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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
The overhead light is finished and working.

I just have to add a second fishing line to each strip.

I'm gonna spend some more money and buy a half-decent surge protector and timer.
I don't want to pop my new drivers. Lol 😆

I'll check out Walmart tomorrow then compare prices to Amazon.


Well-known member
I didn't get much done with my closet today but I did get a surge protector at Walmart.
So if my house is hit by lightning and my plant blows up, I'll get $250,000 worth of lights, drivers and pot. Lol 😆

It's rated 4000 joules and was $25 plus tax.
It turned out to be cheaper than Amazon.

The power bar with a built-in timer didn't have surge protection so I'm just going to use the timer I've already got.

My plant is looking really good and is 3 1/2" tall now.



Active member
I didn't get much done with my closet today but I did get a surge protector at Walmart.
So if my house is hit by lightning and my plant blows up, I'll get $250,000 worth of lights, drivers and pot. Lol 😆

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/rs6KwwH0/20200121-011447.jpg]View Image[/url]

It's rated 4000 joules and was $25 plus tax.
It turned out to be cheaper than Amazon.

The power bar with a built-in timer didn't have surge protection so I'm just going to use the timer I've already got.

My plant is looking really good and is 3 1/2" tall now.

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/fyxkth4H/20200121-011208.jpg]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/Wprdf0DM/20200121-011235.jpg]View Image[/url]
Don't forget to cover the indicator LEDs with tape.


Well-known member
Don't forget to cover the indicator LEDs with tape.

What? Why?

I wanna know if my power is on.
And if it isn't grounded, it can't short 4000J to ground so it goes into my cheap Chinese drivers and l can't collect my $250,000 because it wasn't properly connected. Lol 😆

All my equipment is going to be mounted outside the closet and I intend to grow auto flowers anyway so light leaks don't matter.


Well-known member
I decided to transplant my plant back into the kitty litter box.

The roots were starting to grow through the drain holes.

She's 7 weeks old today.
Sooo... One week till harvest. Lol 😆


Active member
What? Why?

I wanna know if my power is on.
And if it isn't grounded, it can't short 4000J to ground so it goes into my cheap Chinese drivers and l can't collect my $250,000 because it wasn't properly connected. Lol 😆

All my equipment is going to be mounted outside the closet and I intend to grow auto flowers anyway so light leaks don't matter.

Yeah, if your gonna grow autos it won't matter. If you grow photos you don't want the light from the led indicator causing you to throw nanners.


Well-known member
That was an awesome read !!!


How to grow weed in one big nutshell. !!

However, I still take issue with this part...

I personally don't think all the rest of the light is reflected into the nether.

I think that green light specifically is both like art class and physics class.
It both additive and subtractive as far as the plant sees/uses it.

The plants aren't just reflecting light but they emanate it too.

When you shine white light through a leaf, it comes out green.

This is from the video lecture from Dr. Bugbee (or whatever his name is?)

This is the Dr. showing a cross-section of light as it goes into/through a leaf.

If all the green light was reflected, the leaf wouldn't glow green.

This is the chart showing his numbers...
Note the efficacy of HPS...

The dude ain't lying.
NASA and the FDA would be on his ass if he was.

Blue and far-red LEDs are 30 times more expensive than white and red is 10 times more expensive.

Even if SILs give off light the plant can't use, it's still way cheaper than blue and red LEDs.

Note how the far-red penetrates through the leaf too.

He has proven that 730 nm wavelengths help plants absorb light energy.


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Well-known member
These are the warm white LED strips I'm going to install in my closet.

They cost me $113.
If they were " Grow Strips" with Blue and Red LEDs, they would have cost me $2,000-$3000.

There is plenty of blue and red in the spectrum.

I don't care if the rest of their light spectrum is wasted.
(but it's winter now so it's warming up my plant. Lol �� )


Active member
That was an awesome read !!!


How to grow weed in one big nutshell. !!

However, I still take issue with this part...

