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Pandora closes her amphora


Well-known member
Y ahora que hacemos con esas semillas? Esquejes, F2 o F1 con otras variedades? 😁
Ambas cosas. Yo es lo que haré con las que tenga, especialmente las Punto Rojo x Old Timers Haze que están escasísimas en el mundo canabico nuestro. Saludos, Salva!


Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
Punto Rojo de Cannabiogen duró poco en venta y no conozco de ningún banco que la tenga...Si algunos coleccionistas privados...

Tampoco conozco ningún banco que haya trabajado con ella ni a casi nadie. Aprovechad y conservad estas semillas.

La gente le da mas valor a lo que paga que a lo gratis, es así.

Pero conservarlas bien, de aquí unos años habrá personas pidiendo este tipo de semillas por aquí porque ya no están disponibles. Como siempre pasa....


New member
Hola a tod@s!!
Permitid que me presente. Soy hasshass y administro FSE aunque todos lo conocen como freespore.
Solo quiero dar las gracias a @PandoraSeedBank por haber confiado en nosotros para que sus semillas se distribuyan a todo aquel que las quiera.
Desde @PandoraSeedBank hemos recibido muchísimas semillas. Tranquilidad que habrá para que puedan pedir durante una buena temporada.
He leído que algunos pedirán de nuevo en Noviembre. Las solicitudes para Noviembre se abren el 28 de octubre. No lo dejéis para más tarde porque en Noviembre habrá dos semanas seguidas sin envíos.
Un abrazo a toda la comunidad y a todos los amigos de PandoraSeedBank.

PD: No soy asiduo del foro. Las consultas o solicitudes a nuestro email

Hello everyone!!
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm hasshass and I run FSE although everyone knows it as freespore.
I just want to thank @PandoraSeedBank for trusting us to distribute their seeds to everyone who wants them.
From @PandoraSeedBank we have received many seeds. There will be peace of mind so that they can ask for a long season.
I have read that some will order again in November. Applications for November open on October 28. Don't leave it for later because in November there will be two weeks in a row without shipments.
A hug to the entire community and all the friends of PandoraSeedBank

PS: I'm not a regular on the forum. Queries or requests to our email

- FSE Team -


Well-known member
Dubi, ha catalogado la OTH como suya¿? tiene la patente ¿?
Nadie tiene tal cosa. Honestamente, yo estoy cultivando la Panama Red (Cryptic Labs) x Old Timers Haze the Pandora y la Panama (Goddes) x Old Timers Haze y son plantas distintas. Lo normal sería dejar que la gente haga y venda lo que ha trabajado mediante procesos de selección que hacen que las variedades resultantes sean distintas, como evidentemente es el caso según lo que yo estoy viendo ak comparar ambas líneas.

Mr. T

Active member
Nadie tiene tal cosa. Honestamente, yo estoy cultivando la Panama Red (Cryptic Labs) x Old Timers Haze the Pandora y la Panama (Goddes) x Old Timers Haze y son plantas distintas. Lo normal sería dejar que la gente haga y venda lo que ha trabajado mediante procesos de selección que hacen que las variedades resultantes sean distintas, como evidentemente es el caso según lo que yo estoy viendo ak comparar ambas líneas.
mi pregunta era ironica, por si no habiais cogido el sarcasmo.

Cuando compro unas semillas, esas semillas son mias y puedo hacer las reproducciones que quiera.
Desde luego que esas semillas tienen que venir de un banco, el cual ha gastado tiempo y recursos en sacarlas/mantenerlas adelante. Pero yo al hacer esas semillas, estoy gastando tiempo y recursos tambien. Su trabajo acaba, cuando comienza el mio. No se si me explico.

Otra cosa es que dubi, ha hablado con el unico cliente que tenia Pandora. (o al menos eso he leido) y este le ha dejado de comprar.
Cuando se cierra una puerta, tienes que seguir buscando otra para abrir.


Well-known member
mi pregunta era ironica, por si no habiais cogido el sarcasmo.

Cuando compro unas semillas, esas semillas son mias y puedo hacer las reproducciones que quiera.
Desde luego que esas semillas tienen que venir de un banco, el cual ha gastado tiempo y recursos en sacarlas/mantenerlas adelante. Pero yo al hacer esas semillas, estoy gastando tiempo y recursos tambien. Su trabajo acaba, cuando comienza el mio. No se si me explico.

Otra cosa es que dubi, ha hablado con el unico cliente que tenia Pandora. (o al menos eso he leido) y este le ha dejado de comprar.
Cuando se cierra una puerta, tienes que seguir buscando otra para abrir.
Sé que era irónica, pero yo aproveché el gancho que me ofrecen las coincidencias de la vida para hablar sobre un asunto del que conozco por profesión y para dejar mi opinión como el que no quiere la cosa jajaja ... de acuerdo con lo de buscar que se abra otra puerta.

Aprovecho también para decir que las divergencias en ambas selecciones de padres me han dado a mí mismo ideas muy claras de por dónde yo llevaría mis líneas preferidas.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Anything produced post Charlie isn't worth buying. The final destroyer release was a 1 to 1 mating with poor reviews. Destroyer phenos differed greatly through it's 20+yrs of releases.
That was my experience. I got some of the last destroyer seeds from whoever it was that took over after Charlie, and while every one I grew looked just like the wheat pheno plants, everyone was weak as hell and not even close to worth the grow space/time. It was extremely disappointing and I probably won’t even crack the remaining pack I have.

