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Pandora's Box



really sorry to hear you got mold man..usually it's something you would see in an outdoor grow..:badday:

Lava Surfer

Yeah it sucks big time, but I have been over the plants with the micro scope and they look good. Not alot of amber resin, but they are all milky white and close to turning amber.

I will try to pull it as slow as possible and only harvest some of the nephthys first to give em some air, then I will take the alegria clones that have been flowerin in 8 weeks today.

Cellar yeah but it happens indoor too, when the buds are tight packed and the RH get's to high and air circulation is to little. But id like to point out it's normaly not something I have alot of trouble with, again it's a new room and im not nearly done building.

I still need basic stuff like A/C, Dehumidifyer and C02 !

It will come when there is money for it!

Lava Surfer

Fi_Di_Bot said:
fottuta muffa!

Hehehehe had to babblefish that one LOL

Nice to see ya Fi_Di_Bot, hope everything is good for you and the family! Stil hopeing for a summer tour to italy!

Anyway this is not meldew, it's a little more nasty then powdery meldew. I have talked with a friend who I can borrow a sulfur burner from, he was in need of some clones and I could help him with that. One Hand washes the other!

Lava Surfer

Hi there everybody been a few days since I updated, been busy and have had a good friend visiting me for a few days.

I have started harvesting after I had some bud rot, it looks like it's only the nephthys that have sufferd from the mold. Im gonna go pick up a sulfur burner, I borrowed one from a mate and forgot it at home :joint: :spank:

Here is a few pic's

Bubblegum 74 days in 12/12

Nephthys 74 days in 12/12 and harvest



Active member
Good buds you have there:) Even the lower buds seem to be some good tight nuggets - how much do you think you'll be getting per plant? Looks like 25g +- each to me but those fat top heads might be a bit heavier in person:)

Edit PS: I hope your fingers are getting sticky now.
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Lava Surfer

My gloves get super stikky indeed!

Blackone I have no idea what each plant will yeld, they are in all kinda sizes and some will yeald nice and others not! Im giveing the thumbs down on the 12/12 from seeds, it can be done no doubth about it but no way it's faster or more effecient then growing from clones!

25% extra bud per plant my ass....lol not that I was a strong beliver, I ad never tryed it so what did I know!

If you have a steabile indica hybrid or something, yeah it might work better then this. The Sat dom BG is a disaster LOL

It's fun to play around, there will be lot's of buds and it's all good in the hood. But the yeald will be no where near the yealds from the 2nd room with clones. They are done in 2½ week from now, so it's gonna be one long trimming marathon for me from now and till I leave for the HT Cup.

Pictures from room #2


Alegria moms 54 days in 12/12

Alegria #7

Alegria #5



Active member
Not to mention the trouble with males if you don't go for fem seeds...
Never tried 12/12 from seed myself but I'm generally experiencing bigger yields when growing seedplants than when growing from clone - in the sense that a seedplant yields better than her clones given the same starting size. But as you mentioned you get all of that variety from seeds - obviously clones from keeper moms are better than the average seedplant.
Not sure if I would ever want to do 12/12 directly from seed. I would feel kinda stupid wasting all of that light growing small seedlings in the big pots, not even knowing the sex for 3-4 weeks or so... No doubt its the fastest possible way to go from seed to bud but I'm in no hurry myself - I got my mother lines for clones and can wait for seedplants to get big enough to give me a couple of cuttings before I flower them. Perhaps if I wanted to test a lot of selfmade seeds - preferably feminized :)

Lava Surfer

Thanx guys!

I too hope for many more rounds and that it will be good smoke!

Im busy trimmin weed!



Lava Surfer

Good morning fellas and another day of trimming have started !

Have a nice day and thanx for stopping by!

So is anyone here also planing on going to the HT cup in amsterdam next month? Im really looking forward to a small vacation, what is better then kicking back in the city of citys and walk/crawl from coffeshop to coffeshop gettin wasted!

Let me know if your going to the Cup!

Lava Surfer

Ahhhh nice to sit down and call it a night, breaking up some charas from Nepal and planing on smokeing some good hash on my "new" pipe.

I got this really cool and old pipe from a friends dad, he got it back in 72 and dunno he did'nt use it more then a few times and he stoped smokeing weed. So he thourt I should have it now that I smoke and all....was a really nice gift IMO.

I forgot my cam at the grow, so I'll get a shot of it tomorrow or something! You all have a nice night !


Active member
Sounds nice with that charas - only import I've ever tried has been Moroccan I think. Gonna have to hijack your thread one of these days - I'll be cutting down a really sativa pheno of that bubblegum soon.
I can definitely see the sativa influence in those buds you're showing now that they've been trimmed. How much variation do you have in aroma?
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Lava Surfer

High Black1

Charas is always nice, best hash in the world the flavor and the high is sooo sweet!

I know you can get lot's of hast thats stronger then Charas, I make bubble and kiff myself thats many times as strong, but I can't make something that taste like quality cream.

The Bubblegums ahh I don't know man that shit was such a waste of time, I got a few plants that finished up right and the rest is just in the freeser now for hash. What a waste of time and money running sat dom 12/12 from seeds, but what the fuck it have been fun. Tho im surpriced on the low replys, maybe there is alot of lurkers but this thread have been moveing really slow. :violin:

You guys stay safe, im gonna post a few more pics!

Super Silver Haze

Some Roots


Alegria #7



Active member
Lava Surfer said:
High Black1

Charas is always nice, best hash in the world the flavor and the high is sooo sweet!

I know you can get lot's of hast thats stronger then Charas, I make bubble and kiff myself thats many times as strong, but I can't make something that taste like quality cream.

I definitely know what you mean, but then again you know I'm a pretty light toker hehe... I don't get much enjoyment from bubblehash myself except for the stone because I can only smoke a couple of rice-grains worth before getting too stoned for comfort.
My favorite is scissor-hash - I guess that's also a kind of charas and very flavorful but perhaps a little too strong for me - almost like bubblehash.

That SSH looks very promising indeed - they're all 12/12 from seed like the BG? You can see the Sativa influence but I'm sure there must also be some indica in there somewhere with those ball-shaped buds ;)
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