Well-known member
Do an heavy stress training to the top.
Take with your thumb and forefinger the stem and move them left and right many time (each time with a little more force than the first one) until you hear a "crack". Tha you can point the top down side. In 1-2 days she recover.
Like tomato, an adult cannabis plant can substain a brutal ammount of damage.
The problem is that I don't know if I need to limit her stretch.
My last few plants have all been too short.
I don't know if she's going to stretch 20% or 100%.
Reiko's last plants were on the window sill and ended up at 32" tall but I'm not sure how much of that was stretch. (I'll check my thread and see if I can find the numbers), but it may be a different rate in the closet.
I intend to keep growing Reiko's in the closet, so I think I'll just leave this one alone to see what happens to try and set up a baseline for the next plant.