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Pandora's Box


Lava Surfer

The Bubblegum and Nephthys clones are doing well!

The Alegria moms I over nuted are "recovering" if you can call it that, it
s not getting worse atleast so thats a start hehehe!

Here is a Alegria#5 clone from the aeroponic in the same room at the moms above! There is quite the difference :laughing: They are looking good, but this pheno have a lot of leafs. It's not gonna be great to trim, but looking good still.

The 2 diffrent female phenos of the SSH is now starting to show there difference, the SSH #1 is looking like the buds are getting bigger then the SSH #2. ON the other hand SSH #2 looks like they have way more buds, so I don't know if it wont end up yealding the same in general.

SSH #1

SSH #2

Lava Surfer

Good to see ya again Cellar, don't u worry i'll keep both fire and my surf on!

I just came in from the garden and WOW it's starting to smell realy realy strong now, with both rooms in full flower it's bound to be a dense odour. So far nothing the filters can't handle, so it's all good in the hood on the odour.

I still can't make up my mind, if I should let the Bubblegum finish up along with the 2nd room. Or if I should take it all down when the Nephthys are done, on the other hand im thinking they are running on the 9th week of 12/12. If I let them go to 12 -13 weeks I could harvest both rooms, at the same time and I will get alot more bud from the Bubblegums. Start the first room up again with the clones I took not long ago, use the 2nd room to dry both crops.

Lava Surfer

Roots out the bottom of the recently potted Nephths n BG clones, they shure do love it here


Lava Surfer

Today im gonna upload a bunmch of macros and candy shots, hope you all will enjoy and as much as me!


Lava Surfer

I had expected a little more reactions on the above pix's LOL


And see what I got from a Online friend, Sweet tooth #3 clones and they are looking good. They have been in the cubes a few days now, they are looking fine and had survived the trip fine. They are isolated in a box in the house, as they might carry some thrips with em. Spinosad solution have been misted on them, so if there is any thrips they are gonna die :violin:

Thanx mate (you know who you are) the swt#3 buds are very nice smoke, enjoying the flavor and high a lot!


I think everyone was a bit speechless after that set of pictures. :wink:

I love the colors you pulled off of the Algerian. How cool do you let it get to pull that off?

-Q :rasta:

Lava Surfer

It's getting cold and my night temps are getting critical low, the temp drops down to 14-15 C degrees in the rooms at night.

After this grow im gonna do a little modding and make air circulation between the two rooms, but as the room is insulated with styrofoam, im not gonna cut anything untill the room is empty. Don't wanna have all my plants coverd in small white styrofoam balls, so im gonna let them ride out the cold and see where it will take them.


colder temps at night should force trich production into high gear.
try not to get below 70ish F, as it will slow growth.

Lava Surfer

Thank you Able Mind nice to see you here and welcome to Pandoras box, hope you will enjoy the show !

Hi Sagaseed man good to see ya again brother from another mother, how is everything hanging? I'v got a whole bunch of clones for you if u got that addy worked out yet, they will soon not be able to fit in the box anymore.... okay .......j/k

It's crazy how late some of them are flowering, on the other hand there is some of the phenos that look really awsome!

Howdy Cellardweller ...... man that AVT just cracks me up every time I read a post of yours, reminds me of when u where little and where "scared" of going down the cellar. Imagin falling into a scary cellar, that got to suck major as falling down a staircase ain't bad enought :rasta:

I can't do much about the cold as it is for the moment, it will require work in the rooms I can't doo when they are full of plants. But aslong the temp swing is with in 10 C degrees, it's not gonna be that big a problem. Shure it will effect the plants, but it seems like my huge reserviors are keeping the water temps stabil. So the waterings are still around 19 C degrees, keeping the root zone a little "warmer"

Plants still look happy so it's all right for now, could be worse under thouse temps.


Lava Surfer


Okay the RH got me....... damn it!

U guessed right ... I found bud rot today!

I choped the plants and removed the rot and trimed them, they are now hang drying and I have moved 5 honeywell fans more into the room and located them around the nephthys. So now there should be plenty of air movement to prevent it from growing, the harvetst will start soon but id like to let it to go atleast till after the weekend!

Horror show! :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

Well shit happens, the only luck was it's 2 of the smallest plants. The bigger once don't look like they have any problems, there colas are also sticking up in free air and the others have been packed more inbetween the lot of them.

Nephthys - Soon to be harvested!



Active member
Man that's painful to watch :( You're lucky it hit the smallest colas - quite often it's the biggest and baddest ones that take the hits...
It probably means that you're right about the airflow - it might be some high humidity zones in your canopy. How is the RH in the room in general?

I'm wondering how big a part the spores play here, like:
A: Does a high concentration of spores lead to a higher risk of infection, even with adequate airflow/low humidity.
B: Will the small sporecount always present in air be enough to cause an infection as soon as humidity is too high.
Or perhaps somewhere inbetween those 2 extremes.

Lava Surfer

Id say unless u got HEPA filters on your room, there will allways be milions of mold spores in the air. It's either lag of air flow, too high RH or cos I fucked around the buds with my fingers a few days ago.

I don't know the RH atm my hygrometer broke down on me, should have brought a more expencive unit and not the cheapest I could find LOL, but I only got myself to thank for that right!

I feal the RH is okay, not too high and not low either. Id say mid range around 55%

Lava Surfer

Found 2 plants more with mold today, not as bad as the 2 I cut down yesterday but still a fist full of molded buds had to be cut away!

Im starting harvest even they might not be 100% finished id rather take whats there now then loose 1/3 to mold over the next week!

Again it was 2 smaller plants packed in between a few larger plants, so I have moved a fan more in under the system blowing air up under the canopy.

The bubblegum is still looking like a ½ finished jungle, there is a few plants thats looking good around now. The rest look like they need another 4 weeks atleast, but no signs of mold in the Bubblegum or the alegria clones in the room.

So I will Start harvesting the Nephthys, then take the alegria that looks like they are about done and then I'll look at the Bubblegums and deside what the hell im gonna do with em at that time.

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