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Well-known member
As the title states does anybody enjoy a good work out and how often would you train?
I find with age (ticking of a clock) some days can be a bit of a drag for self motivation, or my body just aches and I don't have the appetite for it, these are the best days to get in there I find.

For me getting through the doors is half the battle won, I like a bit of bench work with free weights or if I am not up for that I might hit the machines really depends on how I feel, I don't limit myself to certain routines or focus on any particular muscle group. (Like I would of in my younger days) like I said above I'm just happy to make it through the door and come out in one piece.

I try fitting in at least 4 days a week for a upper body work out then on Sat or sunday I would solely focus on leg work, ( wise China man once told me think of your legs like the roots on a tree) stability and all that.

The morning times suit me best, get in and out and you have the whole day to yourself. I tend to get a better session done in the morning times and these times suit me the best ( plus there is less people in there) can't be dealing with ass holes taking selfies and hugging the machines or benches for dear life.

My local Gym is 25 minutes away by foot so I treat this as part of my warm up with some stretching thrown in for good measure on arrival. ( there's such a great felling coming out of the gym after your workout) ya can't beat it..

Would be nice to hear other people's routines and thoughts, maybe you like a bit of cardio so might hit the treadmills/cross trainers or rowers, or your just there to check out the local talent 😆

I use to vape sativas before going in as indicas just floored me out, now adays I just wait until I come out before getting wasted..(this works for me) I listen to all types of music apart from classical when working out.
Regarding supplements I will have a protein shake with a scoop of cretine thrown in.
The most important thing is you enjoy doing it, or to a degree any way, Its good to be in the rite state of mind from a mental perspective or it can affect your physical side.

Have a good day every one and thanks for reading ☯️

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Well-known member
Thanks for the post friend. Yes, I love to work out every day except Sunday because I rest on Sundays. I don't go to the gym but I love to ride my bike 5 miles every other day. On the other day, I run and do pushups. I'm hooked on my routine and love it. It keeps me strong and healthy. I take no medicines or any drugs I only exercise. I love to vape a few hits before I go, but sometimes I go without weed and still have a blast. If a person smokes or vapes or is prone to depression exercise is a must for good health.


Well-known member
Thanks for the post friend. Yes, I love to work out every day except Sunday because I rest on Sundays. I don't go to the gym but I love to ride my bike 5 miles every other day. On the other day, I run and do pushups. I'm hooked on my routine and love it. It keeps me strong and healthy. I take no medicines or any drugs I only exercise. I love to vape a few hits before I go, but sometimes I go without weed and still have a blast. If a person smokes or vapes or is prone to depression exercise is a must for good health.
Appreciate your input buddy,
You sound like a man with a well executed plan, I haven't cycled for several years and the same goes for running. (Should try and get back in to cycling) the thing I enjoyed about cycling was that sense of freedom that comes over you, all the negative thoughts and any feelings of stress just despirse from with in you. ( it All gets left behind) the same as running, you touched nicely on that in your last sentence. Also folk don't need to go to the gym in order to be fit, the majority of exercises can be done from the comfort of your own home ( it's mostly from a mental side that keeps me going) I walked to the gym today and the weather was absolutely glorious, was very warm so I didn't bother with the warm up. Keep up the good work buddy 👍

Might get the mods to change the title, maybe people who like to keep fit...(in any shape or form)
The word gym can be intimidating to most, as it can be when you first walk through the doors.

El Timbo

Well-known member
I train with weights every other day - full body. I never vape before going to the gym but I'll do some light kettlebell work at home after vaping.


Well-known member
Yea man I guess some folk prefer a blast before training and some wait until they get there session out of the way first, it suits me to vape after.. ( I certainly look forward to it) I plan on taking it easy today so hit the vape once my eyes opened this morning.

Weather is going to get warm here today (mid 20s which is warm for Ireland)
Planning on bringing the dogs for a long walk (11-12 kms) and bring some water with me.
Will stop by the butchers and stock up on some red meat.

Enjoy your day, whatever you decide to do.


Well-known member
Done some leg work this morning nothing to strenuous, brisk walk around the city afterwards then gorged on some carbs.. Guinness was great ( just the one)


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Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Cool thread 😎 I train every day alternating hard days and light days. Hard days are strength and skills, light days flexibility and mobility. I don’t consume cannabis until after training is done. Sometimes in the evening after chewing or inhaling I will do some Gada or grease the groove training but it’s loose and unstructured. For hard days I train lots of calisthenics and overcoming isometrics. Light days lately it’s been front and middle splits mixed with animal movement and upper body flexibility on floor and rings. As I age I realize and mobility are more important now and with strength training it’s more about perfecting the movements I acquired during my younger days 🙏🏼


I started late with regular sport and was a couchpotato 4life. But since 2 1/2 years im a gym rat

I prefere weight lifting over cardio but i have to bump cardio to lose some fat. Rounded 6'2" but 280 is way to much for that. Cloth still fit and i'm now more buff than ever.

