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peep out my diary yo


Hey Y, hope the things are better at home now, sorry to ear about it. i am just like u, can't roll a damn tear in sad situations :s i read about u sharing with sick friends, really nice to read it, there's not much people like u.. :)

wish u the best for u and ur MJ :)
keep the photos comming.



Y- Sorry for your loss, man. My sincere condolences. I know how you feel about the tears. I lost my sis pretty young and then both my parents within 2 years of each other. Somehow the emotional shit just aint the same after all that, but the silver lining is, it's not bad, just different, bro. Keep ya chin up, think positive thoughts, keep the green thumb, and you'll eventually recognize things in life that make you smile that prolly wouldn't even have caught your eye before.

Peace, man!


tech-thanx bro.for ur thoughts.
yeah man i feel like im in the position to help them so i should.

shitake-exactly.after you go through what has got to be the worst low in ur life it sems like the rest is bad but with the experience of such greater pains,other things just dont effect you the same anymore.thanx for ur advice and kind words brotha,peace.-Y-


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
my condolences brother. hold ya head and see ya around with a smile soon man.


OgreSeeker said:
I'm sorry to hear about that Y. Our thoughts are with you.
I know how you feel about droppin a tear, man. You don't have to cry or show emotion to have sorrow in your heart.
Believe it or not this is what helps me feel better when friends or family pass...
on my next batch of clones I separate the biggest, best girl and set her aside. She get's the name of my passed love one and is taken care of like gold. She get's all of the extra attention. When chop time comes I make sure say some kind works and I only toke on her by myself (she's special and for you only). Sounds dumb but it always makes me feel better.
Luckily I've only had to do this 3 times so far.
Keep your head up, chill for a bit and relax. Get back to us when you feel up to it. We'll be here when you return. :petting:
I just read yer post and thats an outstanding idea. much :respect: to you Ogre.
How ya doin bro? Hope everythings ok.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
my best wishes for you and yours homie.
i dont shed tears during death.
remember, she is in a better place right now.


Y,sorry to hear about your Gram.Frank is right,she is in a better place.We recently lost a friends 16 year old son,Shed some tears for the first time at a funeral,BMX bike in front of the casket.When things like this happen it just makes me think what is really important in life.Family and friends come first.It is easy to get distracted by things today.Let the people you love know it while you can.


Registered Pothead
I feel ya man. My close friend was murdered in february. I can still remember the last time i saw him in my grow room just staring off like he was already in heaven. Five days later he was dead smashed up against a wall by a truck three times. What brings us down now will only make us stronger and better individuals in the long run.


first off let me say strait up man to man/woman,no softness involved...i love everyone of you mutha fuckas!!!!!!!!!!!!
you guys have no idea how much you sharin ur experiences with me has helped me.i mean just hearin that some of you kats are just like me as far as not bein able to get a tear rollin is like a fuckin relief fasho.i mean sometimes we go thru shit and think we the only ones ever had that experience,then to get feedback from some folks that i respect the hell outta lettin me know "hey bro me too...and this is what i been thru..."
makes dealin with it easier.so as i sit here and smoke this spliff with all of you i cant help but to think how lucky i am to have found this community and the cool ass friends and fam ive made here....

sirsmoke-thankyou brotha,you know how it goes for me anyways...after the services you can start the healin.i'll be cool yo,i was blessed with her for my 35 years.that will always be mine.

prof-ty bro,peace.

CD-ogre is a genius for that one right!
doin alot better bro thanx for asking.after the services i think it'll be easier.maybe closure or somethin idk just seems like thats the way it goes.peace fam.

primo-thankyou for stoppin in and ur kind words.peace.

