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Pentagon Shooter: A Grower Protesting Government's Marijuana Laws!

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots a like.

Political science dictates this to unfortunately to be the case.

It's the natural manifestation for populations living under tyranny. What the bastards didn't take into account this time was the internet's ability to go around their power grip on information.

6 degrees of separation between any two people is very much a reality now days. Probably less than that.

They are still worshiping their money, bombs, and guns while the proletariat are together busy mastering the information revolution.

The truth will prevail because they dumb fuckers gave us the internet.

They failed the #1 rule of war. Never under estimate the enemy.


Active member
Political science dictates this to unfortunately to be the case.

It's the natural manifestation for populations living under tyranny. What the bastards didn't take into account this time was the internet's ability to go around their power grip on information.

6 degrees of separation between any two people is very much a reality now days. Probably less than that.

They are still worshiping their money, bombs, and guns while the proletariat are together busy mastering the information revolution.

The truth will prevail because they dumb fuckers gave us the internet.

They failed the #1 rule of war. Never under estimate the enemy.

True, what worries me the most is if the powers that be decide to shutdown the internet altogether. then what?

are we totally fucked as a populace, unless we find another means of communicating?

CB radios? lol theres gotta be something.... a practical means of widespread communication the gov't. cant take away. any1?

I agree on the widespread disinformation, sum1 shud just abolish the media ;) hint hint....:thank you:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
are we totally fucked as a populace, unless we find another means of communicating?

Well, they have kind of painted themselves in a corner because all their fancy houses, bombs, and cars is based on the same illusion of prosperity as 1929 was. Completely unregulated markets.

When their OTC derivative and credit default scam is rocked by the house of cards economy they have created it all get's exposed as a pyramid scheme.

It all goes POOF.

In creating their wealth and power their greed ensured their own destruction because the international markets are created out of thin air as they were in 1929. The arrogance of power causes them to believe they can go on forever.

Which we always know is not the reality of the situation.

I just watched the documentary "OutFoxed" on Netflix. Couldn't be truer.

Absolute psyops warfare and indoctrination strategy. Straight from the manual. It put a lot of things into perspective.

The ramifications of all this is going to be worse because everything is so interconnected now.


Active member
Well, they have kind of painted themselves in a corner because all their fancy houses, bombs, and cars is based on the same illusion of prosperity as 1929 was. Completely unregulated markets.

When their OTC derivative and credit default scam is rocked by the house of cards economy they have created it all get's exposed as a pyramid scheme.

It all goes POOF.

In creating their wealth and power their greed ensured their own destruction because the international markets are created out of thin air as they were in 1929. The arrogance of power causes them to believe they can go on forever.

Which we always know is not the reality of the situation.

I just watched the documentary "OutFoxed" on Netflix. Couldn't be truer.

Absolute psyops warfare and indoctrination strategy. Straight from the manual. It put a lot of things into perspective.

The ramifications of all this is going to be worse because everything is so interconnected now.

Interesting ill have to look into that film. I guess these next few years are going to be pretty exciting huh?! we get to watch it alll come tumbling down.. hopefully..:jump:

fear pisses me off, i wanna remove it from the world.

"Only when you have nothing are you free to do anything"

sry had to throw a fight club quote in there

and also a nice warm smelly apple pie :pie:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
"Only when you have nothing are you free to do anything"

Don't mean to get all morbid lol. But that couldn't be truer.

When I went through the leukemia and transplant I realized what a false veil of security we all live under.

Struggle and adversity reminds people of what is important in life. The reality of the world is you have to go through hard times to really appreciate what we take for granted. Nothing is free.

The rest of the world suffers a lot more than we do. They have been going through their hard times and we are about to go through ours because much their strife is based on our addiction to war, power, celebrity, and media.

"American Exceptionalism" is nothing more than national propaganda now. When war is used as means to achieve peace and freedom it becomes perpetual.

The freedom fighters become the occupiers.

The world turns. :ying:


It cracks me up how people keep quoting out of context quotes by POLITICAL FIGURES to push their shoot em' up good ole' boy agenda. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? I thought the government is the bag guy? Why are you quoting some of the most distinguished government officials of all time if you're rebelling against the system such?

I can assure you, just like the stoner cliche, not all govenment officials are horrible people, there are people out there who are pushing FOR US. What if one of those lowly pentagon guards, somebody who is probably living paycheck to paycheck for their family who has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY SORT OF LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE, was a supporter of medical marijuana? What kind of message would that send to those who aren't crazy right ring nut jobs? A negative one!

