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Panama reg’s go micro


Well-known member
The Panamas still are not showing sex, and I’m getting impatient so I took one small clipping from each plant and put them in water. Im going to put them in the flower cabinet until they show sex so I know what I’ve got.

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ACE Seeds Breeder
That's a good idea OZZ, although you may also can switch the mothers to 12/12 ,
as they are already probably enough mature to show their sex and you certainly don't have much more space to let them grow more.


Well-known member
That's a good idea OZZ, although you may also can switch the mothers to 12/12 ,
as they are already probably enough mature to show their sex and you certainly don't have much more space to let them grow more.

Hi Dubi,

Thanks for chiming in! I was in Miami all weekend and when I got back they had grown a ton. One is officially showing sex and is a female. The others look like they will be showing very soon so I trained them down again.


Well-known member
We have had a busy month as now this weekend I was in Cincinnati all weekend, and when I returned, the Panamas had blown up. They are really loving their blumats and regular moisture with RO water and 1 tsp/gal cal mag. Tomorrow I’ll need to get them all out, do some trimming and more training... and I’ll try to get pics up of them all and get them labeled. Maybe you all can help me identify sex on them as I’m not that great at identifying sex early until they are throwing the obvious signature two hairs.... which one of them is at this point




Well-known member
Alright! So my tester plant is chopped, jarred and curing and the flower cabinet is officially ready for more action.

Last night I pulled out all six Panamas and inspected them closely. It looks like I have exactly three males and three females.

My favorite plant of them all... the larger, vigorous sharp lemony beast with red strips up the stems and red leaf stems looks to be a big male. An absolute monster compared to the others, I’m in love with him. I’m assuming he’s a red pheno due to all the coloration he has. Very loud lemony smell and very oily stem too.

The other two males show no red. They are totally green but are sticky as well.

All three females seem to be pretty similar, two completely green looking and one with just a weee bit of red on a few of the newer shoots.

In an attempt to keep them low in my tiny veg cabinet I can honestly say what a hardy strain. I have literally beaten these guys up. Bent them, broke them, tied them down every which way and they just keep pumping up the fracture points on their stems and shrugging it off. What a tolerant.... tough strain.

Here’s the “red” male with stripes up his stem and red leaf stems:


Check out some of this bondage and torture I’ve put them through. They just keep chugging right along. They just build up their stems thicker and tougher without complaining one bit:



... and look at this craziness.... I thought left plenty of slack when I tied them down, but apparently this one cinched the string up tight from pulling on it as it was trying to grow against it. It’s about to decapitate itself. My bad I should have really paid more attention I had no idea this was happening underneath the canopy. I’ve since cut him lose.


The females are in much better shape as they are shorter and smaller overall.
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Well-known member
So I’ve been back and forth about a hundred times trying to decide what direction I wanted to take this grow. I’ve read the Panama thread from start to finish about four times now and finally I put some thought into what I want out of this grow and this strain overall.

I have three females and three males. I also have a breeders pack separating the best phenos into fem seeds. The green goddess, a different lemony/incense green line and the pink/red lines.

So instead of reinventing the wheel, I’m just going to piggy back off the hardwork of Dubi and the ACE crew and pop a fem seed from the breeders pack. Since I have such a nice red pheno male (or what I believe to be a red pheno male) I’m going to go ahead and try my hand at finding a nice, modern day “Panama Red”. I’ll collect pollen from all three males and dust a few lower branches for future seeds too.

I’ve got plans for the green goddess, but she will have to wait patiently in cold storage until it’s her turn.

Officially I’m on the hunt for the Panama Red of back in the day .... with modern refinements.

Throwing one down into paper towels tonight, then I’ll put it in soil and dial down a Blumat to keep her moist until I get back from my trip to Chile. Hopefully when I return I’ll have a two week old red pheno panama ready for transplant into the flower cab :dance013:

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Well-known member
Nice plants there OZZ, love the cabinets, very stylish and stealth factor 5.

Thanks buddy! All good in the hood.... I’ve got a game plan now for these panamas and should have all my ducks in a row to put on a show (micro style).:tiphat:


Well-known member

The three males in the back got their tight strings removed and got haircuts. Also, I put a Panama fem red pheno seed from the breeders pack into wet paper towels and I *cough cough*..... trashed the three females. Really hurt to do that to such nice potential but the fem from the breeders pack comes from the latest and best genetics according to Dubi and I trust his selection process better than my own. Besides, I can only run one plant anyway so I really can’t pheno hunt.

As a safety measure, I took a clone off the best female and also took a clone off that big red male. If the seed doesn’t make it while I’m gone on vacation, I’ll hopefully have the rooted clone to run in it’s place.


When I return from Chile in two weeks, hopefully I’ll have a nice little Panama fem two weeks from seed ready to go :biggrin:


Well-known member
Looking good. Sounds like a good plan with your limited space.

