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~PIFF~ A.K.A. Uptown Haze/Frankies/Church. Preserving a Heritage...

The Vermonster

Active member
Art glad to hear you're getting closer to 100% confirmation bro.........looking sweet from here. My 2 uptowns are still in 16z cups and im feeding them minimal nutes atm so as my rooted clones will catch up w/ them which im blasting w/ nutes.......i hate feeding different week regimes so when these clones catch up to the uptowns i will be repotting them in 3 gal square pots for the duration...........they are currently basking under a 54w T-5 and boy are they loving life..........thanks again friend!


Clearly present with no other interfering odors.
GoArtGo :)

Side note on the naming...

At this point 'pif' gets attached to ANY A+ KB's. It is also Fire or Crack (THAT'S a smart one..). My outdoor MrN Shit (stinkyskunkyfunkynotatallhazy) went as pif. It is a sales tech.
"...Is it any good??"
"C'mon, you know I got that pif..."
LOL not my sales tech. I BEGGED w/dood to start lettin it go for what it is (Sk, Hawiian, diesel, affie, etc...) told him the SSH can go as pif...

GoArtGo! Congrats on finding your inner hippie. I found mine, then I buried him with fastfood, newports, brickweed, and carsales... My dood found his last weekend :)


Well-known member

lookin swizzy that #2 is sexy n she still got som to go damn.

crazy she looks very much like the haze ive seen outdoor almost identical .

im postin up 4 a report on ur tasting


C'mon Art. I had plants in the ground when you posted last...

I'm SURE you are more than a lil busy, but just a quick - "..piffier by the day.." would do, lol. I smoked some (spice x ssh) yesterday, and while it is very sexy/smelly dried bud, it doesn't really resemble what I used to get uptown. Rounder, skunkier buds. The taste on the inhale isn't particularly meaty/garbagey/rotten, but the exhale and aftersmell ARE PIF. Lol, I was givin myself lil headrushes yesterday 'chasin' the smell around. Just smoked some more, thought of your pif plant(s), and figgured that this thread didn't deserve to be on pg 8... Give me the ssh growin (and high), and this ssh cross' 'haze effect', find something else that tastes like pif on the inhale, and smoke em all at once. Christ Im high. :)


Active member
Is there different cuts of this haze as like a more commerial cut as I don't see the commerial guys growing this ,no yield at all???? Just a question ,not starting anything. :rasta:


yo art!

-when im in NYC, be it , the BX, BKLYN, manhattan (upper/lower east side) or even queens...... I get get "PIFF"

and, depending where im at....its ALL different.
all GOOD, but all, noticeably, different.
one guy i know, exclusively uses greenhouses "hawaiian snow" and calls it piff. another i know, uses supersilver haze.

so, is this "PIFF" this thread is dedicated to......
is this just a cut of "PIFF" that was found "UPTOWN" or is this just simply another good haze that was found in bagseed and is being grown out?
just wondering cuz everywhere i go in the city i can get "piff" and, like i said, they are all noticeably all different hazes....

whats the scoop? what i wanna know is...
what makes THIS...
THE piff?
is it the taste? the buzz? what gives?
tks, art of making fire, in advance. ive been dying to ask you this ever sice you started this thread...



Well-known member
bro i thought u were og .man hav you read this thread or any other ny haze / piff threads.what makes this piff is its seeds from high grade nyc haze the best art has com by .period ... yeaaaaa bagseed

you say you smoke piff in nyc= h.s and all ssh ive smoke in the dam n nyc dont hold a candle to our piff aka best uptown haze.

if you get piff all over you really get ripp = ripped caz piff is slang for top notch nyc haze which everyone would love to believe they smoke sell n so on.

if you truly ever smoked piff or any any nyc haze for that matter you would not be asking any of these questions .

sorry bro ive been lookin for updates n had to speak my piece, but i think som would lov to hear from the fireman.hope all is well n post som new pics wen u can



"thought i was OG???"

not sure why the condensation was thrown out there....BUT.....

youve answered my question.

"Uptown NYC Piff" is nothing more than
bagseed from well grown haze.
just like artofmakingfire states in the first post of this long thread.......
dont need anymore explination than that.....

pardon me for not being hip to the latest in the PIFF world....

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hubcap - read the beginning of the thread, dood says where he got the seeds, and explains how/why they are from 'pif/uptown'.

bigherb - I never been to the dam, buty I imagine that it is a business running a coffee shop, and if you kif the buds and press the kif, you have that much 'more' product to sell. I have a ssh cut that gets me every bit as twisted with the same smell (dry), and a very similar 'exhale'. I personally find the taste/smell to be the most satisfying part of growing, and pif/uptown had/has the 'total aromatic package'.

Really what I wonder is are the BIG commercial spots (w.heights, harlem, Bk, Bx) VERY close to the 'grow'? Is the bud getting dried then only bagged 1-2 times before it hits the block? That would explain the consistently high quality (of course it's BOMB genetics) vs. an 1/8 that you get in a parking lot at a show. MAY be similar quality bud on the plant, but how many times has the 'Whitewidow (for example)' been bagged, then someone takes their favorite nugs out, bagged, re-bagged, crotched at a traffic stop...

ps. If someone REALLY wants to go get pif to see what it's all about, and you live WEST of NYC, here are the directions.
RT 80 becomes Rt95 becomes G.W. bridge. Get off the bridge @ 2nd opportunity (broadway). Go ~15 blocks south. Park, and walk around. Don't get 'beat'. I have NO idea where to get the same quality bud retail ANYWHERE.

lol, GoArtGo.


her dankness
hubcap said:
"Uptown NYC Piff" is nothing more than
bagseed from well grown haze.
I think you have misunderstood; it would be helpful to go back and read through what is becoming quite a long thread.
Not all Hazes are created equal. I'm not going to get a plant from a pack of Blue Haze that ANYONE would identify as 'THE PIFF'! (Yes, I've grown BH. Yes, I know what I'm doing. No, I wasn't particularly impressed.)
A perfectly-grown plant is only as good as its genetic potential to produce the specific combinations of resins and terpenes that give a distinctive type of high, aroma, and flavor. The goal of this project would be, then, to find and stabilize a representative seedline that exhibits the traits of what this idealized vision of 'THE' Uptown should be.

