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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Active member
Here's Jorge Cervantes recommended bud washing technique..



Well-known member
She leans toward the window during the day then turns toward the SIL when it turns on.

I figure she's working out with some yoga moves.

Low impact LST. Lol :biggrin:


Active member
Just the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7jE7qzfgQs

You'll need:
Room temperature water: 5 gallons
Hydrogen peroxide: 1/2 cup
paper towels or sponges
freshly harvested cannabis

-Mix 5 gallons of lukewarm water with a half-cup of h2o2

-Submerge buds for a few minutes, rotating them occasionally to ensure full saturation.
-While buds are submerged, you'll see a little oil sheen sitting on top of the water. That's the mildew, dust, and general debris that would have been stuck to the plant. Take a sponge or a paper towel and soak those layers up and away from the plant so you don't get them back on when you pull them out of the water.
-Rinse the buds off with a really gentle shower spray, rinsing away any residual mold, spores, etc
-Hang buds to dry with a fan blowing on them for about 6 hours to dry the majority of the water off.
-Continue your normal drying process after that.

My note: I don't have a good way to gently rinse my buds, so I just set up a second bin of water as a rinse bath. Sounds like Swanson uses 2 rinse baths. 2 is better than one.
With cat hair, I imagine you'll want to do a lot of these. After doing several of these washes, I think the most important step of all of them is the debris removal while the buds are submerged. You're a crafty guy, so if you maybe attach some weights to the buds to hold them down so you can skim the top layer with both hands.


Active member
Hey PC I haven’t checked in here for a while. I learned about washing buds a little over a year ago. I was convinced after trying it once. I grow outdoor in the tropics, so all sorts of nasty stuff came off... insects, insect parts, dirt, plant pieces, and other random unidentifiable junk.

However, when I was first looking into this I was a bit confused as well. Lemon juice is an acid, and baking soda is a base. Combining the two together neutralizes each other. So mixing the two together puts a lot of ions in the water (citrate, sodium) but doesn’t really do anything for cleaning.. Furthermore, as you pointed out the lemon oil (Limonene)
in the juice could potentially effect the smell/flavor.

So this is what I came up with, based on actual science...

Get yourself some pure citric acid. This is the same acid in the lemon juice, without the lemon oil or preservatives. It’s cheap and easily available as “pickling crystal” in the canning section at Walmart or other big box stores. You can also buy it at home brew shops or in bulk online.


I use 3 buckets. The first 2 have hot water from the tap (around 110F), the last has room temp filtered water.

Add citric acid to your first bucket until the pH is between 4-5. I can’t tell you exactly how much you need because that depends on bucket size and your water chemistry.

In the second bucket add your baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) until the pH is 9-10.

The last bucket is your pure rinse water.

Now comes the fun part... Dip your branch in the first bucket and gently swirl for about 60 seconds. The time is up to you, you can go two minutes with no I’ll effects. When I pull the buds out of the water, I let them drip for 30 seconds or so until most of the excess water is gone.

Dip the same branch in your second bucket. Remember as a kid when you mixed vinegar and baking soda to make a volcano? The same reaction occurs here as the acid liberates the CO2 from the carbonate. Both solutions are much more diluted than the pure chemical, so it won’t quite be the same volcano reaction, just a gentle fizz. This “foaming” action lifts more debris from the buds while neutralizing the acid from the first step.

The filtered water in the last bucket is just a rinse to remove any loose dirt as well as any remaining acid/base. I then hang my buds to dry normally. I haven’t noticed any harm from washing the buds. It’s typically very dry here so I don’t do anything extra, if I was concerned about humidity/mold I would probably put a fan on them for the first 4-8 hours. You will notice that the buds themselves look more swollen and feel harder due to the changes in osmotic pressure. Once dry there is no difference.


Well-known member
Thanks, Hooka.

I'll check my local Walmart next time I'm there but I've only left the house twice in the past month.
I don't want to leave unless I have to. (I've got severe emphysema, high blood pressure, I smoke a pack a day and I'm 55 years old. I might not fair too well if I catch the COVID.)
My PH meter doesn't work properly either.

It's sounding almost like I could just rinse my plant in just straight water.
I don't have any mold or bugs just dust and cat hair.

Then I watched that video (Thanks, q3corn.) and realized I don't need to use a pail and you can lay the branches down horizontally.

I think I'm going to use my kitchen sink.

That's looking really easy.

I can give each branch a pre-rinse with the spray then fill the sink with warm water and peroxide.
Soak and skim, then another rinse.

I think I'll go with the peroxide because it's just one wash and I don't have to worry about any residue.

Hey Hooka, ... What about adding some flavored extract to my nute solution?
I'm thinking of almond and anisette.

Is that a stupid idea?
Could it upset my SIP container and poison my bacteria or buds?


Active member
Yeah I think it’s a terrible idea.

Benzaldehyde is commonly employed to confer almond flavor to foods and scented products. It is sometimes used in cosmetics products.


If I were to try and flavor buds, I would put freshly cut flowers into a nicotine free vape juice. This relies on capillary action to pull the fluid like coloring a carnation. I still don’t think this is a good idea, and I’ve never tried it nor do I recommend it. I’m just saying that’s the route I would go.

I haven’t followed the thread too much, but from what I saw you’re putting in maximum effort to grow minimal bud. Stop trying all the weird shit and focus on growing legit good clean herb for yourself. If you’re bored find an additional or two hobby to occupy your time.

You won’t leave the house for fear of COVID killing you, but that hasn’t stopped you from smoking for countless years.. even now? Maybe at least switch to eating your herb to save the lungs.

I’m sorry if this post is harsh, I’m just telling you what I see from this side of the screen.


Well-known member
Okay, no flavors and I've got another hobby too.

I've got a parts car and I'm going to remove the transmission, take it apart, and try to figure out how it works.

The cigarettes are a tough one though.
I can get by without weed or booze but I want to pull my hair out when I try to quit smoking.


Well-known member
The weather is warming up now so I can work on my parts car and my house is warmer too so I shouldn't have any cold stress for my next plant.

I've already removed a piston to take a look at it.

The transmission is next (5-speed manual).
I like to know how things work.
I want to study the synchromesh gears.

Here's a link to my car thread... If anyone cares. Lol


It's a scattered mess too, just like this thread. Lol
But then again, so is my grow and my car and my house, and my cat and myself.
We're one big messy family. Lol


Well-known member
This is a song about Canada to help us describe ourselves to foreigners...


PS... Sorry about Nickelback and Bieber (he's a little puke) and Shatner (he's an arrogant ass)
And you can keep Trebek, ... He's a turncoat. Lol

PSS... When the cops on Prince Edward Island pick up a drunk driver, they play Nickleback in the cruiser on the trip back to the cop shop.
Just to torment the criminal. Lol


Well-known member
I was talking to Drop That Sound and now I think I may have found my next grow cab...

No lights, just sunshine.
It's got a sunroof too!! Lol
