark on the marker stick has that same single leaf formation on the lower leaves, and the leaves themselves are kinda off, but its goin strong.

im a new NJ transplant and was always hoping to get up with a crew, but the cat taht gifted me some SSH beans kinda up and left town and moved too much to be part of a crew so im still single man operation. me and a long time friend were supposed to go in together on a larger grow room, but the owner of the room got cold feet , so im back to growin in my cab which is cool though.

well bruh, best of luck to you and i think you got this thing handled, so i hope to see that PIFF on a amsterdam coffee shop menu one day dog, for real!!! lol


maybe that will turn up something

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The Brother's in the early 90's was the grocery store on the corner of 163 n bway. Used to wait in brother's grocery lol. (as barletta waits for his 'order' lol) "Hmmmm...Lemmie get 1000 of the small baggies with the blue devil heads, 500 of the medium batman's, and one of those cheap scales, I have a letter to mail....Hold on, here comes the weed...."


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
barletta said:
The Brother's in the early 90's was the grocery store on the corner of 163 n bway. Used to wait in brother's grocery lol. (as barletta waits for his 'order' lol) "Hmmmm...Lemmie get 1000 of the small baggies with the blue devil heads, 500 of the medium batman's, and one of those cheap scales, I have a letter to mail....Hold on, here comes the weed...."

yeah there were a couple of those that were on the Bway strip, mainly those habibi spots (no disrespect, its all love), and what was crazy was the groceries on the shelf were good!! lmao damn them cats was hustlin' hard and they had that morracan shit too. nevah bought from though, always was with cats that did, you know they are selective as shit, atleast with me anyway, i always looked lilke cop for some reason to people.

oh well, this PIFF is really nice, i gave it a chance and its worth chasin' fo sho

SMELL:headbange TASTE:headbange FRAGRANCE:headbange HIGH:headbange COLOR:headbange ITS GOT ALL THAT!!!


edit: oh yeah, i think the brothers im talkin about were the jerry curl brothers or some shit like that, and they stayed on 155st off of broadway.

anyway blazed right now and gotta get some stuff done, whew!!.. . NICE
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ARTofMAKINGfire said:
Can my F.U.C.K.E.M. peoples chime in?

Hold me down as the haters congragate. Ya'll know I'm real deal Holyfield. The seeds I have are what they are, and will be what they will be. Which at this point no one knows so STOP HATING!

don't sweat it, you know what you've got & where you got it from...that's all that matters. It doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks (even me). In the end the truth is going to come to light (literally).


Grinding extra.
I will post some pics tomm.

Uptown #1 has a FUNKY smell, not the telltale, but funky.

Uptown #2 has less smell, something faint.

They are both healthy with nice root mass. I will transplant them and take pics...

I was talking with my brother about these seeds last night. He mentioned that the weed they came from was the best Uptowns he ever smoked. Super dank smelling, etc.

He would somtimes purchase from the guy I supplied. He told me that he found a seed to that he gave to his buddy, because his bud had mentioned I wanted him to keep any seeds he may have found. My bro told me he remembered when it popped out of a perfect nug, when he was breaking some up.

And he said it looked like a perfect seed. It made me excited about growing this all over again...



jsut checkin in , seeing how things are goin. i need you to check out my new thread/ diary. its gonna be a doozy!! lmao

dotn forget to get back to me on that pm , im so good!!!!


Active member
ARTofMAKINGfire said:
I will post some pics tomm.

Uptown #1 has a FUNKY smell, not the telltale, but funky.

Uptown #2 has less smell, something faint.

They are both healthy with nice root mass. I will transplant them and take pics...

I was talking with my brother about these seeds last night. He mentioned that the weed they came from was the best Uptowns he ever smoked. Super dank smelling, etc.

He would somtimes purchase from the guy I supplied. He told me that he found a seed to that he gave to his buddy, because his bud had mentioned I wanted him to keep any seeds he may have found. My bro told me he remembered when it popped out of a perfect nug, when he was breaking some up.

And he said it looked like a perfect seed. It made me excited about growing this all over again...

Lets see them pics when you get a chance Art, i hope you get what your lookin for outta these it def will be nice to spread it around :joint: :joint:

Bubble Puppy

Great thread Art ,I can't wait to see how this turns out.It would be nice to see "Piff" preserved in its pure form .Got this bookmarked..


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Say WhA?

Say WhA?

ARTofMAKINGfire said:
Can my F.U.C.K.E.M. peoples chime in?

Hold me down as the haters congragate. Ya'll know I'm real deal Holyfield. The seeds I have are what they are, and will be what they will be. Which at this point no one knows so STOP HATING!
Yo what it is PimPin?who want's some of this :spank: F.U.C.K.E.M. ArT!.Do that PiFfY thing u do :muahaha: :wave: late......MoneyMiKe

bookmarkin this one to come back and read it all... got through the first 3 pages and am lovin the story! haha

but i'm getting tired and am gonna pass out...

stay safe art man,

... smoke prolly won't be ready for vegas... but next time on the east coast i best be samplin this shit

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