You people who are quoting thomas jefferson, george washington, blah blah blah.. Those quotes were made at a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TIME. It's absolutely ridiculous to apply that ideology to today's society.

Let's go back to slavery while we're at it, in fact i hate electricity too, who needs that! Let's devolve instead of evolve. That's really what America needs! You guys are mental!


A thousand years ago a man once told his son, "son, don't ever hit a woman. Stand up for yourself in times of trouble and stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. Never let the bullies get away with their bullying." This advice is still relevant today - not out of context at all - so I don't know what you mean nnep when you say that some of these quotes are out of context. We quote as a mark of respect but hey, we could just say those words. I mean, nobody has copyright over them so far as I know. The words still hold meaning. We could say "my Dad told me ......" - would you then tell us that it's ridiculous to apply our parents ideology to todays world?

Now, I know JFK had his own problems, he wasn't the most squeaky clean politician of them all, and that when he turned to the public for support it was most likely because he was cornered and there wasn't much else he could do but still - those words he spoke ring true. The words of Thomas Jefferson ring true. Samuel Adams. Albert Einstein. Shakespeare. Martin Luther King. Richard Feynmann. Abraham Lincoln. The list goes on - or at least my ow personal list of worthwhile quotees does anyway. But you know, I couldn't care less who spoke the words. I'll credit the original speaker if I can but hey - it's the content that's important and if certain words help to get an idea across or to rouse up someones emotions then great. I'll use 'em ;)

This system we live in, the system we rebel against, is NOT the same system those distinguished political figures (not JFK) put in place all those years back. Neither the American constitution nor any constitution in the world is worth the paper it's printed on these days but they used to be worth so much more than that.

When you say it's ridiculous to apply the founding fathers' ideology to todays society - that those quotes were made at a completely different time - what exactly do you mean? As society degrades more and more I can only say that these famous words are more applicable than ever. Those words hold more meaning than the likes of "have a coke and smile" or "I'm loving it". That they were spoken some decades, even centuries ago, means nothing to me. What those words mean today, when applied to todays world, means everything to me. You choose not to apply them to the world you see and that's your perogative. The same holds true for those who do wish to apply them to what they see.

"The important thing is this, to be willing at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you may become" - Charles Dubois.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's absolutely ridiculous to apply that ideology to today's society.

That's the paradigm that you can't see through.

You are just another human being. No more evolved from 500 years ago and that's going be tough lesson for you to learn.

Guess what, your just a piece of space dust that keeps doing the same shit over and over again, but expecting a different result. :biglaugh:

EDIT: Oh, that's the definition of insanity too btw. Society is, by definition, collectively insane given a long enough span of history. That's you.

Oh shit!

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Active member
lol gramps you're too funny man, almost knocked my bong over hahahah smart cat tho, I applaud your insight :tiphat:

nnep - dude, wake the fuck up! lol your clinging onto every last branch as you inevitably tumble down the rabbit hole. Unfortunately you are not alone, I used to be the same way 2, and this pentagon guy was at some point. Till he figured out WTF was really going on and couldn't take the madness anymore.

BTW I dont blame this guy at all, theres better ways of going about doing what he did, but I feel his pain man I really do. Such a fucking shame, how many precious lives do we have to lose to wake up n make changes?

only when its someone close to us does it really hit home I think

Just fucking let go and open your mind, its really that simple. I try to remind myself of this every day, gotta keep movin, gotta stay strong, gotta stay alive..


It takes most people a year or two.... before they start growing really goooood cannabis and get their strain selection right. Up until then.... just ignore them. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:

p.s. I firmly believe that this country's state of mental health outright REQUIRES the legalization of cannabis.... to fully recover properly. You can't expect a generation to grow up watching bankrupt ethics and outright corruption in the govt be accepted as "The Norm".... and not expect the huge mental stressload the country is dealing with now..... do you?
Sativas Soothe the memories and spark the creativity to make things better. Spread the Truth!

Hydro, thanks for the post. I agree mental health requires the legalization and regulation of marijuana.

1. I believe the majority of use by teens is genetic in origin, risk taking behavior may improve fitness.

2. I believe the majority of people who continue to use marijuana after trying it do so out of self-medication for illness, mental or physical.

