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Pentagon Shooter: A Grower Protesting Government's Marijuana Laws!

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mad librettist

Active member
Originally Posted by bs0
The last thing we need is for people to start shooting people for having to pay tax.
That is historically the number one reason populations start shooting each other. Taxes are a form of slavery.

More BS. Taxes is probably the last reason on the list. Got any historical evidence? Anything at all?

mad librettist

Active member
slavery is against your will, by the way. You are free to not engage in any transactions not protected by the state - tax free. But since you desire the convenience and security of cash, and insurance that no one can take it from you by force within or outside your country's borders, you are in effect supporting the regime. And benefitting, too.

Oh yeah, the internet is a government project.


New member
Sometimes the way I write may come off as inciting. I don't want people running around shooting some one or getting shot because of something they read on this site.

Having said that, believe me I have no doubt where this is all headed. There comes points in times in history where the streets run with blood. I don't doubt we are getting there as each month passes. It deeply saddens me.

FYI, NORAD was conducting war games of planes crashing into buildings on 9/11 before the "attacks".

Wanna guess who was in charge of these games? Our buddy Dick Cheney was sitting in bunker running the show.

[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial, helvetica]Agency planned exercise on Sept. 11 built around a plane crashing into a building [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- SUBHEAD --> [FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial, helvetica] By John J. Lumpkin, Associated Press [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial, helvetica] WASHINGTON — In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn't terrorism -- it was to be a simulated accident. [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial, helvetica] Officials at the Chantilly, Va.-based National Reconnaissance Office had scheduled an exercise that morning in which a small corporate jet would crash into one of the four towers at the agency's headquarters building after experiencing a mechanical failure. [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]

Bizarre coincidence indeed, eh? For all the non-military people out there. These are called False Flag Operations. (ie war games). I'm not so sure this is a game I want to play.

It never hurts to question what you have been told by the media. Unless, you are state zombie.

I'm well informed on 9/11. There is only about 100 uncanny coincidences on that day....too many for it to have happened naturally. No jets? Really no jets to shoot those planes down....fuck you Dick lick Cheney.

It shouldn't sadden you my friend. You should be excitied, we are on the verge of the greatest triumph in the history of mankind! Or, complete annihilation. Like a wise man once said, I would rather live a day on my feet then a lifetime on my knees! :ying:


I love my life
depends on $$$

politics... please. It's all about resources.

What fucking planet are you on? Did the rich Japanese Americans or German Jews have their natural rights recognized during WWII?

If you mean it is all about resources Mexican Cartels v. Mexican Gvt, you are correct. If you mean your or my pathetic bank roll even if it numbers in the millions will help us against the US Federal Government you are delusional.

Peace, :joint:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Just to throw another one out there to tweak your brain.

Kennedy was the last president for the people. He saw the corruption and he wanted to withdraw from Vietnam.

He was assassinated under dubious circumstances and LBJ took over. Shortly after we had the Gulf of Tonkin "incident" which LBJ used to escalate and really enter the Vietnam War.

Declassified military documents from 2003 confirms that the Gulf of Tonkin incident on Aug. 4, 1964 was a false flag operation by the CIA.

NO NAVAL carrier was attacked. It was a lie that the President used to get us into Vietnam.

Fast forward to 9/11. Are we seeing a pattern here?

It's funny how people are conditioned to say "theory" right after the word "conspiracy." The implication is that all these weird happenings are just little theories. (ie it has a negative connotation on the word conspiracy by simple word association).

What American civilians don't understand that the top people do, is you are no different from Pavlov's Dog. Humans are very easy to condition. You are just another animal.

Just because you are American doesn't mean you can't be conditioned like every other human being out there.

If anything, American arrogance and having total faith in our government has led to our demise. You are conditioned to believe everything your government says, when history tells us that is not only foolish to do so, but deadly.


Ghandi did it right ... by going about change in a peaceful way you wake up the enforcers "officers" to their wrong doing.

As people fighting for our freedoms education is the foundation.

2nd is peacefully making changes.