One of the plants did make everyone incredibly stupid though.

Doctor Doob

Active member
Sounds like Dubi thought you used his OTH and slapped your name on it like you did with Sam's Ancestral Skunk.
If that's how you see it. How would it be no different when Dubi did it in the First place? Took someone else's work and slapped his name on it 😂
If he started with a male and female that's two different people that he "stole" their work..
It's like "AJ Sour D" 😂 😂 😂 😂
Who is AJ? And why is HIS sour d so bunk!? 🤣
A plant is a plant. You can sell clones or seeds if you want and others that don't have access can get their hands on it. But why try to claim it for more than anything else other than origin sake? Every breeder has to start somewhere and every plant is already somebody's work. Are we that hard up we have to fight for credit of something we never owned to begin with 🤓
But to cock block another person and basically take food off their families plate because you don't get your way just sounds kind of snitchy cry baby to me. What's next, he's going to call the cops if he sees someone else post beans with something he previously worked with and claim possession of stolen property?

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
If that's how you see it. How would it be no different when Dubi did it in the First place? Took someone else's work and slapped his name on it 😂
If he started with a male and female that's two different people that he "stole" their work..
It's like "AJ Sour D" 😂 😂 😂 😂
Who is AJ? And why is HIS sour d so bunk!? 🤣
A plant is a plant. You can sell clones or seeds if you want and others that don't have access can get their hands on it. But why try to claim it for more than anything else other than origin sake? Every breeder has to start somewhere and every plant is already somebody's work. Are we that hard up we have to fight for credit of something we never owned to begin with 🤓
But to cock block another person and basically take food off their families plate because you don't get your way just sounds kind of snitchy cry baby to me. What's next, he's going to call the cops if he sees someone else post beans with something he previously worked with and claim possession of stolen property?
The stand-up way to go about it is give credit to those who came before us.

Take that skunk and make a cross. Do something to make it your work. Just taking someone else's work and slapping your name on it is lame. How hard is it to buy seeds and make more seeds and sell them? At least do some work. To each their own though, I didn't say it's wrong (although my belief is that it is), I just said it's lame.


Well-known member
The stand-up way to go about it is give credit to those who came before us.

Take that skunk and make a cross. Do something to make it your work. Just taking someone else's work and slapping your name on it is lame. How hard is it to buy seeds and make more seeds and sell them? At least do some work. To each their own though, I didn't say it's wrong (although my belief is that it is), I just said it's lame.
This is not what happened in this case. I am growing both Hebe and Hera and they are significantly different to Ace's Panama Haze. For starters, Hebe does not even use the same Panama, but Cryptic Lab's version, which is much longer flowering while Ace's version uses the Panama Goddess, making Pandora's very NLD and Long Flowering and the latter a Haze hybrid type in looks (NLD structure with flowering that indicates non NLD lineage in selection, which is what Ace's Panama includes within its diversity). Suffice to say that the Hebe has only begun flowering, while Ace's Panama Haze has been flowering for 4 weeks already. Hera, on the other hand, has only begun flowering too, but it has a sturdier structure than the lanky and long flowering type of the Hebe, even if it will probably take as long as the Hebe. Also, I suspect the selection from Pandora regarding the Old Timer's Haze is wilder and more landracey, if not, the Hera would have behaved more similar to Ace's Panama Haze and I hardly doubt it is a Cannabiogen Panama influence (Hera is Cannabiogen Panama [older version than Ace], but a diverging selection of both parentals.

So, yes, not only are the Panamas different from Ace's, but also the Old Timer's Haze selection differs completely. Hardly the same plants, a different selection was evidently done on the plants that share ancestry, and half of the parents are not even Ace's.
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Not ICMag Donor
This is not what happened in this case. I am growing both Hebe and Hera and they are significantly different to Ace's Panama Haze. For starters, Hebe does not even use the same Panama, but Cryptic Lab's version, which is much longer flowering while Ace's version uses the Panama Goddess, making Pandora's very NLD and Long Flowering and the latter a Haze hybrid type in looks (NLD structure with flowering that indicates non NLD lineage in selection, which is what Ace's Panama includes within its diversity. Suffice to say that the Hebe has only begun flowering, while Ace's Panama Haze has been flowering for 4 weeks already. Hera, on the other hand, has only begin flowering too, but it has a sturdier structure than the lanky and long flowering type of the Hebe, even if it will take as long as the Hebe. Also, I suspect the selection from Pandora regarding the Old Timer's Haze is wilder and more landrace, if not, the Hera would have behaved more similar to Ace's Panama Haze and I hardly doubt it is a Cannabiogen Panama influence (Hera is Cannabiogen Panama [older version than Ace], but a diverging selection of both parentals.

So, yes, not only are the Panamas different from Ace's, but also the Old Timer's Haze selection differs completely. Hardly the same plants, a different selection was evidently done on the plants that share ancestry, and half of the parents are not even Ace's.
How many plants of each strain are you growing?


Well-known member
How many plants of each strain are you growing?
Two Hera and Two Hebe (one Hera male was culled) and one Ace Panama Haze. However, the pattern will repeat itself since there are different parentals and the one line that is shared has been selected towards the longer flowering and wilder expressions, which can be ascertained by the drastically different flowering of the plants (Ace's plants are selected for shorter flowerings and higher yields, barring the pure landraces like the Thais).

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