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Peppermint patties 37.5mg each


Active member
Little project here at the pharm. Many of our edibles go to medical users who are unable to smoke, and these were in response to a request. I used 9.5g of decarbed kif with an estimated thc content of 500mg per gram. These are actually really good! I think that the peppermint helps them get into your system just a little quicker, but this may be the placebo effect.


Active member
Could you elaborate on your process or is it a trade secret?😁
Did you add the kief directly or did you add a tincture reduction to the fondant or whatever you used as the base or did you infuse the chocolate?
Had a hell of a time getting even distribution throughout the fondant
My peppermint patties worked, you just had to cover your eyes when you ate them
Some were moderate in potency but the rest were a wild ride

Doing beverages now, more demand
Whatever you are comfortable sharing would be greatly appreciated
My candies only have demand around halloween


Active member
Could you elaborate on your process or is it a trade secret?😁
Did you add the kief directly or did you add a tincture reduction to the fondant or whatever you used as the base or did you infuse the chocolate?
Had a hell of a time getting even distribution throughout the fondant
My peppermint patties worked, you just had to cover your eyes when you ate them
Some were moderate in potency but the rest were a wild ride

Doing beverages now, more demand
Whatever you are comfortable sharing would be greatly appreciated
My candies only have demand around halloween
I decarboxylated my kif first of course, roughly 40 minutes at 240⁰. I then infused a very small amount of butter (28g, 2 tbsp) with the kif for about 20 minutes over a double boiler. At this point it is ready for any other liquid ingredients that you use, for me that would be condensed milk (for now). Give it another 10 minutes and add the dry ingredients. Knead it, a lot! Once fully mixed, wrap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight before making the candies. Mine comes out to a 6g filling for each one, and they make snack size patties, with approximately 37.5 mg in each one. One of my medical people only can eat 1/2 at a time, or she gets completely wrecked. Two of these makes for a great day for me!


Active member
I decarboxylated my kif first of course, roughly 40 minutes at 240⁰. I then infused a very small amount of butter (28g, 2 tbsp) with the kif for about 20 minutes over a double boiler. At this point it is ready for any other liquid ingredients that you use, for me that would be condensed milk (for now). Give it another 10 minutes and add the dry ingredients. Knead it, a lot! Once fully mixed, wrap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight before making the candies. Mine comes out to a 6g filling for each one, and they make snack size patties, with approximately 37.5 mg in each one. One of my medical people only can eat 1/2 at a time, or she gets completely wrecked. Two of these makes for a great day for me!

Like your recipe
Many infusion points
Kneading is my weakness
Hands are a mess from years of abuse
Thus the inconsistent dosing

Working on several projects right now
Trying to decipher the difference between fat and sugar carriers
Picture is coming into focus
The obvious, fat carrier being metabolized in the liver to 11 hydroxy THC
The sugar carrier is much different
IMG_20240319_145450.jpg IMG_20240319_145730.jpg IMG_20240319_151642.jpg IMG_20240319_151647.jpg

This is the syrup I make
Sugar water is the carrier, 210S is the binder (90% xanthan/10% gum arabic)
Holds up in different temperature drinks with even dispersal and holds suspension without separating

It is a much lighter 3-5 hour experience over the 8+ hours with the oil I make

Then there is nano emulsion

Any knowledge you may have that you are comfortable sharing would be greatly appreciated

Got my first batch of terpenes to experiment on my edibles


New member
Those look awesome...

I too make Peppermint Patties. I used distillate or concentrates for the vitamin M...

I make the the plain filling 1st...
4 C Confectionary Sugar (10x Sugar)
4T Corn Syrup
4T Crisco Vegetable Shortening
2 T Milk
1 t Peppermint filling
Mix until all ingredients are incorporated & dough like. Taste & adjust flavor. You may want it strong if you want to cover the weed taste.