Frank-wattup family,thanks bro for ur thoughts and condolences.its good to know that others are the same like me a mf was startin to feel like a fuckin robot for real.i feel like you i know when we pass we go to a better place,i get sad at funerals because i see my close loved ones and family sad.i dont shed tears im the shoulder ya know,bro
you havnt got a clue how BIG those lil three lines in ur post were to me.real mutha fuckas see eye to eye...i always say that shit to another real mutha fucka...eye to eye homeboy.ya feel me.peace big dawg.-Y-

amishfarmer-hey fam thankyou for sharin ur loss with me,wow man i really feel for the parents,i have a 15 year old myself and couldnt imagine livin the rest of my life without him or anyone of my kids.its gotta be harder to lose someone with so much life left to live.my 13 yr old daughter recently lost a close friend.really hurts ya as a parent to see ur child deal with the reality of death of a friend.
i know the parents must be healin slow its not natural to outlive ur kids my prayers will go to them tonight.peace family.-Y-

Drock-thanks bro i'll match ya up.peace.

chubby-damn bro thats messed up.ive lost quite a few friends it sux how things go down theyre there one day the next week ur at the funeral,if i woulda started gettin r.i.p tattoos id have half a cemetery on me by now.life short yo let the people ya got love for know it while yoo can you never know when you'll be called home.peace -Y-

garden is lookin fuckin awesome the kc is explodin.i flipped 20 more today.next pull is on the 27th.i'll be pullin 20 as usual.looks to be a good pull,although i do see two plants i cant stand the look of.i gotta get out and get me some more nutes this week some time im runnin low on a few and im the type of kat id rather re-up before i run out,i always keep a load but im outta beasty blooms as of my last feeding so i gotta get my ass out to the shop.loads of pics as soon as i can put them up.
peace and hairgrease-Y-


sorry to hear Y...

not much more to say, other than i be thinking of ya, and whanau (family in New Zealand speak)


Registered Medical Patient
Holy shit dude, Im so sorry for your loss...Im also sorry for not showin up sooner, but you know how fast this baby moves!!! I feel ya though man, I lost my Grandfather a few years ago...that man was the best, most honest, big hearted man Ill prolly ever get the pleasure of knowing..He was the MAN, imho, and to me & my family...But I know what u mean about the tears...just cause u dont cry, doesn't mean you aint sad and feelin the loss...It took me awhile before I was able to really cry after my Gpa died...but you know man, as long as she lived a good life and was loved by her fam, I feel there's nothin to be "sad" about...She'll always be with you in ur heart & soul if you loved her...Peace and love to u and ur family...If theres anything I can do , let me know man...We all love ya here...Peace

- z


I be hearin ya bro. you straight up real in my book homeslice. How you feelin today? The love is right back at ya man.
You drop me a pm anytime.
I found those pics of the cabin and some others I'll post em in the sous thread when IC gets offa dey asses and fixes this shit. I gotta u/l a mess o pics too. Gone take me all damn day!


Active member
YwouldntI said:
wattup fam i think pics are still down.

core-sup bro thanx for chimin in brotha.

nz-nicely nicely Vincent Pricely....c'mon give us a bong then"
wattup yo yeah man imma take ur word on the pics they pissed me off last night took forever to tell me no go LOL! peace yo.

humanpheno-thanks brotha

well fam its a gloomy day here at casa de Y.
my Grandma passed last night and shits kinda fucked up righ now.
honestly i feel like a piece of shit cause i cant seem to get the tears to roll.but after losin my dad last year nothin seems to get to me quite like that.
my grandma was a wonderful lady she will be missed dearly.
sorry if im not able to get at all ur threads for a few days...
ya know im super glad i have this hobby i think workin in there is gonna be the only few minutes for me to chill and get the bullshit outta my mind for a while...
peace and bless all ur families i dont want ANY of you to feel the pain of losin a loved one.i know its part of life but you are my friends and i dont want the pain to fall on any if ur shoulders.its real not cool....-Y-

Y, sorry to hear about your ol boy and your gma..Ive lost a few close heads and didnt shed a tear, i think i might if my ol boy or ol girl passed but i KNOW for a fact, if my gma did, i dont care how much of a man i am the tears would roll.. you know how the cuban fams are the gma is always the one to raise the kids while the parents are out hustlin tryna support our asses but life goes on. She for sure is in a better place now n i bet shes watchin over you like crazy homie

keep your head up n think about the brighter days


Thanks asher1er! I'd rep ya but I gotta spread it before you get it!


ok so you know when the photos are down i always show pics of my secret projects...

this is my new strain.... Now You See Me Now You Dont day 549 flower;)

frosty as hell huh you can hardly see it!!!!!!!! :muahaha: :muahaha: :joint:



I didnt even know the pics were down and i was gonna upload some tomorrow.
Im still waiting on the ogre patch though. she should throw some love your way.