I was down from 265 to 212 when i started with sports but this was after 3 months alternate day fasting and keto diet. Reducing calories doesn't work for me longtime. After 2-3 weeks i loose less or stay the same weight. I also can handle eating nothing better than eating just a bit.
But that extreme fasting comes with noticable muscle loss so i got into weight lifting.

When i first started i had no plan but tried to hit every bodypart at least once in a workout and bumped that up to 3 exercises per bodypart per workout twice a week. Those were 2 1/2h sweating in the gym workouts. I did this till i noticed i had to really force myselfe to go and then took a week off. No way i could handle that volume now, but then it was with relative light weights.

With a little more experience how my body recovers i did a kind of push pull legs split. Mo: back arms calves, we:chest shoulder arms abbs fr: legs arms.

Then i tried a 5d/ week workout plan from my fav youtuber and liked it. I still have a problem with knowing how many rir(reps in reserve) i have so max after 4 weeks of that programm i had to take a week off.


Now i try the classic 5x5 3/week and i'm really beaten up. The problem with taking a week off instead of a deload is that motivation drops.
Also with weights closer to your one rep max. chances of hurting yourselfe goes up. The last time i tested my 1rm i did my deadlifts with too much rounded back so i had to turn down my training the last weeks because my back hurts and the days after i feel pain and stiffnes in my back slowly climbing down.
So old farts try not to hurt yourselfe, recovery from an injury takes way longer than as a young.
And don't loose your motivation to workout.

El Timbo

Well-known member
I just do 1 "real" set for squats and deadlifts now - I start with light warm up sets then build up single reps to something around 10% higher than my working set - not a 1RM but something I could do probably a couple more with max effort. Then I do my working set of 4-7 reps. Once I'm comfortable with 7 reps I up the weight. Sometimes I'll do a follow up set with less weight and 10-15 reps.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
On the 15th April - I had open heart surgery - a Mitral valve replacement and a left coronary artery bypass - then a week later had a pacemaker installed - before all that I had been training hard for the past 3 years - to prepare myself for such an event (BTW I'm 64 years old) - and it's paid off - because today I can finally work my upper body without anything but the usual muscle pain - you get from weight training - 😀 -

I've been walking steadily though since the week after the surgery - and am up to 4 miles fast 🏃‍♀️ walking per day now - and feeling fine once again - plus doing at least 100 standing squats per day - and lots of stretching -

Most of what I do these days are bodyweight/calisthenics exercises - and you can get a great pump 💪 from them - without a gym - but I will start back at the gym religiously on the 1st July - doing alot of work in the pool there too -

Exercise is truly the best medicine -

So Hai

Well-known member
Good to see you are back on track @Gypsy Nirvana

I have been doing cardio and light mitts/pads kick boxing lately, and enjoy taking walks also. Should probably do some more weight lifting, but had some muscle strained so will take it a little more easy for now at least. Also supplementing with vitamins and minerals along with some herbal extracts that do good things.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good to see you are back on track @Gypsy Nirvana

I have been doing cardio and light mitts/pads kick boxing lately, and enjoy taking walks also. Should probably do some more weight lifting, but had some muscle strained so will take it a little more easy for now at least. Also supplementing with vitamins and minerals along with some herbal extracts that do good things.
Yup - as we age - it's best to augment and change the way we workout - and what we eat - listen to your body - and change accordingly - I've been training more on than off my whole life - and back in my late teens and 20's I was power lifting and martial arts training to the max mostly - into my 30's I got qualified as an aerobics teacher/personal trainer - teaching boxercise - aqua - and hi/low impact aerobics - plus took up serious mountain biking to improve cardio

- then into my 40's did mostly swimming 🏊‍♀️ in the sea and pool going into my 50's - when I got kinda lazy - and didn't do much at all - arriving into my 60's as a fat bastid - but muscle has a memory 😀 - and at 61 years old started training hard again - plus going on a keto diet with intermittent fasting - got my weight down from 265lbs to 210lbs in a year - with 5 miles fast walking per day - plus an hour in the pool and an hour in the gym most days - and have kept my weight down around 210lbs with a 34 inch waist - for the past 2 years now - still strong - but much more careful how I train these days - since injuries take much longer to heal - and retaining muscle mass is an issue as we get older -


Well-known member
You guys make me almost wanna get back on the weights...but, I'll just try to motivate instead...cuz im fuggin burned out
8yrs ago i was primal ripped...this is 4yrs ago @172...my best was 184# and i was diesel...still 1 pic floating around of me on trenbolone acetate...people didn't fk with me when i went out lol

125# OHP for smooth 3 rep. I would have to get back on a routine but i don't wanna...I'll just coach and scream at you guys to do 1 more rep

So Hai

Well-known member
Yup - as we age - it's best to augment and change the way we workout - and what we eat - listen to your body - and change accordingly - I've been training more on than off my whole life - and back in my late teens and 20's I was power lifting and martial arts training to the max mostly - into my 30's I got qualified as an aerobics teacher/personal trainer - teaching boxercise - aqua - and hi/low impact aerobics - plus took up serious mountain biking to improve cardio

