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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
I tried a big chunk and after half an hour I was thinking that my fudge was crap and didn't work.
Then, after an hour it kicked in.
Then I was really quite stoned for a couple of hours.
Then I had some more.
It's kicking in now.


Active member
I went with the butter because I thought it would make better fudge.

I might go with margarine next time because it will harden up in the fridge and separate from the water.

I put 5 cups of water in the slow cooker as well. It's supposed to help absorb color and taste, and it's supposed to help keep the mixture from getting too hot and wrecking the THC.

I'm going to try some more fudge now, starting from sober.
I was pretty stoned and wasted already when I tried it yesterday.

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I use the water method myself, and it works real great. I've never tried margarine myself, but have tried both butter and coconut oil. To me coconut oil just works better, because it's more of a pure oil compared to butter. Margarine I would be a little worried about all the additives they put in it. I also always reboil my plant material in water again after the first purge to get the rest of the oil out. Coconut oil is also great, because it can be used as a salve for arthritis or sore muscles.


Well-known member
Does the coconut oil harden up?

That's what I like about the butter (and I figure margarine too).
It is easy to separate from the water because it gets hard and it floats.

I don't really like the taste of coconut although it might be okay in fudge.

My brother in law made me fried eggs cooked in coconut oil.
I didn't like it. Fried eggs that taste like coconut is just wrong to me.
Fried eggs are supposed to taste like butter, margarine or bacon fat. Lol


Well-known member
My second cutting had been hanging for 10 days so I trimmed it up and jarred it with the rest.
I got 66.2 more grams.

Then I chopped the remainder of the plant and hung it.



The first cutting yielded 61.6 grams plus the 66.2 grams just now is 127.8 grams plus what I just hung to dry.

I might break my record of 150 grams with this plant.


Well-known member
Congrats! :)

Thanks.:thank you:

I sure didn't think I'd set a record with this plant.
She was really struggling.

The buds are really sticky too, and not because they're damp.

I'm really liking the hang it and forget it method. It's so much easier with way less chance of mold.

Even the trimming is easier, everything is crispy and brittle and any remaining leaves just crumble off.


Well-known member
I ate two chunks at 12:30 and didn't feel anything until 1:30.
Then by 2:30, I was really stoned.
I'm still stoned now at 4:30 but I decided to take some more.

It's in the shot glass for scale and to help me with dosing.

I'm pretty wasted.
I think that I might be on a bender. Lol.



Well-known member
The cannabutter recipe called for a pound of butter, 4 cups of water, and an ounce of trimmings or vape pipe leftovers.
Or a 1/2 ounce of buds of midgrade weed.

I used 2 ounces of midgrade weed. No leaves and very few sticks.

I think my fudge may be magical!!? Lol


Active member
Does the coconut oil harden up?

That's what I like about the butter (and I figure margarine too).
It is easy to separate from the water because it gets hard and it floats.

I don't really like the taste of coconut although it might be okay in fudge.

My brother in law made me fried eggs cooked in coconut oil.
I didn't like it. Fried eggs that taste like coconut is just wrong to me.
Fried eggs are supposed to taste like butter, margarine or bacon fat. Lol
I hear you. I only use 3 oils in my house: butter, coconut oil, and oilve oil (for salad only, never cook with it). I too cook my eggs with butter, but I grease my cast iron pan with coconut oil first. It does have a slight coconut flavor, and maybe I'm just super used to it, but I don't taste it that much anymore. Yes it totally solids up, pretty much the same as butter. Coconut oil is very good for you, also good for your skin.

Personally I usually just use leaf for my butter/oil. I just fill up the pot as high as possible, then add as much water as possible and still have headroom, then add a jar of oil. It's amazing how much good medicine from leaf you can concentrate into a jar of oil.


Active member
Then I chopped the remainder of the plant and hung it.

Wow. I had PC issues for a few days, and I came back to this.
I'm surprised. You planned to "overmature" it, and I think, this second half was chopped more "immature" than the first half. Couldn't watch the slow growing anymore? Better start a new project?

To avoid misunderstanding, it looks great (excellent "fower to leaf ratio"), pretty much resin, and I mostly do the same because of the fear of mold, and inpatience. But I'm courious, why you cancelled the "autumn colors" project?


Well-known member
.... But I'm courious, why you cancelled the "autumn colors" project?

Because I just wanted to get it done and start over.
The plant was almost 16 weeks old, and I'm not sure if this strain has it's leaves turn color?

This is a picture of what a finished bud is supposed to look like.



Well-known member
I'm thinking too that it was fox tailing?
The final cutting had a lot of new yellow hairs on it and it just kept growing more.

Apparently, a plant will foxtail when it's within 2" from the lights, and I had all my lights, including the sides, all within 2" from the plant.

The buds we're really dense and heavy inside but covered in new growth.

I would think that after 16 weeks, even with stunting, the plant should be finished.

Now I can start a new plant and rebuild my closet a bit.
It needs a new furnace filter and I want to make a new shroud for my input fan.

