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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
My closet plant is looking great...

Evenly spaced nodes.

I'm going to stress my window plant with too much light...

4 ten Watt 800 lumen bulbs.
Cool white.

She's looking pretty sun-scorched but we needs to get used to it.



Well-known member
My car plant appears to have made a complete recovery.
All the new growth is looking dark green again.

Some of the older lower leaves are still pale but they may not recover.

The fence plant is still a little bit pale so I'm going to give both of them some nutes including CalMag.



Well-known member
My window plant is looking kinda bleached.

Oh well, she needs to get used to it. Lol

She's got really close nodes now.

I should have given her more light sooner to stop the stretching.

I give her veg nutes now as well as a bit of CalMag.
She might need extra because of all the sunshine.



Well-known member
My closet plant.

My node spacing looks good.
I don't want another 2' plant.

My side lighting is almost off with only the ceiling lights turned up.

I want her to stretch towards the light before I crank up the side lighting.


Well-known member
All my plants are looking pretty good!!

My car plant...

My fence plant...

My window plant...

And the only one I really care about...

My closet plant...



Well-known member
I decided to bury part of the branch of the one on the ground to see if it sprouts roots.
Kind of an air layering thing or something?

The experiment continues. Lol



Well-known member
My car plant...

My fence plant...

I've been thinking...
Being as my outdoor plants are most likely to be stolen, I thought it would be interesting to start a wager on when they will be stolen.

Last year I caught a guy in my backyard on September 16th.

Winner gets bragging rights.

Or I could mail you a bunch of feminized hermed seeds. Lol

You pay shipping.



Well-known member
I guess that's possible.

The plants were over 6' tall last year.
How big of a root ball would I need to dig up ?

depends on how packed the soil is.. did you plant in the same spots or new ones?

also.. tomato cages and training lol

could also light dep it to finish it earlier...


Well-known member
The fence plant is in a new spot and the car plant is in between where I had two plants last year.

I think I'm just going to leave them be.
I don't really care about them.
Digging up a 6' foot plant and trying to bring it inside would be too much of a chore.

I never did smoke any of the outdoor plants from last year. I tried to give it away but nobody wants it. Lol

I'll just donate them to the street rats when they come and steal it. Lol

I don't smoke much and I've got my closet plant and window plant to look forward to.


My fence plant.


Is that a reservoir at the bottom? How does it work for you compared to not having it; I've been thinking of trying something like that with my soil
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Well-known member
Is that a reservoir at the bottom?

Yes, it is.
Just chemical nutes and tap water.

How does it work for you compared to not having it;

I don't know but I assume I'd need a much bigger pot without the reservoir.

I've been thinking of trying something like that with my soil

I don't have a bubbler and I don't think I need one
The plant knows what to do.

She probably gets enough oxygen from the roots above the waterline??



Well-known member
I could put another container on the bottom and black it out but I wanna see the roots.

I figure if light to the roots was so bad then the roots would be dead, but they're not.

They look fricken happy if you ask me.

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