You’ll have to get yourself some of the green coated wire for training. I love the stuff and use it for everything. Pretty cheap too. I just get mine at the dollar store.
Enjoy your vacation!


Well-known member
Looking good. Sounds like a good plan with your limited space.

You’ll have to get yourself some of the green coated wire for training. I love the stuff and use it for everything. Pretty cheap too. I just get mine at the dollar store.
Enjoy your vacation!

Thanks MK .... we fly out Friday. My girl is from Chile, and most of her family are still there... so it’s the fourth time I’ve been there. Last time we hiked Patagonia, this time we are heading to the north to see the desert :woohoo:


Active member
:wave: Onboard with you here, now, Ozz.

Luv'n your lessons in Cannabis S&M. :yoinks:

Enjoy your trip! Look'n forward to photos from cab closure before, and opening after. That will be something!


Well-known member
:wave: Onboard with you here, now, Ozz.

Luv'n your lessons in Cannabis S&M. :yoinks:

Enjoy your trip! Look'n forward to photos from cab closure before, and opening after. That will be something!

Buzzbob .... great to see you! Yes it will be interesting to see what I come home to, we don’t arrive back until October 20th! :whee:

It’s a LONG time for these plants to be alone unattended, I full expect the males to be completely overgrown, but alive. The clones I do believe will root, especially since those burlamos are keeping the soil moist and Panama supposedly is an easy closer. As for the fem red pheno seed... I’m guessing it will be just fine too.... in the event all goes south, I’ll simply pop another fem seed when I get back, and I still have 7 more regular Panama seeds so I could pop those to find males for seed production.

Either way.... the show will go on :headbange:


Well-known member
Whats up everyone!? I just got back from my two week vacation in Chile. We hit the Atacama Desert and spent some quality time with my girls familia. The night before we were scheduled to leave a riot broke out in Santiago. People lighting fires in the streets, police raids shooting tear gas and all, they burned down a government building and set the metro train on Fire. We got caught downtown right in the middle of it our Uber driver was driving on the sidewalks because traffic was gridlocked. Finally we had to walk about a mile right through the craziness before reaching my girls aunts house safely. Crazy stuff and I’ve got some insane footage. The president declared a national Emergency. What a way to end a trip, they shut down outgoing flights at 10pm and our flight departed at 9:10pm. Talk about cutting it close! HA!

Anyway I came home and the three males I kept had completely drained the blumat res but are doing fine with another trimming. The two clones did not take at all, but the feminized “red/pink pheno” seed from the Panama breeders pack sprouted!

The blumats kept the seedling too wet so she’s a little flimsy, but I topped her off with some fresh dry soil and put her right into the flower chamber on a veg light cycle of 20/4 so the panama show has officially started!


She’s a little waterlogged and light green from being too wet, but now that I’ve put her under stronger light, with better airflow.... I’ll let her dry out well and I’m sure she will push right on through. I’ll veg her out for a week or two in this one liter pot, then transplant her into her final two gallon container a week before flipping her to 12/12. I’m thinking three weeks veg time from this point on to let her get established.

Let the games begin :dance013:




Well-known member
Coming along nicely, the discoloration in the leaves is from the overwatering while I was away but she’s growing through it nicely.

I’m not sure if I should scrog her down or just do some standard LST. I’m not sure how much stretch to expect, growing under these LEDs is very different the plants grow extremely compact and it seems to greatly reduce stretch. I topped her at the fourth node.





Well-known member
Things aren’t going so well, honestly I’d like to flip her now but I’m having serious yellowing issues. It looks like a cal/mag deficiency but I’m using RO water with 1 tsp cal/mag per gallon so I should be covered there. I thought it was lockout due to overwatering because I found these self watering pots with a reservoir tray at the bottom. The pots whick water up through legs on the bottom of the pot and theoretically you just keep the bottom filled.

Well I did that and the soil was too saturated for a young plant so I’m not sure if the yellowing is from being in overwatered soil or not. I never saw intense drooping really.

So I’m trying to let the soil dry out until I see her drop significantly. Also I top dressed with another tablespoon of lime to try to buffer ph issues, hoping I’ll see an improvement soon because she’s going to out grow the space if she stretches a lot, I need to flip her now.

Any help would be appreciated!!





Well-known member
Hey Pandy,

I flipped her a week ago today, the new growth seems to look better after top dressing with lime so I’m suspecting a ph issue with the soil but I won’t know until she grows out a bit more.

On that note I realized I’ve had the soil locked airtight in a cooler, and I’m wondering if that has caused some problems because it was moist. There’s no mold that I’m seeing, but I think that I read some where a long time ago that soil needs to breath or it causes problems, so I’m wondering if that might be the issue.

I’ll know for sure in another week if I’m home free or not. For now I just need to wait and see I suppose! I’ll get pics up soon.