I'm going to reuse my cooler with some fresh coco coir and perlite mixed in and not use any molasses.
I'm hoping for a 4' plant this time.


Active member
Like I said earlier, it looks like that, but it's hard to say because it might have just been what that plant does. Ive had plants do the "eternal growth" thing while others surrounding it were completely normal. Typically though it's due to light intensity. If that's inches, yes 6 inches at least, probably. It all depends on the current. (Or, intensity of the light source)


Pictures/descriptions arent really generally representative of what comes out of seeds. The "breeder" is at liberty to post any picture they want. It might be one of the parent plants. If what they wrote was a little more true there would be a lot less pheno hunting being done ;)


Well-known member
So, if it is just what the plant does, or if it is the lighting, (which I have set at test current)
What are you supposed to do?
Does it ever really finish or do you just have to harvest with yellow hairs and foxtailing?

I still think I did pretty good and my plant is set to give me my biggest yield and quality that I've ever grown.

I guess my early harvest started with my window plant getting mold and then I kinda panicked and cut half my closet plant.

I'm intending to really grow out my next plant as well and hopefully, she will be happy from the start and not have any stunting issues.
That way, she should be further along by the time she hits 16 weeks and be riper.

My local weather is changing now and it's much cooler and drier out, so the next plant will grow up in the "dry season", with far less chance of mold.


Active member
So, if it is just what the plant does, or if it is the lighting, (which I have set at test current)
What are you supposed to do?
Does it ever really finish or do you just have to harvest with yellow hairs and foxtailing?

Good question. In one case the other seeds had normal morphology but one of them did what your plant did. While the others finished in weeks 8-10, the outlier was still pushing out new growth well into week 13 when I cut it. All of it foxtailed, with different parts at different stages of maturity.

At some point enough is enough. I probably would have cut it too. Maybe they will finish nicely, maybe not. Is it worth the wait? It just seems like there are weed plants which will grow forever or at least a very long time as long as certain environmental parameters are in check. Indeed, in the amount of time that it takes a weird plant to finish, you could get a new seedling "halfway there"

Bit different though since I grow a bunch of plants together. if I'm pheno hunting now and I catch one doing weird stuff I'll simply throw it away in week 3/4/5 and let other more normal plants take up that space (as much as possible). After seeing what some annoying plants end up like, no matter how good the weed is, I just don't wanna bother with trimming it, growing it, or whatever. It's a bit of a different story when your bets are hedged on one plant.

That said, if all goes well you needn't have a plant alive for 16 weeks. 3-4 week veg and then 9 weeks flowering is all it takes for most plants to finish :good:
So I think cutting it & proceeding with the next plant is the best course of action. Good chance the next plant will be better but I would avoid any cheap pollen chucked auto seeds.

The intensity of the light is also a function of how close the strips are (density is intensity).
When they are close together, at nominal/test current, you'll want them about 8 inches away.
"Singleton" strips like on your walls should not cause much damage at all ... any foxtailing caused by those will be very localized


Well-known member
Okay, thanks.

I'm thinking that my next plant will be better and that my latest plant may have gotten at least partly messed up from all the issues early on in its life.

Even if my next plant does the same thing, I'm okay with it.
I can harvest it in stages again and be prepared for it to keep fox tailing.

I've got 4 CandyCane seeds left so I'll be using them.
Maybe next purchase I'll get something different, perhaps a longer established strain where the genetics may be more stable?

Is there such a thing as Feminized Autoflower seeds that aren't "cheap pollen chucked auto seeds"? Or is that just something that I'm going to have to deal with?


Well-known member
I removed my old furnace filter, and it was a mess. I was worried that the fan was too close to the filter and that only part of the filter was doing anything, but the dirt is spread across the entire filter surface so I decided to not build a new shroud.

The fan was covered in crap too so I cleaned it and opened it up to put a few drops of oil on the shaft.

I've decided to start my next seed and redo my cooler to remove most of the old roots.
I figure that it's okay to leave a few roots behind to give my worms and soil mites something to eat.

My cooler should be ready by the time the sprout is ready to transplant in 2-5 days.


Well-known member
My cooler is ready for my next sprout.
I dug out a hole in the middle to put seedling mix in the hole.

My recycled media is kind of nuted so I didn't want my seedling in it until she gets two pairs of leaves.
The seedling mix is unnuted and I added a bit more perlite to it.

My seed is started.
It's under the waterline for 14-18 hours, then I almost empty the shot glass and keep it damp.
I used distilled water, and the seed is bellybutton up so the taproot grows straight down.



Active member
Pictures/descriptions arent really generally representative of what comes out of seeds. The "breeder" is at liberty to post any picture they want. It might be one of the parent plants. If what they wrote was a little more true there would be a lot less pheno hunting being done ;)

Yeah, that reminds me of when Pineapple Express first came out, the pic the breeder used for it was stolen from some other grower's pic, and wasn't even the same strain.

EDIT: Check this.. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=159889

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