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Well-known member
everything goes well up to 3 to 4 weeks and then it starts to act up?

you just need to gain experience, by doing it over and over and over, and many more overs.
I still "mess up" a run here and there, but honestly that's just ego because the plants don't look as nice anymore.

I fertilized my last grow in this phase and it only got worse.
pH: 6.2
Tap water: EC 0.4

that's too little, just for the size alone I can tell

the soil is giving out now, the yellow is a starting nitrogen deficiency, but don't worry let them just eat the lower leafs. Now start feeding at constant EC of 1,2 at about 2-3-4 NPK ratio.
also pure tap water often messes with the soil availability, even when pHd
the small pot sizes usually need the same food EC as the soil EC, throughout.

they look a bit drought/over water cycled too, this you will just learn to avoid over time.
experimenting with pot sizes, watering techniques, blabla etc.

also adding exact flowering days to your posts, would really help the whole remote diagnosis thing...

early starving, but overall still looking great

whats your fertilizer gonna be?


Well-known member
Okay then I will fertilize very lightly
I usually use advanced nutrients grand master shedule with indicas and hybrids and have never had any problems except with these varieties.
but I also never fertilize fully with shema.
But I wanted to try something different here
Like greenhouse feeding longflowering
Greenhouse bio feeding
But with organic I can't water it, I have to work it into the soil

Npk is not 2-3-4 for both

I don't know the exact start because of the 12/12 scheme but I think she is now 21 days into flowering.

Thank you for your view and advice 🤗👌👍


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Well-known member
Npk is not 2-3-4 for both

doesn't have to be exactly that, I was just giving you a ratio of roughly 2:3:4
that's what the NPK numbers mean

But with organic I can't water it, I have to work it into the soil

have you looked at it already? whats the consistency like?

if you have to work it in, then just work some of it in.
called topdressing, if you need tutorials, just google that shit homie

stop worrying and use what you have
it's never going to be perfect anyway, remove yourself from doubt

I don't know the exact start because of the 12/12 scheme but I think she is now 21 days into flowering.

ah sorry, my bad !

indeed you were 12/12 from seed, I forgot
personally I never do just 12/12 so I always know the exact days

I would recommend reducing to 11/13 for flowering anyway, works better, better finish, less whisp.


Well-known member
No, I know how I have to work it in. I just thought that if I do too much here I'll totally mess up, which is actually more difficult with organic, but like you said i just have to do it instead of thinking too much. 😅
Will do it tomorrow 😬
The fertilizer looks like sand all well ground


Well-known member
you could even water that as a slush, it's quite well ground
when you pH your amount of tap water, you can add just teaspoons of that different stuff and stir

for working it in, just follow the instructions
but consider that it's very strong stuff, like that 0-30-27 bloom
so whatever dose it says on the bag, reduce by at least half

from experience, these kind of blends are very potent
use a teaspoon per gallon approach.

as I said before, you wanna keep feeding even throughout.
It's gonna be at least 10 more weeks of flowering, so everything you work into the soil has to be sufficient, but also be gone by the end. chose whisely!

slight topdressing and a bit of slushing should get you there, with your pot size
again teaspoons, not those scoops!

I just have a suspicion, since it's Greenhouse...


Well-known member
Ok I will weigh everything exactly on the scales and work it into the soil. I have to add the black powder to the water and water it once every 2 weeks.


Well-known member
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Everything was well explained and I found that there were decent things in the mix, I have no experience with organic ingredients but it was appealing to me.
Maybe a bit expensive but I got it as a gift.
Mixing it yourself is certainly much cheaper.
I would love to make my own soil with such organic ingredients, I find it all very interesting.
But unfortunately no space for storage and good composting of the soil before use.
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Well-known member
Sorry, I wanted to say that when I have mixed my soil it has to infuse for 2 to 3 weeks because it gets warm as the organic nutrients start to work.
If I have understood this correctly
Yes, I live in an apartment with a wife who is very particular about cleanliness.😅 I am rather chaotic if it was up to me everything would be full of plants I have to keep myself small because of the children and keep everything hidden I have a room in the cellar where I can do what I want but there is no more space otherwise I would buy a bigger tent and make the soil myself at least i would try it.


Well-known member
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Ok, I've done it now.
Everything nicely worked in
I have carefully taken only half 1.5 g per liter of soil, which should be enough for 8 weeks as it says on the package

I also poured the Bio enhancer 0.5 g per 1 liter of water
So now I'm just a spectator and can only watch what happens and water 😅
I'm curious to see if it works or if I've messed it up. 🫣


Well-known member
I seem to be doubly lucky with the smell this time because my Neville's Haze shows the first small trichomes with a church incense smell ☺️☺️ and the Panama also smells of incense, but differently. I just hope that she'll be better in a few days; the bio-fertilizer needs a bit of time to work. I'll take a few more photos of them tomorrow.


Well-known member
Here is my neville's Haze doesn't look so good anymore let's see what happens the next days.
From the smell it is exactly what I wanted until now
In the end of the month a few plants (Liberty Haze, blue Cheese) will be cut then I have more space in the tent

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Well-known member
Panama a5 Haze has got a few more yellow leaves. It takes a while for the organic fertilizer to take effect.
But has very nice colas from the smell also very promising after incense with leather, lemons not as sweet as the neville's Haze but very tasty.
I must not fuck it up.😅

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Well-known member
Everything seems to be going well until now. It was a bit too warm last week, but the plants are now back in the normal range and have not become more yellow since the fertilization, so it seems to have helped. I will water them again tomorrow with the bio enhancer.
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Active member
Looking good. I've found that it pays to do a little nutrient top dressing with each watering instead of a large amount all at once. Gives you a bit more feedback and leeway, you can react better to what the plant is doing. But it still takes a week or two for it to kick in.


Active member
Nice grow and super varieties. Hard to go wrong with dubi's stuff. Hearing many positive things about the gh biofeeding line and it seems really foolproof. Did you add it in the soil before transplant?
Which breeder's is the Neville haze?


Well-known member
@george7 @gedLang

So far, I can't complain about the product from Greenhouse. It has kept the plant healthy up to now. It's very easy to use, but let's see how it goes further. Is my first try with this product.

I have only topdressed; I did not work it into the substrate from the start.

ACE Seeds has nice big plants with a very good yield. For me, it also offers something different. I have a few other varieties that I will grow later(Super Panama Haze, Super Malawi Haze, Nepal Mist, Kali China). I am only on my second grow and have already found what I am looking for. The descriptions of the varieties are very good, which is not often the case with many companies. For me, you are 100 percent right.

The Neville's Haze is also from Greenhouse Seed Company. The seeds did not germinate well; out of 3, only 1 opened. However, it smells wonderful but has many different phenos, as I have seen from friends and other grow reports.
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Well-known member
It's definitely going better than my last grow. The Neville's Haze is acting up a bit here and there with a few yellow leaves, but it's still growing well. Next week, I need to water with the bio enhancer again. The plants smell delicious, it can only get better 🤗🤗

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