- then into my 40's did mostly swimming 🏊‍♀️ in the sea and pool going into my 50's - when I got kinda lazy - and didn't do much at all - arriving into my 60's as a fat bastid - but muscle has a memory 😀 - and at 61 years old started training hard again - plus going on a keto diet with intermittent fasting - got my weight down from 265lbs to 210lbs in a year - with 5 miles fast walking per day - plus an hour in the pool and an hour in the gym most days - and have kept my weight down around 210lbs with a 34 inch waist - for the past 2 years now - still strong - but much more careful how I train these days - since injuries take much longer to heal - and retaining muscle mass is an issue as we get older -
It has always been off and on for me, was almost qualified to be an instructor myself but an injury came in the way and the mental set back with that and the flu plus work getting in the way threw me completely off some years back. After getting back to it now I mostly focus on having fun, staying healthy and not take it serious.

EGCg from green tea could be consider as an aid to prevent the loss of muscle mass, it is one of the supplements I like to take.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It has always been off and on for me, was almost qualified to be an instructor myself but an injury came in the way and the mental set back with that and the flu plus work getting in the way threw me completely off some years back. After getting back to it now I mostly focus on having fun, staying healthy and not take it serious.

EGCg from green tea could be consider as an aid to prevent the loss of muscle mass, it is one of the supplements I like to take.

I think that the key 🔑 to training for longevity - is to just keep at it - stay mobile - stay focused - and don't become a sofa spud - even if you have a bit of a cold/flu - runny nose etc - try and stay motivated and train thru it - if you can - albeit lightly perhaps - but don't quit - you can always work around an injury - unless it's really serious -

Make your physical health a top priority - and don't let anything get in your way - for I find the buzz from a good workout far superior to any recreational drug - including cannabis - and it's natural - keeps your testosterone up - and dramatically helps your mental wellbeing too -


Well-known member
Glad your op went well for you Gypsy ( it’s hard to keep a good thing down man) best wishes going forward.

Gym was manic today with it been a bank holiday Monday.

Managed to get some bench work in with dumbbells working shoulders and chest and some lateral raises, finished up doing some cross overs on the cable machine. Was a decent workout for a Monday.

Nipped over to Co Kerry while the weather is still fine, the water was nice.


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Brother Nature

Well-known member
I've always kept myself pretty fit, never really stuck to a proper routine for it, but generally try to fit in 3-4 sessions a week. I don't really enjoy gyms so have some basic equipment at home to do a good 5x5 exercise, just a bench and weights actually. I find the 5x5 workout is great for the core and suits my short attention span, which the weed also helps with, really helps put me in the zone.

I've also found that now I'm in my late 30's (not old, but no longer a spring chicken) I've been finding myself really enjoying yoga on the non weights days, it also helps a ton as I work a corporate job at a desk and computer most days. I've also somewhat recently quit drinking and have found that has really renewed my appetite for exercise more so than anything else. Having a large dog helps too, needing to do a good 45-60 minute walk each day seems to up my motivation as well. I think exercise is an important thing to keep up with especially as we age and fall into more static routines, good to see we all don't fall under the lazy stoner stereotype these days. :bongsmi:


Well-known member
Legs legs legs ,brought my leg day forward, hoping to solely focus on legs for the remainder of the week.


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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Glad your op went well for you Gypsy ( it’s hard to keep a good thing down man) best wishes going forward.

Gym was manic today with it been a bank holiday Monday.

Managed to get some bench work in with dumbbells working shoulders and chest and some lateral raises, finished up doing some cross overs on the cable machine. Was a decent workout for a Monday.

Nipped over to Co Kerry while the weather is still fine, the water was nice.
Oh luvverly views of the Irish coast superx - makes me want to go hangout by the seaside once again - but no - I have to stay home here close by the Thames river (just at the bottom of my road) - and be a responsible Dad since my son and daughter are still both at school atm - and I've just started my summer grow too - up here on my apartment balcony -

Yes - yesterday was a big day physically for me 7 weeks after my surgical evisceration - to fix me dodgy ticker - and I did several sets of upper body work - using my own weight - and managed to get a great pump 💪 - but I mustn't over do it - so today I'll rest my upper body and just do 100 standing bodyweight squats - 3 sets of stomach crunches - for upper abs - 3 sets of leg lifts while horizontal - for lower abs - and 4 miles of fast walking -

Ahh - a couple of months ago my wife brought home a large Asian marrow that weighs about 9 kilos - and I worked my biceps and shoulders with it - doing 4 sets of 20 reps yesterday - then did 4 sets of inclined presses against the kitchen counter top - and 4 sets of pull ups using the top of the kitchen door frame - then outside my door in the stairwell is a strong metal banister that I use to row with my bodyweight against -

If you look around you at home - or even walking down the street - you can find all sorts of ways to use your own bodyweight to pump just about every muscle in your body up with - so I'm always looking for unusual ways to workout - and often find them - lol

My 9kg Asian marrow - next to a size 10 sandal (for size)

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