It mixed the Vitamin M with a little MCT oil ( ~2 ml/ 1- 1.5 grams of concentrate) & 1 tsp Lecithin. Warm slightly to allow this to stir/combine. Add to the above. Mix well (mix mine on a Kitchen Aid mixer). You want this mix liquid enough to be dispersed into the filling, but not so much that it softens or loosens the filling (adding 10x Sugar will tighten up the filling but affects overall pattie strength)

I then wrap & refrigerate overnight. Next day I roll out the dough. I use rolling guides to control pattie thickness. I dust the work surface, rolling pin & filling with 10x Sugar to prevent sticking. I roll to 1/4" thickness. I then use a 1" round cookie cutter.
This yields me rounds that are ~6 grams each. I set those on wire racks

I then let them dry for a day or two. You can also freeze them. This helps when dipping as it helps keeps them for wilting/bending when moving from chocolate.

I only make my 10 mg as that is the preferred strength for the people I make them for.

Some things to help understand how I control dosing.
1. Know how Vitamin M you are working with. I am a fxusing concentrates. Most concentrates are ~86% & then lose another ~13% d/t decarb process. Simply speaking, 2 gms of concentrate should yield you ~1500mg THC.
2. The reason I add the Vitamin M after the filling is made as since I know how I have to work with and my desired strength (10mg). I divide the strength into the total amount to know I need 150 pieces to make 10mg each.
3. I then multiply 150 & 6 to come up with 900gms as the total weight of filling to make 150 patties

I hope this makes sense. I also make them Cinnamon flavored as well


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Active member
Those look awesome...

I too make Peppermint Patties. I used distillate or concentrates for the vitamin M...

I make the the plain filling 1st...
4 C Confectionary Sugar (10x Sugar)
4T Corn Syrup
4T Crisco Vegetable Shortening
2 T Milk
1 t Peppermint filling
Mix until all ingredients are incorporated & dough like. Taste & adjust flavor. You may want it strong if you want to cover the weed taste.

It mixed the Vitamin M with a little MCT oil ( ~2 ml/ 1- 1.5 grams of concentrate) & 1 tsp Lecithin. Warm slightly to allow this to stir/combine. Add to the above. Mix well (mix mine on a Kitchen Aid mixer). You want this mix liquid enough to be dispersed into the filling, but not so much that it softens or loosens the filling (adding 10x Sugar will tighten up the filling but affects overall pattie strength)

I then wrap & refrigerate overnight. Next day I roll out the dough. I use rolling guides to control pattie thickness. I dust the work surface, rolling pin & filling with 10x Sugar to prevent sticking. I roll to 1/4" thickness. I then use a 1" round cookie cutter.
This yields me rounds that are ~6 grams each. I set those on wire racks

I then let them dry for a day or two. You can also freeze them. This helps when dipping as it helps keeps them for wilting/bending when moving from chocolate.

I only make my 10 mg as that is the preferred strength for the people I make them for.

Some things to help understand how I control dosing.
1. Know how Vitamin M you are working with. I am a fxusing concentrates. Most concentrates are ~86% & then lose another ~13% d/t decarb process. Simply speaking, 2 gms of concentrate should yield you ~1500mg THC.
2. The reason I add the Vitamin M after the filling is made as since I know how I have to work with and my desired strength (10mg). I divide the strength into the total amount to know I need 150 pieces to make 10mg each.
3. I then multiply 150 & 6 to come up with 900gms as the total weight of filling to make 150 patties

I hope this makes sense. I also make them Cinnamon flavored as well

My mistake was skipping the mixer
I rolled out the fondant and use hand kneading to incorporate the infusion material
Some reason I skipped the mixer
Probably fear of over processing and not understanding how to work with fondant
Been doing this for 5 years and I can get a general dose within a reasonable range of mg if I know all the numbers
Sometimes I have to extract and filter down to almost refined RSO
Dosing can only be done by step dosing the edible to determine potency from extractions unless you are able to test

Thanks for the recipe
It helps to know which ones work in the real world