3rd is a violent revolution ... only after we've taken the abuse of the goons while not fighting back.

just my take on things ...

if you feed into it and start firing on the government first - all the uninformed people still asleep that trust their government start to agree with the governments view "these protesters are crazy!!! we need stricter security" and more of our freedoms go out the window.

until we take them back as free citizens :)

mad librettist

Active member
What fucking planet are you on? Did the rich Japanese Americans or German Jews have their natural rights recognized during WWII?

Peace, :joint:

well, no. the government singled them out and took their economic resources. They also used them as a resource (in germany). Had they had greater political resources, they would have fared better.

Good point though, I was being a bit simplistic. Sometimes (ok, very often) people are not rational actors motivated by greed alone. The free market theories espoused by the chicago school and the tea baggers share that flawed assumption.

Very good point. Ok, I retract my statement. But not my disdain for the navel-gazing drivel.

Also, planet earth ;)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Ol' Dirty Barney is standing up with Ron Paul. We need to support people like these. They are the real HOPE.

Frank Asks Bernanke to Probe Fed on Watergate, Iraq

March 3 (Bloomberg) -- House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank asked Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke to investigate allegations of Fed involvement in the Watergate scandal and Iraqi weapons purchases in the 1970s and 1980s.

Representative Ron Paul asked questions about “inappropriate political interference” and “hidden transfers of resources” during a Feb. 24 hearing with Bernanke, and the allegations “must be fully investigated,” Frank said in a letter today to Bernanke and obtained by Bloomberg News.

Frank, 69, said the Fed must address the charges because “continued concern about political interference” with the Fed and “allegations about a lack of transparency.” Bernanke and other Fed officials are trying to fend off a measure offered by Paul, which passed the House in December, that would open the Fed to audits of interest-rate decisions.

This is a GENERATIONAL thing. Minds are easy to sway when you are dealing with second, third, fourth generational programing. It's just how the human brain works. :D


Active member
I bet you were not banking on the Patriot Act not being renewed indefinitely by Obama either.

really, really, really disappointed by that.

there is no reason for it to exist, but all opponents were labeled unamerican and it got forced thru...

The CIA has always had plenty of power overseas, the "patriot act" is one of the worst things that has ever happened to american citizens.

Fuck dick cheney for destroying our country to make himself rich.


This is the last time I'm going to click on this thread. It repeatedly has violated the TOU. My threads that even hinted at a political discussion were binned. This ARGUMENT, disguised as discussion, has called even more attention to an already illegal activity by trying to incite violence against the government. It has gotten way out of hand. Go to one of the many political sites to spout your rhetoric. You've done about all the damage you can do here.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
This is the last time I'm going to click on this thread. It repeatedly has violated the TOU.

Oligarchical rule can be a real pisser sometimes. :biglaugh:

The freedom of MJ use is inherently tied into the freedoms of the people, which just happens to be a political issue. It's easy how to see they all end up coming together eventually and will continue to do so.

What are the people to do when the truth drives people over the edge? Turn their back on the issues just so Big Brother can sleep well at night?

I would reckon that political discussion is censored here because most people are stuck in the two party hate machine box the media has stuck us in. This mass consumption of propaganda results in nothing but anger at each other instead of discourse over our freedoms.

Divide and conquer.


Active member
This is the last time I'm going to click on this thread. It repeatedly has violated the TOU. My threads that even hinted at a political discussion were binned. This ARGUMENT, disguised as discussion, has called even more attention to an already illegal activity by trying to incite violence against the government. It has gotten way out of hand. Go to one of the many political sites to spout your rhetoric. You've done about all the damage you can do here.
Political discussions related to cannabis are ALWAYS welcome here, or this forum wouldn't even exist.

Discussions of a political nature UNRELATED to cannabis are NOT WELCOME here. Got it?

Now get back to the topic at hand or ppl will be banned for posting off-topic.


Since you ppl can't stay on topic, this thread is closed for now, until we hear the results of the autopsy which should reveal what was in this guy's system when he attacked the Pentagon. Until then it's impossible to draw any conclusions as to what was going on in HIS HEAD...
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