I respect that the OP has really restrained himself at this early stage from saying that this plant, admittedly from a bag seed, is 'THE' Piff, until he has had a chance to finish and judge the plant's performance.

Just spectatin'.


Active member
i want to see it!!
i want to see it!!
...i want to smoke it ;)


oh, i forgot to mention. i did have a talk with my connect who used to re.up for me (not gonna call it piff now, because i'm not really sure what it is, just a run of the mill block haze i guess, or maybe just hemp!!) anyway, for what its worth just to add more info to the thread, he told me anything i got from him originated from between 157-16xth & amsterdam -- from a few different spots. sometimes it was an ally way where you had get thru a locked steel door, other side of the door was an escape route, lol. other times just known people... mostly latino..

well, whatever it is, to me, it smells like what i used to get, and smokes like it, so i'm happy with it. not sure how much more high i would be comfortable with, but you guys are the heavy hitters so!!


you seem so into it searching thru all these ssh like a mad man, lol. not sure who is secretly who these days, but if your loop'd with everyone, by all means..

but wait, cf, have u trashed it all already??
...have u gotten to sample it yet art?

waiting for updates!!

i'm getting ready to run mine again soon.. i'm on my last batch so, the time is near!!



x0 - I'm 99.99% sure that I don't know anybody on these boards. I dunno ANYONE by their screen name... I'm a hermit that LOVES weed, and my fave weed is/was pif/haze/dro. Hey 10 yrs ago I had no problem takin busses n trains to get a big ass sack of brick and some 20's. Now I don't care who has what (clones/seeds). Safety is #1.

It's all about selection. I REALLY believe that pif/uptown is related to Nev/Shanti's 'haze(c)'. The ssh is 50% HzC, and 1 pheno seems close (to pif), the MMG I ran consistently had the same looking hairs (as art's, and different from just about everything that I've run), and a HEAVY feet/armpit/swenty nutz smell - but no 'incense/herbal garbage/rotten fruit' MMG is (supposedly) 25%HzC. I used a very hazy ssh male on an indy leaning Spice (mrn, hawaiian), and one of the plants could fool ANYONE if they came in the room after it was smoked. I thought my ssh#1 cut was very close, then I smelled this ssh cross, and now ssh#1 is just 'close'. I am gonna get some nev's Hz this winter (75%HzC), and see. I really can't believe that there are no nev's growers who 'know' pif.

Sorry for cluttering your thread, Art. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on how your plants look/smell/behave vs. some other strains with haze in em. (or someone else who is running the cut)

EDIT - Although I wouldn't be surprised if I waited in some shitty foyer and cursed the Mr Softee truck sitting next to some of you all...
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You're should be called Dreadlock Holmes or something over there with all that detective work Barletta. That's awesome.


Well-known member
big up to you my man .i love what many shops offer i hav my few favorite specialty items and id hope these practices were not being used anywhere but ive neva suspected this b4.these strains r top notch genetics but dont top wat we got in my experience 4 trips 2 cups n 33 days.

im glad you poked at lineage caz herbalizor big up got a incense cut from a nevilles haze very interesting descriptions as its more complex .

were ya at bro som updates ur opinions
much respect in preservin the heritage if we could discuss lineage it would be a great contribution also.

hope we can discuss this lineage in original haze thread as somone claims to know som things
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Grinding extra.
I've been trying to wrap my mind around what strain (as we know strains) this could be a phenotype of...

No conclusions. More investigation needed... But I don't think they are 100% sativa. I see some indica in them. Thier buds are more compact than a pure sativa. It's not a landrace strain or anything like that IMO.

I snipped off a small branch at the bottom of phenotype 2. Dried thoroughly. Showed it to several people "on the block". I asked them what kind of weed they thought it was. They all told me 'puday' (Uptown) and looked at me with a look of wonder on thier face. Like why ask such an obvious question.? I then took this sample home. And compared it with samples of Uptown I purchased:

Mine looked better. The trichromes obviously were not broken and smashed against the bud. They were all standing up and bulbous. The smells were almost identical. My sample smelt had a bit of a 'fresh green' smell, being it was fresh and had no cure. (or no time spent in a bag which IMO can be simluar to a cure) But the bud structure was SO simular. Pulled apart all stringy. No buds were too big. I then packed up a bong and lit. A little harsh (like Uptown) but the exhale TASTED exactly like it and the smell of the smoke was DEAD ON.

I already consider these smells, tastes, and looks to be a close representation of what we all know as "THE" Uptown. Closer than I ever thought I was going to end up with. TWO close representation. Although again, smells can slightly change during drying and curing. But I KNOW that core stink will remain. Hopefully it won't pick up and other tinges of scents.

And yes, you can purchase uptown all over the city, but I call it this because Uptown was where I personally first came across it and that's ALL they smoke up there. Plus, I believe if you say, "I got some killer Uptown." People will know you're talking about "THE" Piff moreso, and not just some BS some BS dealer is trying to pass of to some BS custy. And I hate the word PIFF, its creator, and those who embrace it's use...lol.

They are nutrient MONSTERS. I've been afraid to feed them any more, but they have been steadily eating themselves at a slow rate. We shall see...

I'll post some pictures soon. I see all you fiends can't handle not having your fix. :rasta:
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