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/V6Ywk5Qv/Screenshot-2020-01-22-18-34-46.png]View Image[/url]

I personally don't think all the rest of the light is reflected into the nether.

I think that green light specifically is both like art class and physics class.
It both additive and subtractive as far as the plant sees/uses it.

The plants aren't just reflecting light but they emanate it too.

When you shine white light through a leaf, it comes out green.

This is from the video lecture from Dr. Bugbee (or whatever his name is?)

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/G34L88TT/Screenshot-2020-01-21-04-24-47.png]View Image[/url]

This is the Dr. showing a cross-section of light as it goes into/through a leaf.

If all the green light was reflected, the leaf wouldn't glow green.

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/L5nrJ1y9/Screenshot-2020-01-21-03-06-37.png]View Image[/url]

This is the chart showing his numbers...
Note the efficacy of HPS...

The dude ain't lying.
NASA and the FDA would be on his ass if he was.

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/SR3HCx5W/Screenshot-2020-01-21-03-10-17.png]View Image[/url]

Blue and far-red LEDs are 30 times more expensive than white and red is 10 times more expensive.

Even if SILs give off light the plant can't use, it's still way cheaper than blue and red LEDs.

Note how the far-red penetrates through the leaf too.

He has proven that 730 nm wavelengths help plants absorb light energy.



Yeah, I was watching that a couple of weeks ago, and kind of scratching my head a bit over it. Here's what I think.. I think green is definitely reflected off the plant (not absorbed) at higher rates than blue and red. This seems obvious and logical. The question is why? When you look at what he's showing there is that green penetrates deeper than red and blue. So maybe this is why so much is reflected away. The green photons penetrate deeper, so we don't need as many of them compared to blue and red. Of course that's just my own theory, but it seems like it makes a bit of sense.


Well-known member
The far-infrared (730 nm) also penetrates almost as deep as the green.

He has proven that 10% of far-infrared increases yield by 35%.

If the deep penetrating far-infrared has that kind of effect on yield then deep penetrating green should also have some kind of affect.

Even if only being absorbed because of the far infrared light.


Well-known member
Black surfaces attract and absorb all photons.

White surfaces reflect all photons.

Green surfaces may pull in green photons reflecting all others so it looks green.


Well-known member
Black holes pull in all matter and all light.

If it were a green hole, would all green light be reflected away?

I would think a green hole would have an affinity and attraction to green light.

I remember in electronics, chemistry and physics class we learned how opposites attract.

But at the end of chemistry class, in quantum mechanics, we learned that like takes like.

Light takes Light.
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Well-known member
Well, I messed up again...

I was intending to lower my overhead lights close to the cooler then slowly raise it as the plant grew.

But once I get the lights installed on the walls, I'm going to lose over half an inch on every wall so my overheads are too big, and I don't think I can bend the strips any further without breaking them.

I guess I'm just going to have to leave them up as high as they go.



Well-known member
No, I tipped the light fixture down to get to the screws to raise the light.
I knew the bulb was touching the plant but I figured 30 seconds wouldn't matter.

I was wrong. Lol ��


Well-known member
The veins on the backside still look okay.
It'll be interesting to see what happens.
I think she's going to keep the leaves just have some dead part to it.

More experimentation. Lol



Well-known member
I've decided to rethink my whole grow closet.

I tried to bend my 2' strips more and they felt like they were getting ready to break.
The whole point of the overhead lights was to start low and raise them up so I don't want to just leave them on the ceiling.

I think I might disassemble the fixture and mount the four strips vertically in the corners of the closet and install the 1' strips horizontally between them, then reinstall my adjustable SIL fixture from the ceiling.

That way, I've got even more light going on!! Lol

And then I've still got my trusted SILs to rely on if my strips or drivers crap out.

My brother in law is coming down this weekend to help install a water heater and hopefully, a separate circuit and outlet going to my grow closet.

I also want to install a furnace filter on my closet to keep dust, dirt, pollen and cat hair out.

So I'm back to staring at it again trying to figure out what to do. Lol