Consumption of marijuana is higher in the UK and USA than in the Netherlands where marijuana is able to be purchased legally. Coincidentally, mental illness prevalence is higher in the UK and USA. (The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 192: 362-367; Nation Master Cannabis Use Statistics)

Now comes the question is it self medication of is the marijuana causing mental illness? I could argue both, although I believe the majority of use if for self-medication. Use has been increasing in older demographics. This is family/job stress. Take away marijuana, and illness worsens. Not only from withdrawal, but from lack of treatment of course. And without proper treatment, the war on drugs will continue to fail. That is just the way it is, like it or not.

I could speculate on the shooter but why bother I don't know. My condolences to the officers' families as well as the shooters.


Freedom Fighter
From another thread--
But every study on the issue thus far has been imperfect: Despite controlling for variables like family history or childhood trauma, researchers were hard pressed to conclude that marijuana use caused psychosis, and not the other way around.


From another thread--

I'm not speaking only on psycosis, which is not all mental illness...some people can not smoke, gives them panic attacks or what have you...As you know different strains in different people will yield variable experiences depending on the person's body chemistry. Give a bipolar pt an antidepressant and see what happens...(I don't recommend doing it).


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Thomas Jefferson on Central Federal Banks (The FED)

The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.

I guess we are about to see if we Americans are really special and we have something figured out or if we are about to get fucked like every other country that has ever had a central bank.

I'm wagering on the later. You aren't special and you are going to wake up homeless since it's happening right now.

mad librettist

Active member
BTW I dont blame this guy at all, theres better ways of going about doing what he did, but I feel his pain man I really do. Such a fucking shame, how many precious lives do we have to lose to wake up n make changes?

One person dead, two wounded and lucky to be alive. What would you say is the better ways to enforce your political convictions with a gun?

The shooter did not just hurt himself. The repercussions extend to his family, the mood of our nation, the reputation of cannabis as a peace-monger's drug, and even the peace and harmony of this board and the honor of one of its most esteemed members, not to mention the reputation of IC administration.

Wake up people, all the little conspiracy theories and persecution complexes of the most privileged group of white males 16-45 to ever walk the planet don't justify the taking of human life or coercion of other humans. Check out Rwanda or the Sudan if you want to see persecution. Look at how homosexuals are treated in Uganda with the help of some other white American males 16-45 convinced by their god there is a mass gay conspiracy to threaten their way of life.

I know I'm probably about to get banned for this, but I see a lot of spoiled, privileged people with enough time on their hands to dream this stuff up. You have been given the gift of leisure by grace of your birth in an industrialized democracy. Jesus, stop whining and organize to make your voice heard.

Let's not jump to conclusions about bipolar disorder either. I suffer from it, and I know it is a very wide spectrum of disorder, not limited to the type of mania involving psychosis. I tend to become very disinhibited during a hypomanic mood episode, but I never become psychotic.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Wake up people, all the little conspiracy theories and persecution complexes of the most privileged group of white males 16-45 to ever walk the planet don't justify the taking of human life or coercion of other humans.

I applaud your compassion. It's unfortunate that the rulers of the world are staring at you down the barrel of a gun and don't share your same compassion.

If history has shown us anything when tyrants come to power people rebel violently because that is all the tyrant understands. The premise of tyrants is to destroy natural law and impose their own demi-god law. Once the rule of law is removed people feel painted in a corner and respond.

People with mental dispositions to violence will be the first to fly off the handle and be painted as crazy terrorist and as they tighten the screws they'll start to look at you.

The ethics of war becomes very complicated in situations like these.

Your preseptive of where you stand in this world becomes everything, but who really is controling your perspective?

mad librettist

Active member
I applaud your compassion. It's unfortunate that the rulers of the world are staring at you down the barrel of a gun and don't share your same compassion.

Are you American like me (I'm an emigrated Canadian)? Do you live on planet earth?

last I checked, WE are the rulers of the world, and WE are staring at the world down the barrel of a gun. Just ask the pashto tribes.

That hegemony provides you with all the shit you take for granted. People die every day for your oil, for your food, for your right to spew CO2, for your everything. Take some responsibility, or at least shut up about the world being out to get you even as you cannibalize the world.


I cannot justify taking lives... I can relate to bitter feelings. Thing is everyone deals with their feelings differently. Some act in violece and some act out in rebellion and some just go along with society (many other ways btw alchol,drugs, ect). I know how to deal with my negative feelings.... Do you?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Take some responsibility, or at least shut up about the world being out to get you even as you cannibalize the world.

You are barking up the wrong tree dude. If you were able to understand anything I've written around these forums, then you would know how silly you look with that statement.

Guess what btw, you don't run the world. You don't have any power.

The Fed does.
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