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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Indicas make dreams happen
Looks like bruising to me, but watch for that area to become kind of mushy. If that happens cut off the top and the rotted part.


Well-known member
My closet plant is really coming along.
I like how things happen fast when you grow from seed.

My new seed is ready.

I got her planted.
I've just got to redo the lights.



Indicas make dreams happen
That would be just like topping the plant, only in my case more like halving. Lol
Yeah pretty much haha. When it happens to me they are usually already into flower, but you're early enough where the plant has plenty of time to veg and will just fork.


Well-known member
It does seem to be doing okay. It hasn't completely flaked out. Lol

It's a good thing I don't really care about it.
Either way, I'm not going to be smoking it.

It will either be stolen or won't finish before the first fall frost.
I'll just give it away if it's still around by the first frost.

It's really been kinda interesting.
I was amazed at how fast it wilted after the break (about 20 minutes) and then perked up after I sealed it. (about 20 minutes as well)

I'm thinking the silicone is a great way to seal it? (Other than the acetic acid.)
Any sort of tape would be hard to apply and probably hard to get a good seal.

The silicone can probably stretch a bit so the stem can fatten up as it grows.

Maybe hot glue would be better because it's just melted plastic/wax type stuff that doesn't give off any VOCs.

It kinda hardens up too, so it makes a good splint as well.

Either way, I'm kinda glad I broke it.
It's turned into a pretty cool experiment. Lol


Indicas make dreams happen
I've tried with silicone sealant and the water and microbes got in there anyway. When it happens to me I just lob it off and let it air heal.


Well-known member
So I assume after a certain amount of time, it will heal and become waterproof again and I can remove the silicone? Assuming that it doesn't become infected?

What about peroxide on that spot?


Well-known member
I redid my light fixture.
Just the one bulb is on for now.
It's set at 20/4 timing and will be off from 1:30 am until 5:30 am.



Well-known member
I measured the light above the soil with my phone app to compare it to the 5 SILs that I used to start with.

I used to have the five 10 Watt, 800-lumen SILs 21" above the ground to start, which worked out good for me.

The numbers are pretty close so I think I'm doing okay.


Indicas make dreams happen
Yes, the wound could self seal and you can pull the sealant off. Peroxide could be used topically to disinfect, but your main enemy is going to be moisture getting in there and being retained. If it were me, I would just chop off the broken part and let it fork out. Definitely no DIY procedures on the cat lol.

Can you post a photo showing the injury and structure of the plant? I can show you where to cut at.


Well-known member
So if I just wait and see what happens, will that be detrimental to the rest of the plant below the break?

I'm at least going to wait a few days to see if it turns mushy.

Maybe I'll just let the thing rot and study the decomposition process. Lol


Well-known member
Oh, what the hell...

50 Watts until she pops through the surface of the soil/media/dirt/ground/worm poop/ Peat Moss whatever...

And Coconuts!!



Well-known member
She's looking pretty good.

But I'm not liking this.

So I removed it.
It wasn't "stuck" to the stem, it just kinda fell off.

I taped it to the stake above and below the brown spot.

I figure I'll let it breathe so it might not rot.


Mr Jay

Well-known member
Personally I would cut my losses and top that plant below the rotten section. Better to have a short bushy half a plant with no systemic rot than to fight infection on a weak stem.

Sorry about your lady, it's always frustrating to deal with setbacks like that.