Here is a few shots of the Alegria moms in flower, the first is looking better then the others. The other moms in flower have lost alot of color and turned yellow from over fert and not from useing up N, they have been flushe a little and they are peaking up a little. Not that it's gonna matter much this late in flower, they will still make some nice bud.
I got a few nice shots for you all, it's morning and I got alot to do today, but thats no reason to cheat anyone out of some nice morning bud p0rn.
Here is 2 frosty macro shots of the Nepthys, I need to pick up my tri pod from home to make some trichome porn and my macro lence will shure help alot too.
Good morning inPotItrust and all of you - LOL @ closeing the blod flow, id say dressing up like that u already lag blod flow thru your brain or something.
The newly potted clones form Nephthys and Bubblegum are really kicking in, with some nice growth and looking happy happy
Im sorry for the dark pictures, there are aprox 24 hours between the pictures are taken.
Nephthys 12/12 from seeds, they are fatting up nicely now and coverd in a tight layer of trichomes.
Bubblegum 12/12 from seed, some are flowering nice and budding good. Others on the other hand look like they are only just starting to flower, was not really in my plan that they where gonna take this long to finnish.
Update from the 2nd room 37 days into flower, this is all grown from clones and the BG and Nephthys are grown directly from seed in 12/12.
First a little root pictures, they are a bit dark from the nutrients don't let it fool you into thinking it's root rot or hot roots. It's simply my micro nutrients turning the color of the roots, they are fully functunal for nutrient uptake.
Thanx for the Rep++ much appreciated guys
Here is a bunch of shots of different Alegira singel cola clones, unfortunetly my noob mixed the clones around so I have little idea about what's what. I have a few thats marked with name, so I will be able to do a smoke test and scale the marked plants to see what collective of moms I should keep. I make a bunch of moms of each strain/pheno, so I have a chance to take the large numbers of clones needed.
I think thats it for today, you all have a nice day and I hope you all enjoy the show, now it's starting to get somewhere. Lot's of ladys and lot's of buds, what more can u ask for right?!?!?!
I took this last shot when I was doing my 2nd tour in the room, of the Nephthys and Bubblegum clones I got in reveg. This is not so dark as the 2 others, as I was under and not above the light takeing it.
First the Alegria clones in the room with, Nephthys and Bubblegum grown from seed. They are not that big, but the few buds there is are nice and super frosty. They are only getting side light, so it's not bad at all
The Bubblegum grown 12/12 from seed are a jungle, I already mentioned some are flowering nice and others are just starting. I took some pictures to show what I mean, took em this morning and they are like 67 days in 12/12.
Here is a few other BG's budding nicely
Jungle shots
It's a mess, there is gonna be a ton of popcorn and ½ done buds for hash. I don't really like it when my grow rooms end up looking like this, but it's a chance u got to take playing around hehehe.
The Nephthys on the other hand is looking NICE and they are budding way more even, there is a few thats behind the rest. But 90% of them are looking like they are finishing around the same time, the biggest difference is the budding and growth. Most of them have a nice Pineapple/Orange sent to them, very much like the Pine O mom I used. There is a few other phenos smelling different, im not able to tell what it is but it got to be from the GFB male used.
Last the clones in reveg from both BG and Nepthys, the BG are the 7 plants in the back row and Nephthys in the first 3 rows.
Wow....That is one hell of a control panel you have there. I wish I was more technically inclined so I appreciate it more. I've tried to read through that other thread, but I found myself drowning in all the tech info. Great work. Your ladies are lucky to have you taking care of them.
good job for the straight to 12/12 seeds, i plan to do the same next batch ,in organic soil as soon as our crossed-strain seeds will be ready ..........
I would not dream of calling it Yummybud, yummy is like Mmmmm and Ahhhhh and expresion for something delesious.
If I would change my strain name I would call it "Shirk Khamr" (god like intoxicant) But I think I will stick to "Nephthys" for this one and Shirk Khamr will proberly be used for my Affygum, but thats not something I know if im gonna continue working on. First I have to test the seeds, im aiming for the heavy indica cough lock and bigger yields from the sativa Bubblegum. I have no idea how the flavor will play out, both BG and afghani#1 is sweet n sugery in the flavor. Im shure it's gonna be something like a acid trip with willy wonka at the candy store!
Nephthys and Bubblegum clones in reveg, they are rocketing off in the coco I potted them in. Nice!
The Nephthys are doing well too, they get a little tighter every day and still looking good. Here is a bunch of pictures of different Nephthys plants, all grown from seeds in 12/12. There are 48 female Nephthys all from seeds and they are looking great, there is a few plants or 5 thats not worth writing home about.